Chapter 230

"Title: Retirement System"

In the hot summer, teams of Yungu veterans returned from Huangshui Valley. At the same time, teams of new recruits arrived at Haixi Fort after Linjin to change defenses and retreat.

There is not much population in the Huangshui Valley, but it is sandwiched between Xifan and Beixiang, so a large number of soldiers and horses must be stationed.

As a last resort, Yungu Army conducted a new round of recruitment.Three infantry battalions, two garrison brigades, and a cavalry battalion were once again expanded.Through a mixture of old and new soldiers, a Huangshui combat corps with a strength of about [-] was formed, led by Song Xueliang to guard the Huangshui River Valley.

The regiment stationed in Huangshui is composed of half old soldiers and half new soldiers. If all of them are old soldiers, the Yungu Army's combat strength will be too severely suppressed and they will not be able to spare their troops to deal with emergencies in other directions.

The recruitment of about [-] new soldiers and horses is not going so smoothly. This is already the second round of recruitment starting this year.This year's wars have been more frequent, and there have been more or less casualties. Naturally, the people are resistant and afraid of joining the army.

In order to recruit enough soldiers, Song Yingkui finally ordered the administrative department to use compulsory recruitment to get enough soldiers.

Watching the new veterans change defense under the scorching sun, Song Yingkui felt agitated.The recruits had enough, but many lawsuits arose, and many people brought the lawsuits to the Taoyang Administration Hall.

The person who filed the lawsuit believes that this round of military recruitment is very unfair. Why is it that my children and other people's children are all of the right age to join the army, but my children were taken to join the army while other people's children stayed at home?

Could it be that the responsibility for contributing to the Yungu Army must fall entirely on the powerless common people? Households that have friendships with township officials can save their children from joining the army.Couldn't the upright Mr. Kui Shou see such an unfair phenomenon?

We are not worried about scarcity but about inequality. The same conditions lead to different results, and the people are very resentful.

Song Yingkui could understand the grievances of the people, but he could not think of a safe way to solve the issue of fairness for a while.

Obviously, there were a lot of infighting during the recruitment process, but would you say it is completely unfair? No, in short, this kind of thing is unavoidable in a human society, and Song Yingkui is not prepared to bother with it.

It doesn't matter whether it's fair or unfair. What's important is that it feels fair. The reason for the latest round of conscription is that public opinion is bad because most people feel it's unfair.

This problem is not at the operational level, but at the policy level.

How to adjust the policy?The integrated recruitment policy used directly in the Fifth Battalion, although it can solve the problem of fairness, is not in line with the ideas and assumptions of army building.

Without an integrated recruitment approach, it will be difficult to reconcile people's psychological imbalance that worries not about scarcity but inequality.

It wasn't until Song Yingkui was about to leave the Huangshui Valley and prepare to return to Taoyang City that he thought of a possible way to solve the problem.Implementing a job-retirement system in the entire military, since everyone thinks it is unfair for some people to join the army and others not to join the army.Then increase the probability of everyone joining the army, and use multiple batches of rotations to achieve the same goal. When the total number of soldiers remains unchanged, most of the qualified soldiers will be recruited into the army, but the timelines will not overlap.

The implementation of the demobilization system will also alleviate the common people's resistance to having to sacrifice their lives for the rest of their lives after joining the military.

"In the name of the City Lord's Mansion Headquarters, an explicit order is issued and circulated under the rule of our Yungu Army. Starting from this winter, the Yungu Army will implement a demobilization and transfer system. Anyone who has joined the army for more than five years and is still an ordinary soldier will be discharged and returned to the army. Civilians. Officers above the squad leader level who are not promoted within three years will in principle be transferred to the local administrative system as officials or officials and will no longer participate in the military.

This year, all officials in the Penal Department were recruited from soldiers returning home from retirement.From now on, government officials at all levels and craftsmen in government-run factories will be recruited first from retired soldiers.

The Administration Office for Demobilized Officers must arrange government errands that are equivalent to those in the military ranks, and must provide peace of mind for officers who have transferred to the civil affairs system.

This year, about 500 ordinary soldiers will retire, and the number of officers above the squad leader level will be between three and fifty.The Command Office and the Administrative Office worked fully together to ensure the smooth implementation of the first decommissioning and transition work.

Starting from next year, the decommissioning and job transfer system will be routine and will be implemented after autumn every year.In principle, all officers who have served for more than five years and who have not been promoted in three years must retire or transfer to another profession, unless there are special circumstances. "

After recruiting Yang Shunan, Song Yingkui explained to him the upcoming retirement and career transition system, and asked him to lead the staff to refine it and formulate a detailed implementation plan.

"Commander, returning soldiers who are older than the military will affect the combat effectiveness of the army, right? It is necessary to eliminate some of the old and weak, but such large-scale wars every year are not conducive to stabilizing the army." Under normal circumstances, Yang Shunan He would not raise objections to Song Yingkui's decision and put his position very clearly.But this time, he felt that the facts involved were too important. If he didn't express his doubts, he would be sorry for his current status.

"The policy of decommissioning and transitioning to work is intended to eliminate the old and weak, but the original intention is not that. To be honest, any soldier who has been through the battle for two or three years is enough to be called an old soldier. Those who are more than five years old It is true that some of the old soldiers will have more combat experience, but most of them will also become oily. Regardless of this, releasing old soldiers who have been more than five years old will not have a big impact on the army's combat effectiveness.

The serious elites in the army are those who have fought in several battles and have been in the army for three to four years.Soldiers who are too old have a heavy burden on their families, and it is difficult for them to concentrate on war and military affairs. Returning them to the people is the best of both worlds.

Another advantage of returning veterans to the people is that it can enrich the combat capabilities of the militia, strengthen our control over local areas, strengthen military-civilian integration, and achieve the goal of returning soldiers to the people.We Yungu and the soldiers are the children of the common people, and the people are the food, clothing and parents of the soldiers. Only in this way can we gather the hearts of the people and stabilize the morale of the army, share the same hatred of the enemy, and advance and retreat together. "

Faced with Yang Shunan's confusion, Song Yingkui had to patiently explain clearly.The retirement-to-job system is indeed a bit too special in this era. It is understandable that Yang Shunan and others cannot understand it for a while.

"Commander and subordinates are still worried. The veterans are scattered in the countryside, which is also a cause of instability. We need to think twice about this matter." After listening to Song Yingkui's explanation, Yang Shunan still frowned.Placing a large number of people with military experience and capabilities among civilians is a very risky thing in his opinion.

"It is necessary to worry about the returning soldiers becoming a factor of instability, but there is no need to be too afraid. As long as we do the follow-up work well, it will be no big deal! The biggest reliance of our Yungu Army is not the soldiers but the weapons. The soldiers can return The people and weapons cannot be returned to the people.”

(End of this chapter)

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