The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 171: Donate firearms to your high official!

Chapter 171: Donate firearms to your high official!

"Send a messenger to the Kurosawa Department quickly to deliver a message to Chief Bai. I will wait for her at Sanchakou and ask her to come to Sanchakou as soon as possible to meet me." Taking Didao is a big deal, and Bai Feiyan, an ally, must be involved. OK.After arranging the work of everyone in the system, Song Yingkui quickly sent someone to the Kurosawa Department to call Bai Feiyan over to meet and discuss matters.

Four days later, when Song Yingkui was waiting for Bai Feiyan at Sanchakou, Yang Shunan sent a quick horse to report an important military situation.The Western Fan army was defeated in Gongchang City, and the Beixiang army had entered Gongchang City.

Gongchang fell into the hands of Beixiang, and the situation became clear for the Yungu Army. Now they just wait for Bai Feiyan to come over and negotiate the cooperation between the two parties.

"Why did you come so slowly?" Bai Feiyan arrived in a hurry when it was dark, and Song Yingkui couldn't help but complain.

Bai Feiyan glared at Song Yingkui, waved her hand, and asked her subordinates to carry Song Zhaoping, who could not walk yet, into the tent, and said: "You heartless? I brought the baby with me all the way, didn't I just want you to be fooled?" Dad, when you see the baby, you still think I’m too slow to come.”

Song Yingkui glanced at his swarthy and fat son and said, "Take the baby out! You and I are not qualified to be affectionate as children now. We must discuss important matters quickly and resolve the crisis at hand."

"You invited me here, but to discuss the Beixiang people's occupation of Huizhou City?" Bai Feiyan ignored Song Yingkui's request to send his son out, picked up Song Zhaoping and talked to himself.

"Today's news, Beixiang has defeated Gongchang City! The situation is already quite critical. Your army needs to send more than [-] cavalry to help me. I am going to send troops to Didao, and then set up defenses in the Manwa and Huichuan areas to block Beixiang. Let’s expand the territory by the way.”

"Ask me to send troops to help you occupy territory? What benefits will you give us two?" After hearing Song Yingkui's words, Bai Feiyan was not surprised. Instead, she asked for benefits.

"I'll give you a fucking benefit. I blocked the Xiang people in Manwa, and all the Sunan tribes will be invincible. It's you who will benefit!" This woman could make people angry to death, and Song Yingkui was so angry that he uttered obscenities.

"Hmph! What you said is nice. In the end, it's you who gets the territory, okay? I tried so hard to send out troops and efforts, but I couldn't get anything. If I'm not mistaken, seizing Didao is just your first step, right? ? As long as you stabilize Didao, Taozhou and Hezhou will be at your fingertips, and you will take advantage of it. Give me Hezhou, and I will send troops to help you." The cunning Bai Feiyan ignored the rabbit and let go of the hawk. Zhang wanted to build the most fertile Hezhou area in this area.

"Do you think it's possible? Hezhou is a traditional land of Zheng, and you can't deal with it. So, if this goes well, how about I wait until I am free to help you become the true leader of the Sunan Grassland Alliance?" Tu Di Dao, isn’t it just to capture the two states of Tao River?How could it be possible to give Hezhou to Bai Feiyan!
"Screw you! What benefits does the leader of the Sunan Grassland have? What benefits can the grassland tribes have? Why should I be a bare leader!" Bai Feiyan obviously looked down upon being the leader of the Sunan Grassland.

"Your brain seems to be very smart, but it is actually a ball of mush. There is no oil and water in the Sunan grassland, that's because you don't know how to run it. Relying on the wool production alone, I can bring you popular food and drink. Yes. Follow me, and the people of Sunan tribes will never be as poor as before. For you, running Sunan grassland is far easier than running Hezhou.

Just say what have you done to the Hezhou and Taozhou areas in the past two years?If you continue to do this, within a few years, Hezhou and Taozhou will become the same as Sunan Grassland.It is wise to do what you are good at. "I really don't know how big a job I have. Hezhou and Taozhou are relatively prosperous because they are run by the Zheng people. Let the Banfanzi take care of it. In a few years, the dividends left by the Zheng people will be exhausted by them.

"You can talk a lot! Anyway, it's just one sentence. If you don't give me any benefits, I won't send troops. If you have the ability, you can do it alone." After wasting Song Yingkui's talk, Bai Feiyan still looked indifferent. look.

"I will set up a market at Sanchakou and build a big city! In the future, the income from Sancha Road will belong to your tribe. In addition, the Minzhou area can be regarded as the grassland land of your tribe, and it is up to you to take care of it!" Faced with the unreasonable Bai Feiyan, Song Yingkui Had to give in. "That's ridiculous! Although it's not as good as Hezhou, but for Ping'er's sake, I'm helping you! I'll send eight hundred cavalry to help you, isn't it generous enough?" Seeing Li, Bai Feiyan agreed with a smile on her face. About sending troops.

"Eight hundred cavalry? Can you send that many troops?"

"You're looking down on people, aren't you? Don't worry, I'll give you good soldiers!"

After negotiating with Bai Feiyan about borrowing troops, Song Yingkui asked her to quickly return to the tribe. Both parties agreed to lead the troops to meet at Sanchakou in five days.That night, Song Yingkui rode a fast horse back to Shipingguan.

Gongchang City has been occupied by the Xiang people, and the Yungu army must take action as soon as possible to avoid delaying the war opportunity.

After returning to Shiping, Song Yingkui immediately made military deployment. Yang Shunan wanted to lead two hundred cavalry to Manwa in advance along the Niutou Valley and control Manwa Pass first.The main force will also move to the Sanchakou area. After the Kurosawa cavalry comes to join them, they will take Didao County in one fell swoop.At the same time, we have to start planning for the frontline fortification of Manwa Huichuan.

Just as everyone was busy preparing to send troops to Didao, the garrison on the other side of the river sent someone to announce the news. A dozen cavalrymen dressed as Xiang men arrived at the mouth of the Yanchuan gorge, saying that they wanted to meet with the commander of the fifth battalion to discuss important matters. .

It's a bit surprising that Xiang Ren moves so fast.No matter what the idea of ​​Mr. Xiang coming over this time was, it was still necessary to meet him.Song Yingkui sent people along the river to pick up the Xiang people's envoys at Shiping. Song Yingkui wanted to find out their background.

After a dozen Xiang people arrived at Shiping Pass, they were very arrogant. As soon as they entered the city, they said in Zheng dialect to Song Yingkui who greeted him at the door: "Military Commander of the Fifth Battalion, I am leading our country's general to conquer the west." Junzhi has come, why don’t you kneel down quickly to receive me?”

Kneeling to receive?I kneel down on you big-headed ghost!Are you the green one?Song Yingkui glanced at the speaking envoy like a fool, and said, "What does your Marshal Zhengxi do? What does it have to do with me?"

"Hey! You are a little military leader, but you are not a sensible person. Huh! I won't waste any time talking to you. My generalissimo has an order to make you donate your firearms, and then he will make you a high official. Don't If you are ignorant, you will try to use firearms to show off your evil, and you will do anything like a mantis's arm. To tell you the truth, in front of my great cavalry, you can easily wipe out your little army. The huge Zheng State is not even one of my great items. The enemy of Hehe, let alone a small place like yours." Xiang Shi was angered by Song Yingkui's attitude, and he made a naked threat when he spoke.

"Cavalry? Let me tell you, Grand Marshal, that what Grandpa Song is not afraid of the most is cavalry. If you have the guts, come and show me one hundred thousand cavalry. I will also let you see what it means to be truly wiped out! If it is less than one hundred thousand, I I advise you not to come, lest the scene is too small and you will be turned into ashes before you have time to see it. You dare to call yourself an iron cavalry by relying on a broken cavalry. You are really not afraid of being laughed at. Get out of here with your people! I don’t have time to care. You ignorant savage."

The words of the Xiang people's envoy made Song Yingkui a little angry, but the reason why he spoke so loudly was not entirely out of anger. He wanted to use cruel words to completely anger the Xiang people's envoy. It would be best if he could get it immediately after returning. The effect of inciting Commander Xiang Jun to send troops to attack the fifth battalion!

(End of this chapter)

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