The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 215 You must know how to spend money!

Chapter 215 You must know how to spend money!

Song Yingkui was furious when he saw the Shipingguan coal tar waste dump. When he arrived at Wuying Street, the scene he saw was even more infuriating.

The messy sewage poured by merchants on the street formed a thick layer of sewage ice on the narrow street, causing cars, horses and pedestrians to slip when walking on it.

Domestic garbage such as rotten vegetable leaves and feces are everywhere, and the stalls set up by vendors and shops on the streets are in disarray.The most annoying thing is that many shops have been built privately, trying every means to occupy public streets.The original quaint streets have turned into a refugee village, and the buildings are even worse.

The situation on the main street is pretty good, but the situation on the back streets and alleys is even worse. The roads are becoming more crowded and narrower, and in some places it is difficult for even a cart to pass.The businesses in the alleys are also diverse and chaotic.Gray industries such as secret doors and small casinos are everywhere, and there are probably many thieves and other criminals among them.

"Look, what does a good street look like now? If it continues like this, will it still be a nice place to treat people? Only a few years have passed, and it has become such a smoky place! Who can be a serious person in such a place? ?The fifth camp is where our Yungu Army started, but it has turned into a filthy place!
The town immediately organized an organization to clean up the dirty ice on the streets within a month, build several public toilets on the streets, demolish all private houses occupying the roads, and close all secret doors and casinos!From now on, anyone who dumps sewage, litters, or defecates in the street will be punished with twenty sticks for the first offense. Those who commit three or more bad offenses will be expelled from the country.

Anyone who participates in gambling will be punished for one month in a labor camp at the mouth of the Yangtze River for the first time. Those who participate in gambling twice or more will be deported!Anyone who provides a place for gamblers to gamble or organizes gambling games will be sentenced to three years of forced labor in the Hezhou Tiegou Mine.The official will send personnel to monitor the implementation of undercover inspections. If the implementation is not in place, the mayor and officials below will be held accountable. Those who are in the light of it will be sent to the Tiegou Mine to be reeducation through labor, and those who are in the serious case will be beheaded directly. "As he talked, Song Yingkui missed the urban management army of later generations. It would be impossible to live in such a chaotic situation without forced demolitions and heavy regulations.

After training people on Wuying Street, I turned around and went to Yanchuan City. What I saw was that the situation there was not much better.The chaos along the river is mainly concentrated on haphazard construction and the haphazard placement of garbage materials in the workshop area.

After inspecting the fifth camp and returning to Taoyang, I felt a little displeased with the sight of Taoyang City.Although the situation in Taoyang City is much better than that of Wuying, there are still many environmental problems, and there is a strong tendency for Taoyang City to become the second Wuying.

"Uncle, the administrative department must set a standard for urban sanitation and planning. We must guide the people to pay attention to hygiene and establish new practices, improve the environmental sanitation and city appearance of major urban areas such as Wuying and Taoyang, and eradicate dirty and messy areas. elephant.

Main streets must have street width requirements, and the width of back streets and alleys must also have minimum standards.It is strictly prohibited to occupy streets and roads and build indiscriminately!In places like Taoyang and Wuying, the administrative department paid for the construction of sewage facilities and public toilets, and each town had to pay to hire people to clean the areas frequently and collect garbage.We spent money to harden the main streets of Wuying and Taoyang with stone and mud, so that they would no longer be like now, where the streets are covered with dirty ice in the winter and overflowing with sewage and filled with dust in the summer.There are also waste materials from some industrial and mining sites that must be piled up in an orderly manner and cannot be piled up randomly, which will affect rivers, water sources and farmland! "

Seeing Song Yingkui's furious look, Jiang Yunjin thought he had encountered some serious trouble during his inspection.After listening to it for a long time, I realized that I couldn't stand the mess. Was this matter so formal?
"City Lord, although there is some surplus money in the treasury now, money is still tight. We have a weak foundation. We should save as much as we can. Don't throw away all the money. It will be difficult to deal with urgent needs. Wuying and Tao The dirty streets in Yang are indeed unsightly, but there is no need to spend too much money on these things, right? We have to use our money wisely."

"Uncle, clutter is not only an eyesore. A dirty environment can easily breed bad smells and mold. There are many people living in the city and it is easy for diseases to be transmitted. If there is an outbreak of dirty diseases, the impact will be huge. Have you ever been to the capital and other big cities? Has the capital seemed so dirty and messy? Although our place is small, we must not make do with places that should not be compromised.

Besides, can accumulating money enrich the country and the people?National power and people's power are not accumulated through searches and searches.It is developed through orderly planning and orderly investment.You cannot govern a country by being a miser.We must both have the ability to make money and the ability to spend money.Anything that helps improve people's living standards cannot be considered a waste of money. "Faced with his second uncle who had insufficient concepts and awareness, Song Yingkui had to teach him a lesson carefully so that he could have a basic concept of economic development.

"It is right to spend money appropriately! But instead of spending material and financial resources to pave the streets into gravel roads, it is better to use them in more useful places. I think even giving more bowls of gruel to the people is more beneficial than this. ." Jiang Yunjin was angered by Song Yingkui's strange words!Who is the Scrooge?What we object to is your extravagance and waste.In his view, paving streets with cement is a typical extravagance and waste.Do you know how expensive cement is in Dazheng?The smaller wealthy families don't have the money to build houses with them, so it's outrageous that you want to use them to pave roads.

You said you don't know how to spend money, but you still don't admit it. Seeing that the second uncle's mind has not turned around, Song Yingkui can only continue to speak: "Paving roads with stone and mud, how can it be a waste of wealth? Mining workers, kiln burning Workers and road paving workers will make more money because of this. How is this different from setting up a porridge factory to serve porridge to the people? In my opinion, this is much smarter than setting up a porridge factory. The people have contributed their efforts in exchange for money and the improvement has been improved. Wouldn't it be nice if life and government had clean roads?
Yes, on the surface, paving stone and mud roads costs a lot of money, but if we think more deeply, the more stone mud is produced, the faster the process will improve and the unit price will be cheaper.Driven by large-scale projects such as stone mud roads, the unit cost of producing stone mud is reduced. In the end, isn't it the people who benefit?With clean streets, more merchants and goods can be attracted, and livelihood opportunities can be broadened. The benefits are huge!

The officials of Dazheng always talk about cherishing and caring for the people, but they have never really spent any money on the people.Is it better to spend money on renovating streets than wasting money and money on repairing tombs and building palaces for dignitaries?Back then, the people of Yuyuan made great efforts to build the tomb of King Sukang. Apart from wasting people's efforts, what role did it play?When it comes to how to spend money, I have a much further perspective than the people in Dazheng! "

When it comes to being reasonable, who are we afraid of?It doesn’t matter if I don’t use big principles or talk you to death!

(End of this chapter)

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