The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 155 The Guardian Lord Should Establish a More Appropriate Name!

Chapter 155 The Lord Guardian Should Establish a More Appropriate Title!

Song Yingkui was stunned by Han Yuhong's words.

Yes, criminal justice institutions are easy to set up, but what law should we use to decide cases?Based on the current situation of the Wuying Department, the laws of Xi Fan are definitely not acceptable, and the laws of Dazheng are not applicable in many places.Since taking control of the Fifth Battalion, some independent decrees have been issued, but these decrees are insignificant compared with the complicated laws, and cannot cover and replace the laws.

Why don't we set up our own legal system?As soon as he had this idea, Song Yingkui denied it himself.Just kidding, it's no wonder that I and the talents of Wuying Town can formulate a perfect law.We have to have a clear understanding of ourselves, and we can't be too beautiful.

What should I do?There is no way to rely on it, so how can we decide the case.It's just bullshit.

"Mayor Han, these days, how are your cases settled?" Since you, an old man, raised an unsolvable question, haven't you judged some cases?It won't be shelved directly, will it?
Han Yuhong saw that Song Yingkui had kicked the topic back to himself, and replied very embarrassedly: "I can't cut it off for a while, I can only discuss it with the people in the town office and the villagers, and I made a rough decision. .Some cases are still on hold, and will be adjudicated when the guardian comes back!"

This guy really put most of the cases on hold!I really have no responsibility at all.In the future, the judgment of the case should not all be handed over to oneself in the end, right?No, we have to find a way out.By the way, didn't Han Yuhong discuss and sentence some cases?This seems to be an idea?

In my memory, it seems that when a case is adjudicated in some countries, it is decided by a group of people through discussion. I even watched a movie about this before traveling through time.

Let's do it this way first. After having a direction, Song Yingkui's thoughts suddenly opened up, and he said, "Wuying and Yungu towns each choose [-] township sages to form a law council. When the case is resolved, the town mayor Four of the township sages from the Legislative Council will be selected together with the mayor to form a collegial panel to decide the case. Whether or not they agree with the pre-trial case of the patrol and punishment department and how to convict and settle the case will be decided by the mayor and the four townspeople! At that time, if there is something unclear, you can also consult the members of the Legislative Council in the town in advance to finalize the case.

Members of the collegial panel for case determination and members of the Judgment and Law Committee consulted by the Patrol and Punishment Department use the withdrawal system. Those who are related to the person involved in the case or are neighbors in the same village are not allowed to participate in the case.Members of the Legislative Council in the two towns are not allowed to hold other positions in the tutelary mansion and townships and villages. The tutelary mansion gives two silver coins to the members of the legitimacy council every year as a subsidy for their contributions to official affairs.

As for which law to follow, the collegial panel decides the case at its own discretion, and it can use whichever law it feels is more reasonable.Of course, if there are express regulations in the tutelary mansion, the law of the tutelary mansion must be followed.If the inspector feels that the punishment is inaccurate, you can appeal to the judge and the judge will personally decide. If the judge disagrees with the town's judgment, he will also reject the judgment and open a trial in person! "

You talked for a long time, what did you say?How do you feel like you're still a mess?The more Han Yuhong and the others listened to it, the more they felt that the solution proposed by Lord Guardian was a bit foolish.

"My lord, I'm afraid that a lot of inconsistent cases will be resolved in this way, which is not a safe way!" After thinking about it for a while, Han Yuhong still couldn't help expressing his disagreement.

"This matter is easy to handle! If the previous case has already been used as an example, the new case should be judged according to the previous case. If the collegiate panel finds that there is a problem with the previous case's judgment, it must call all the members of the law council in the town to decide the law together. Whether it is to overturn the previous case and retry, or to judge the new case based on the previous case. In addition, the case that the judge personally tried and adjudicated should be based on the words of the judge. Integrate and re-set the scale. When the Inspection and Punishment Department is handling a case, if it is found that the two township collegial courts have adopted different conviction and punishment standards in similar cases, they should immediately report to the town guard's office for verification. The verification is true, and the collegiate personnel involved in the trial will judge the crime! This officer also Case files will be randomly checked, and if such incidents are found, the patrol department and the judges will be held accountable together! For all the verdicts of the case, except for the one published on the list, the town office, the patrol department, and the town guard's office will each keep a copy , for verification and future reference!"

While talking, Song Yingkui found that his thoughts were clear.Legislation can be done step by step and accumulated slowly. Who said that everything has to be understood at the beginning?When there are more collegial cases, won't the basis and legal logic of the case come out naturally?What happened to the grass team?The grass-roots team also has a simple view of right and wrong and cognitive ability. When deciding a case, they piece together things and come up with their own method?
It seems that this is not the way to solve the problem?Especially for squires like Han Yuhong, wouldn't the squires' right to speak become more important if the case was decided in this way?Although, it is Song Zhenshou who has the final say, but hasn't it always been the one who has the final say since ancient times?It is very rare to be able to give the gentry a certain right to speak in the judgment of criminal cases. This is good governance!

Seeing that no one would raise any other opinions, Song Yingkui decided on the matter on the spot, and turned to discuss other topics: "This year is coming to an end, we have to discuss the important things to be done next year. The officials think there are still three things, road construction, flat fields and canal construction. The road from Shiping to Sanchakou will be widened next year and at the same time, the road surface will be paved with sand and gravel, so that it will not affect the business when it encounters rain. Shiping to Sanchakou In Wuying, the road from Sichuan to Wuying should also be paved with gravel, and road protection stations should be established to maintain and protect the road.

On the basis of the canals built this year, in addition to adding rock and mud canals in the coming year, we will also try to build some new canals to expand the number of paddy fields and stabilize farm income.The construction of terraced fields on hillsides will continue to advance steadily next year.The newly attached Yungu Mountains will also formulate a flat field plan, which will be promoted year by year.Ladies and gentlemen, if you have any good suggestions on these three things, you can mention them, and let's discuss them to prepare for the opening meeting next year. "

Song Yingkui has ideas for the general direction, but how to implement it needs to be discussed extensively before making a detailed outline.

Back to the first counselor's meeting in the Fifth Battalion, it was very solid. Until the evening, everyone was still discussing where to build new canals to increase the number of paddy fields in the Fifth Battalion next year.

Seeing that everyone was talking non-stop, Song Yingkui couldn't help but say: "Let's stop here first, let's discuss the unfinished business tomorrow."

"Guardian, I have something to say." Today's meeting was mainly about government affairs, and Yang Shun'an had no sense of participation. Just when the meeting was about to end, Old Yang opened his mouth.

"Deputy Commander Yang, can you tell me something?"

"That's how it is. Now that the Yungu mountain area is under the rule of the tutelary mansion, isn't it a little inappropriate for us to call ourselves the Wuying tutelary mansion? I think that for the sake of justice, the tutelary lord should establish a more suitable name, so that we can It is convenient to execute orders, and at the same time, it can also make the people under the rule have a sense of belonging, and everyone expects it."

(End of this chapter)

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