The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 181 A weird weapon thought of from fireworks!

Chapter 181 A weird weapon thought of from fireworks!

"The Xiang Army who occupied Wazhou will never give up. Our Yungu Army will definitely become a thorn in their side. So from now on, we must be very energetic to deal with this crisis, and all matters must be taken seriously. The priority is to challenge Xiang Jun.

But having said that, in every crisis, there is always an opportunity. As long as we can survive this crisis safely, even if our Yungu Army has truly gained a foothold, not many will dare to cause trouble for us in the future. "After learning that Beixiang had defeated Wazhou, Song Yingkui quickly sent an order to summon all senior officials in the system to Shiping for a mobilization briefing to unify their thoughts and prepare for the enemy.

Indeed, as long as Xiang Jun is held back this time, the Yungu Army's living space will be much easier.Two of the three strongest giants in the region are helpless against the Yungu Army. Wouldn't the environment for making mistakes be much more relaxed?There will be very few powerful forces!
The specific military arrangements have actually been basically arranged before, and the briefing that day mainly emphasized ideology.After encountering two major wars in a short period of time, both the people and the officers and soldiers will be mentally exhausted, and mentality improvement cannot be underestimated.

"After the meeting, both generals and officials must convey the importance of this battle to our Yungu Army. We must make all soldiers and civilians aware of the severe situation and at the same time know that stable days are coming soon. We must go up and down Just work together to get through this crisis!" Before time travel, Song Yingkui's most annoying thing was talking about these things during meetings, but now, he likes to do this kind of thing more and more.The butt determines thinking. Judging from the current position, it is indeed necessary to engage in metaphysical ideological construction.

After the mobilization briefing, Song Yingkui came to the chemical experimental group in Shiping.Experiments on boiling salt have made great progress, and now the daily sales can reach four to five hundred kilograms.As far as the current situation is concerned, this output is enough!Of course, the biggest gain is that after several months of testing and competition, the process of boiling nitrate has matured. Based on this, a special nitrate boiling plant can be established to free up the chemical experimental group to do other more technical work.

"Everyone has contributed a lot to the development of boiled salt, but the two groups led by Liu Yanbin and Mao Zhongming have made greater contributions. Based on your performance, all participants will be awarded four silver dollars each, which will be counted as second-class merit. . The two groups led by Liu Yanbin and Mao Zhongming were rewarded with four silver coins and a first-class merit award.

In the future, a special factory for saltpeter preparation will be established. In addition to the craftsmen who participated in this development, some workers will be added. Liu Yanbin will be appointed as the director of the saltpeter boiling factory and Mao Zhongming will be appointed as the deputy director. They will lead the entire factory workers to specialize in this matter.While Liu Yanbin was the director of the Nitrate Factory, he was also appointed as the deputy director of the General Ordnance Factory as a reward!As for the other apprentices in the chemical engineering class, please put your mind back, I have other important matters to arrange for you. "Any merit should be rewarded. Two students who had only been apprentices for more than half a year were directly appointed by Song Yingkui to be the directors of the salt-making factory!
After everyone digested the good news, Song Yingkui said to Liu Yanbin and Mao Zhongming: "After becoming the director of the factory, you must pay attention to the work of the salt boiling factory, but you must not slack off in studies and experiments. Remember that you are still my apprentices. You have not yet become an apprentice in your studies. You should always contact your classmates to understand the progress of your studies. Of course, other classmates also have tasks to help you keep up with your studies. Also, the process of extracting saltpeter needs to be further improved in the factory. Perfect, don’t be satisfied with the status quo, I will always pay attention to your work!”

After a few words of encouragement, Song Yingkui took the remaining chemical engineering class apprentices to his office in Shipingguan to explain to them the next development work that needed to be carried out.

What to do next?Of course, we have to develop fireworks.Song Yingkui roughly knows how the colors of fireworks are produced. It is that different metals and metal compounds emit different colors of light through flame color reactions.But Song Yingkui didn't know exactly what metals and metal compounds would emit what kind of light.This requires a lot of testing, not only to test out the specific corresponding colors, but also to test out the optimal ratio.

At the same time, the launch device and launch method of fireworks must also be completed through experiments.Using fireworks to convey signals, in addition to color, can also make a fuss through shape, which requires a lot of experiments to accumulate.

Of course, spending so much energy on developing fireworks was not just for the sake of making fireworks. Song Yingkui’s idea was to let the apprentices in the chemical engineering team use the development of fireworks to conduct chemical experiments and lay the foundation for the future chemical industry.

For two days in a row, Song Yingkui devoted his energy to teaching the apprentices how to make fireworks. While he was talking, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind!
The inspiration was not for fireworks but for a firearm, a weapon that may have never been seen before.A common style of civilian fireworks in later generations is that several rows of paper tubes are connected together and set off in clusters. In some places, they are called mound cannons, just like continuous rocket launchers.According to this idea, can we get an iron cannon that is connected together and fired side by side?

When making this thing, we don't care about its accuracy, nor its range and intensity. What we mainly care about is the rate of fire and firepower coverage area.The Tiedunzi cannon can also be a little more advanced than the civilian Dunzi cannon of later generations. It can adjust the shooting angle to form a fan-shaped fire coverage network.Of course, considering the issue of recoil, the range and power should not be too large, otherwise it will be easily knocked down.As for the iron barrel, we only need to consider the strength. Casting is also acceptable. We have already made this kind of thing but we still pursue the sophistication of wool.

This thing can only be used as a short-range firearm, and it must have many shortcomings, but it can reduce ten points with one force. As long as the output is strong enough and the coverage is large enough, the task will be completed.On the battlefield, it is a disposable weapon, mainly used at critical moments.

In addition to direct-fire solid bullets, we can even consider making explosive bullets.Previously, Song Yingkui did not dare to use the idea of ​​exploding bombs because he was concerned about the risk of exploding the barrel.At this time, he thought about how to insulate propellants and explosive bombs from making fireworks.The insulating material used in fireworks is soil, and the explosive bombs can also be insulated with soil to prevent them from exploding.

With this idea, mortars can be made!If the mortar does not pursue range, the barrel pressure requirements will be low, and the accuracy requirements of the artillery shells will also be low. If it is successfully developed, the relatively bulky bed ballistae can be eliminated.A small mortar can be operated by two or three people. When moving, it can be designed to be broken down so that a single soldier can carry it and run. It will definitely make combat more convenient.It can be equipped by an infantry brigade or even an infantry squadron. Once it is made, it will definitely improve the combat effectiveness of the army to a great extent.

We still need to do more research and development work. You see, if it is developed by a small firework, doesn't it lead to a lot of tried-and-tested weapon improvement technologies?
(End of this chapter)

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