The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 161 It’s a bit overwhelming to rely on only one person to teach disciples!

Chapter 161 It’s a bit overwhelming to have only one person to teach the disciples!

The recruitment test for Jiyi Secretary is relatively simple, that is, putting a hundred or so people in the courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion and asking them to write two essays based on the topic, and then remove those with irregular handwriting, unclear sentences, and many typos first.

Just like this, there were less than 50 people left. It can be seen that among the people who came to sign up, there were not many with high basic quality.Immediately afterwards, Song Yingkui asked them to check a few math problems.The questions asked were basic mathematics application questions, and the result was that only about twenty people qualified.

After looking through the registration files of these twenty people, Song Yingkui selected three people who were originally from Yungu Mountain, two who are currently from Yungu Mountain, one from the Fifth Battalion and one purely foreigner. Secretary, let Jiang Yunnan pick out ten of the remaining people.As for those who have not yet been selected, they can only be sent back with two hundred coins as travel expenses.

Relatively speaking, Song Yingkui actually pays more attention to apprentice recruitment, which is the key to cultivating high-level technical personnel from scratch.Those who signed up to be apprentices were mainly people from the Fifth Battalion and Yungu, and the Fifth Battalion accounted for more than [-]% of them. Unlike when Jiyi Secretary was recruiting, there were not many candidates from the Fifth Battalion who met the requirements.

The apprenticeship recruitment test is divided into three parts: composition based on objects, drawing based on objects, and then a simple arithmetic test.More than half of the people who took the exam were illiterate. Obviously, they fully understood the connotation of the requirement of being literate among the recruitment requirements.It's best to be literate, but that means you can't be literate.

"Sir, can the illiterate dolls be sent back after they finish the essay on objects?" More than 300 people took the exam. The courtyard of the main palace of Shipingguan City could not accommodate it, so it was set up directly in the square of Guanli. .Seeing that there were so many people taking the exam, Song Yingxiao thought of eliminating some first to reduce the workload of invigilating the exam.

"Now that they are here, let them finish all three exams! Those who failed to write based on objects will have an additional test tomorrow to let them talk based on pictures. You and several other secretaries will find a way to free up space and collect more resources. Bedding, let these dolls live in Guanli at night, and the accompanying parents also settled in together. Instructed the army to cook more than 500 people in the evening, and take care of their meals. Wait for the exam tomorrow to talk according to the picture After the contest is over, let’s make a list together!”

Literacy or not is not very important in Song Yingkui's opinion. Since he has managed to gather so many people to choose from, it is best not to waste the time and provide them with situations where they can show their abilities as much as possible.

Song Yingkui carefully considered the three contents of the apprenticeship examination.The observation essay does not test their literacy level and expression ability, but their observation ability.The objects they looked at were brocade looms, woolen spinning wheels, woolen looms and Song Yingkui's earliest dough pressing machine.

When he saw the dough press, Song Yingkui couldn't help but shake his head. To this day, this thing is still a failed product that has not opened up the market.

Naturally, the object-based drawing test is based on the hands-on ability of the dolls. Most of the reference dolls have no foundation in drawing. For this reason, Song Yingkui specially arranged for someone to make charcoal sticks to facilitate their operation.Painting is one of the basic talents of human beings. Having no foundation does not mean that you can't draw anything. This content can be regarded as a purely talent test. It depends on how many people can draw something decent with zero foundation.A simple arithmetic test can be regarded as a basic intelligence level test. Even an illiterate child will be exposed to more or less arithmetic-related knowledge in daily life.It doesn't matter if you can't write, orally.

"Ying Xiao, you take two secretaries and a few guards to settle the children and parents who have finished the exam. The remaining secretaries will mark the papers with me. I will mainly read the pictures and the others will read the essays. Pick out the ones first. Twenty articles that you think are acceptable will be reviewed by me." After the day's test, Song Yingkui divided the work and reviewed the papers overnight to determine the candidates as soon as possible, striving to get a result on the matter the next day. , otherwise it would be troublesome for hundreds of people to gather at Shipingguan.

Looking through the hundreds of drawing papers collected, there are not too many that can be seen. Some of the literate ones can even write names, and some don't even have names.However, this situation can improve efficiency. After looking through it roughly, I picked out a dozen drawing papers that I could still look at.

A dozen pictures seems a bit too little, right?I flipped through it again and reluctantly selected ten more.Upon closer inspection, there are only fourteen pictures with names written on them, and the remaining pictures don't even have names. These dolls must be simply illiterate.Finding these dolls tomorrow will be a difficult task.

After reading the drawing paper, I turned around and saw that several secretaries were still reading the composition paper. They were a little too serious.Do you really treat this thing like a civil servant reviewing documents?
With nothing to do, Song Yingkui picked up the arithmetic test paper and read through it.The situation of the arithmetic paper was better than that of the drawing paper. After a review, forty papers were selected with acceptable scores.While the arithmetic paper was being graded, the secretaries were still finishing the composition paper.

"Bring the papers that you have determined to be useless to me and see if there are any gems that have slipped through the net. You can decide on [-] good ones as soon as possible." Disliked the poor work efficiency of the secretaries, Song Yingkui asked him to bring in the composition paper again. Read it yourself.

After struggling for most of the night, I finally selected the composition papers. Song Yingkui picked out ten papers and his secretary picked out twenty papers.Putting the three selected papers together in one place, those who are all on the list are naturally the apprentices who are definitely selected, and there are only nine of them!
"Tomorrow morning, you first find the people who drew these pictures without writing their names, and then conduct an oral arithmetic test on the illiterate dolls. The 30 people with the best answers will be kept. Then none of the content will be selected. Send away the children first, and I will choose the best among the remaining ones." In order to improve efficiency, Song Yingkui decided to send those who had no advantage first and send them home quickly.

At noon the next day, looking at the more than 50 people left in front of him, Song Yingkui simply didn't want to eliminate them, so he just kept these dolls and kept them with them for a while before looking at them.

"Ying Xiao, ask your seventh father to find a way to free up a house big enough for more than fifty children to live in. It will be used as a dormitory for my apprentices from now on. Then ask Uncle Xiucai and ask him to send two gentlemen over. Starting tomorrow, Let's start by teaching these children a month's literacy class!" Among the more than 50 young children, only about [-] have basic literacy skills. After all, they are also his apprentices, so they can't be illiterate, right?Song Yingkui decided to concentrate on literacy for these dolls first.After they have a certain learning foundation, they can then start to gradually train them in technology.

For them, it is not only necessary to train technical and hands-on abilities, but also to teach basic mathematical knowledge, mechanical and material science knowledge. In short, it is necessary to provide elite teaching that is rare in this era.It's just that it seems a bit inadequate to complete this work by myself. I have many other things to worry about, so I can't put all my energy into teaching my disciples!
(End of this chapter)

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