The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 207 Tianshun Foreign Trade Company

Chapter 207 Tianshun Foreign Trade Company

It's not too late to make amends.Now that we realize the seriousness of the problem, we have to find ways to make up for it.

A breeding farm of about [-] acres will be built in Wuying, Manwa, Yungu, Taozhou and Hezhou each.Specializing in the cultivation of sub-spawned potatoes should be effective in about three years.

Another way, in addition to directly breeding sprout potatoes, there is a shortcut, which is to selectively breed sprout potatoes.Potato sprouts are first cultivated in a greenhouse or cellar, and disinfected with water mixed with lime, and then the selected seedlings are planted in the ground. This can also prevent diseases and is an emergency measure.

In addition, people are sent to other places to purchase some high-quality potatoes for seeding. Although the seeds from other places are likely to be old varieties, after all, they have moved to a different region, and their immunity will change. Under normal circumstances, they will be more resistant to diseases than the local old varieties. The ability is stronger.

After pondering a set of emergency measures in his mind, Song Yingkui hurriedly outlined them at the counselor's meeting.The people participating in the meeting may not understand this method very well, but they have to implement it even if they don't understand it. They don't understand this thing.

"I realized an important problem because of the bad potato seeds. I have been recommending and breeding good varieties, but I only paid lip service to it and took very few practical actions. This is wrong. We need to build on the potato breeding farm. , build five special breeding bases, and wheat, soybeans and other miscellaneous grains must be intensively bred. In addition, towns and villages must also do a good job in breeding improved seeds, and provide appropriate care to some high-yielding farmland and farmers with breeding experience. Some subsidies should be given to encourage them to be good at farming.

In addition, we must cultivate professional agricultural talents. In the future, from the administrative office to the townships, we must have officials who specialize in agricultural affairs and the deployment of corresponding institutions.Next year, the city government will add an agricultural medical school to train professionals in this field and manage the breeding farm. "

He has always said that agriculture is the foundation, but he is negligent when doing it. Song Yingkui seriously reflected on the subjective mistakes he made.We still don't pay enough attention to agricultural development, and we don't put it in an important position from the bottom of our hearts. This is the root cause of neglecting potato breeding. We can't make similar mistakes in the future.

After discussing the potato bad seed crisis, the topic of the meeting turned to agricultural production arrangements for the end of the year and next year.Next year, the scale of agricultural production will be further expanded, and there is still a lot of wasteland that can be developed under the control. In particular, there should be more than one million acres of arable land in Taozhou and Hezhou.Although the manpower may not be enough to fully develop it, there is still room for an additional 40 million acres.

The proportion of paddy fields under control is too small, only about 15 acres. If there is a drought, there will be big problems.In Didao, Taozhou and Hezhou areas, the Tao River runs through the entire territory, so the basic conditions for developing irrigated agriculture are still there.From this winter to next year, and in the coming years, we must put more effort into water conservancy facilities.No matter what, we have to develop more than 40 acres of paddy fields.In addition to the Tao River, should Hezhou consider using Yellow River water in areas close to the Yellow River?Are there conditions for using Yellow River water for irrigation?

Well, in addition to breeding and planting departments, agricultural medical schools must also have water conservancy engineering departments. An agricultural school without water conservancy engineering departments is incomplete.Agricultural Medicine Agricultural Medicine. I have some ideas about the subjects to be established in agriculture. How should medicine be divided into subjects?It’s a bit embarrassing. We have no foundation at all in this stuff.The division of specialties must not be based on what later generations would like to do, such as medicine or surgery, right?Forget it, let's talk about it later. There will be a road before the car reaches the mountain.

At the end of the day's counselor's meeting, Song Yingkui announced the expansion of the counselor committee. The counselor committee of the Yungu City Lord's Mansion will be expanded to more than 30 people. From now on, it will be the highest decision-making body of the Yungu City Lord's Mansion. Unless there are special events, it will be held every six months. A plenary meeting of counselors.On the basis of the plenary meeting of counselors, there are standing counselors and executive meetings, and an executive meeting is held once a month to discuss and make decisions related to the matter.

"Mr. Guo, you have to make arrangements quickly to find good seeds outside the territory. You must purchase enough seeds before next spring plowing, otherwise it will affect our harvest next year. Also, the purchase of grain outside the territory will not be done this year. We can't stop. I did some calculations and found that our shortfall in staple food is actually at least about [-] dan, and the demand is no less than last year. But, this year's situation is better than last year. In addition to buying food from time to time, we can also go abroad. Selling food products, such as vermicelli, bean curds, and liquor made from potatoes, can be exported. In this way, we can exchange what we have and won’t spend money on food purchases. "After the counselor's meeting, he summoned Guo Kaifeng alone and arranged for him to handle the matter of purchasing grain and seeds from abroad.

"Sir, grain is easy to buy. Our relationship with Yao Dake is getting closer and closer. Some time ago, he sent someone to ask if we want grain this year! Plus, with the supplement of the merchants, the problem shouldn't be big. It's just, Purchasing seeds is a bit difficult. Grain seeds are a cautious business, and buying them casually will not make people feel at ease. It is best to send people to the place to buy them, so as to prevent the purchased seeds from being unusable. .

However, purchasing seeds requires a lot of manpower, and it also needs to be people who are experienced and good at doing business. I can't find so many available people at the moment, and I'm afraid I will miss a big deal. "

Guo Kaifeng's reminder is very reasonable. As long as the grain you eat is not bad, you can't just buy the grains casually. At least you have to send someone over to do an on-site inspection and make a selection before buying.

After thinking for a while, Song Yingkui said: "In this case, you should start setting up a Tianshun foreign trade company as soon as possible. This company is an organization initiated by our Yungu City Lord's Palace and responsible for foreign trade. In addition to the City Lord's Palace, Tianshun Public Company In addition to holding shares, other businessmen can also participate in the company, and operating matters are managed by a board of directors jointly formed by the shareholders.

The main thing to do is to buy the materials we produce outside the territory, and at the same time purchase the materials we need outside the territory.In addition to these two things, you can do other profitable jobs. It is both a business and a foot trade.In addition to holding a share of the capital, the City Lord's Mansion basically does not care about its business operations. At most, it arranges the purchase of some special items, and then pays [-]% of the net profit to the administrative office as business tax every year.

In addition to holding shares, businessmen can also participate in the trading of Tianshun Hao through affiliation.The method of affiliation is very simple. Every year, Tianshun Public Bank collects [-]% of the net profit commercial tax and half of the management fee, and then it can be registered under the name of Tianshun Public Company.

In this way, first of all, you can use the Tian Shun number to recruit some available people outside the jurisdiction to purchase the grain we want, and the rest can begin slowly. "

Originally, Song Yingkui did not want the City Lord's Mansion to directly engage in trade. He felt that this would affect the healthy development of the business ecosystem.

But the reality is that commercial taxes are difficult to collect. No wonder ancient rulers focused their taxation on agricultural taxes.The purpose of establishing Tianshun Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. was mainly to solve the problem of collecting commercial taxes. Purchasing potato seeds was just a casual matter.The name Tianshunhao was used because it might be inconvenient to directly use the word Yungu when conducting business activities outside the territory.

(End of this chapter)

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