The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 179 How to use the beacon tower to send more information during the day?

Chapter 179 How to use the beacon tower to send more information during the day?

Xiang Jun's attack on Wazhou didn't seem to be going smoothly. More than a month has passed and the battle lines are still in a stalemate.

If progress is not smooth, the people will be injured.Xiang Jun also did not have the habit of deploying military resources from the rear on a large scale. A large amount of consumption required new methods to occupy areas.The so-called method is no different from robbery. Xiang Jun's grain search team appeared in various villages in the newly occupied areas. In addition to robbing the people's small grain reserves, they also robbed people.A lot of logistics work is done by signing soldiers.It is euphemistically called stabbing people into soldiers.

The people were forced to have no choice but to start a new round of escape.This is the source of the influx of refugees from Wuying Didao and other places.According to their method of reorganization, Xisu Abandoned Land, which was already severely attrited, will probably be reorganized to the point where nine out of ten rooms will be empty.However, it seems that it is a good thing for the Yungu Army, which is short of personnel?If this kind of thing didn't happen, how could the people think about leaving their homes?
Can the influx of refugees just fill the gap in labor shortage caused by factory expansion?Song Yingkui was about to agree to his second uncle's offer to recruit workers in the factory, when suddenly he had a clever idea.That's not right. There are abandoned fields everywhere in Didao. Why didn't Second Uncle think of letting the refugees re-cultivate the land?

"Uncle, aren't there a lot of empty fields here in Didao due to the war? Why don't you arrange for the refugees to open fields first?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yunjin quickly said: "The abandoned fields in Didao are all owned by owners, how can they be distributed to the refugees casually?"

Does the abandoned field have an owner?Where is their master?Song Yingkui said very puzzledly: "If the fields are abandoned, why should the master's family come from there? If there is a master's family, it is not just about abandoning the fields."

"Kuiwa, your idea is wrong. Although some families who abandoned their fields may have disappeared. But some families have moved to other places. Although their fields have been temporarily abandoned, the land deeds are still in their hands. We will The fields are given to the refugees to farm. What will happen when our master comes to visit us after we settle down?" Jiang Yunjin understood what he said personally.For example, the Jiang family, this time Xiaoguanzhuang fell under the rule of Yun Gujun, so his family's land in Xiaoguanzhuang can be cultivated again!

Sure enough, different classes have different starting points for thinking about problems. At this time, the second uncle was still thinking of leaving land for the landlords who had fled and waited for them to come back.

"This is definitely not possible! All uncultivated wasteland within the territory is considered ownerless land. After the government sends people to conduct an inventory, all of it will be distributed to the refugees. The principle of granting land is that no more than ten people belong to a household. If someone is in the military For service, each person can be granted five acres of paddy field or ten acres of dry land. Those who serve in military factories can be granted three acres of paddy field or six acres of dry land. The remaining refugees can be granted two acres of paddy field or four acres of dry land. Priority will be given to military personnel when granting land! The land granted will be taxed starting next year!" The second uncle wanted to protect his own class interests, and Song Yingkui was not used to it.Some people have land, and if they don't quickly allocate it to others to grow food, they'll have to wait for nothing.

"City Lord, I'm afraid this won't work? Don't say that the master's family will ask us for land in the future. How to define cultivated land and wasteland? There are many families with wasteland under our rule." Jiang Yunjin heard that Song Yingkui He was anxious to make arrangements immediately. In his opinion, such a policy was absolutely nonsense.

"The boundaries are based on taxes. Those who have paid taxes this year are not considered barren fields, and those who have not paid taxes this year are considered barren fields." Is it so difficult to define barren fields and non-wild fields?Song Yingkui was speechless about his second uncle's concerns. "But some fields are not taxed at all! What should you do if you encounter a tax-free land?" In Dazheng, the land of famous families is exempt from agricultural tax. Like the Jiang family's land in Xiaoguanzhuang, most of them are exempt from agricultural tax. Without having to pay taxes, wouldn't their fields become deserted if they were defined by whether they paid taxes or not?
"There is no tax-free land under the rule of Yun Gujun! Everyone pays taxes as one!" We know this question well. As soon as the second uncle asked the question, Song Yingkui rushed to answer it.Those who have read time-travel novels will not care about policies such as preferential treatment for scholars.

"Kuiwa, isn't this okay? Preferential treatment for those with merit and fame is the foundation of governance. If everyone pays taxes, who will study and contribute? Then there will be no gentry available in the countryside." Why is this kid so stupid?Jiang Yunjin was so affected by such a radical policy that she began to call Song Yingkui by his nickname.

"Preferential treatment for meritorious service has to be compensated by other policies, and it cannot be compensated by exempting agricultural taxes. The foundation of governance lies with all the people, not a few so-called gentry. In Dazheng, where the people are large but the country is not strong, it is inevitable to treat the people harshly and treat the gentry favorably. It's too much. Most of those who went to the battlefield to kill the enemy were ordinary people, right? The one who received preferential treatment sent his nephew to the front line to serve the country?" Song Yingkui had plenty of reasons and rhetoric to attack the representative landlords like his second uncle.

"But you can't govern without scholars, right? It's not easy to support a scholar. If there is no tax exemption policy and preferential treatment, there will be no scholars among the people."

Song Yingkui wanted to laugh when he saw his second uncle arrogantly stating this high-sounding reason for tax exemption. Can this ridiculous reason hold up? "Using tax exemptions to educate scholars is a lazy move by the government, and the consequences will be much greater than the gains. Rather than being so troublesome, it would be better for the government to directly organize free official education. The policy of paying taxes as one is what makes Yungu different from others. One of Dazheng’s fundamental policies is that I, Yungu, will not follow Dazheng’s old path. This policy will be implemented as I say and we will see the effects!”

Without giving the second uncle a chance to continue to refute, Song Yingkui decided the tone of the argument arbitrarily.Compared to other more important things, this is not a big deal.

With the influx of over [-] immigrants, the previously reduced conscription plan can be restored to its original size.We should have the resources to build three more garrison brigades.

The most urgent thing at the moment is to deploy a garrison brigade between the official camp and the fifth battalion. Otherwise, the defensive loopholes in this line are too large, and Xiang Jun can easily cut off the connection between the two places.In addition, we have to find ways to improve the communication efficiency within the system. If we only rely on fast horses to communicate, it is easy to lose the opportunity when encountering an emergency military situation.

It would be great if there was an instant messaging tool like a phone, but unfortunately this thing is impossible to have.With the current technological conditions, the only conceivable method is the old method that has been used for thousands of years, beacon communication.It seems necessary to build a circle of beacon towers between Guanying, Wuying, Yungu, Sanchakou, Taoyang and Manwa to improve the efficiency of handling emergency affairs within the system.

It seems that Fenghuo Communication can also be appropriately improved so that more information can be couriered.For example, get some fireworks of different colors so that you can set off fireworks at night to convey some emergency military information.But, what should I do if I have an emergency during the day?Can you think of a way to use beacon towers to convey military information during the day?The information transmitted by Wolf Smoke is very limited!
(End of this chapter)

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