Chapter 236 The troubles of happiness

There was a carriage when I went there, but I had to rely on two legs when I came back.After walking for a whole day, Hou Zhang finally reached Huichuan Town.

When she arrived at the small courtyard she rented, she opened the door and saw that the two children were still there, and Ms. Hou Zhang was relieved.I quickly distributed a share of the things I brought from Taoyang City to the neighbors who helped take care of the children, and thanked them for their care over the past ten days.In the next month or two, we will have to trouble them.

After only staying at home for one day, Hou Zhang hurried to Taoyang City.On the way back, Mrs. Hou Zhang was thinking that it would be great if she could take her two children to live in Taoyang City.

After arriving in Taoyang City, the work of formulating midwives' practice regulations finally started.However, in the morning, there are still literacy classes and medical science classes, and only in the afternoon, the exercise rules will be compiled.

The work of formulating the rules of conduct that people like Hou Zhang and others participated in was not complicated. What they had to do was to review the rules of conduct drafted by the college students of the Agricultural Medical School one by one.

During the deliberation, the senior gentlemen will first explain the drafted rules and regulations one by one. After the explanation, Hou Zhang and others will need to vote on whether the specific regulations are passed or not.

At the beginning, everyone raised their hands in confusion and followed the crowd without commenting. No one raised any negative opinions on the draft regulations. As a result, it took six or seven days to review the contents of the first version of the draft regulations.

After the results of the deliberation were reported to the City Lord's Mansion, the City Lord became angry and said that almost no word of the draft content had been changed after the deliberation. This act was simply a waste of human life!If this is the case, why go to such trouble to select dozens of midwives from various towns and come to Taoyang City to compile the rules?Couldn't we just let the teacher from the Agricultural Medical School edit it?
The code of conduct was remanded for review and it was stipulated that every midwife participating in the review must speak during the review and the content of her speech would be recorded.After the officially compiled midwifery rules are implemented, the midwives who participated in the review must sign and confirm. Once there are major problems during the implementation of the rules, the midwives who reviewed and approved the relevant regulations will be held accountable and subject to relevant penalties.

When they heard that they had to take responsibility, Hou Zhang and other talents did not dare to neglect. Knowing that the work they were involved in was life-threatening, they began to take it seriously.During the subsequent deliberation process, Hou Zhang took the lead in rejecting several drafted regulations and proposed many amendments and supplementary opinions. There were even two regulations added to the official regulations based on Hou Zhang's The suggestions were compiled and improved.

The compilation of midwifery regulations in Yungu was not completed until the end of the first year of the seventh year of Jingli.Discounting the vacation time, Hou Zhang and others stayed in Taoyang City for almost three months.

The reason why the cycle is so long is that on the one hand, the compilation and review process is indeed time-consuming, and on the other hand, Song Yingkui wants to use the process of compilation and review of ethics regulations to conduct standardized training for the first batch of licensed midwives in Yungu, and to create time and time for them to communicate. space.Communication and collision play a huge role in promoting any scientific and technological progress, especially in medicine.

"Doctor Zhang, our School of Agricultural Medicine is preparing to build a maternal and child health school and hospital. We are in urgent need of excellent midwives like you to join. I wonder if you are interested in coming to Taoyang City to teach?" When the work of compiling the regulations was completed, Zhang Peihong approached Hou alone. Zhang held a conversation and offered her an olive branch to stay at the school and teach.

Hou Zhang was surprised when she heard that the principal of the Agricultural Medical School actually wanted her to stay at the school as a teacher.She is just an ordinary rural woman, but she actually has the opportunity to teach in a school in Taoyang City?Some time ago, I was thinking about how to stay in Taoyang City. Who would have thought that the opportunity to do it all at once would suddenly appear.However, she did not immediately agree to Zhang Peihong's solicitation, but said she would go back and discuss it with her family before making a decision.

Who should we discuss with when we only have two dolls at home?This is just Hou Zhang's reason for delaying.The real reason is that Ms. Hou Zhang is afraid of teaching in a maternal and child health school. She is afraid that she, an illiterate woman, will not be able to do this job well, and will end up hating the good intentions of high-ranking officials like Zhang Peihong.

I would say that I am illiterate, but that is not entirely true.After three months of literacy training, Hou Zhang actually knew some words, but she felt that the words she knew were not enough to cope with the teaching work in the maternal and child health hospital.

Mrs. Hou Zhang returned to Huichuan Town with anxiety and entanglement. She had just settled down at home and was cooking for her two children when two officials came to the house and said that the mayor wanted to summon her because they had something important to do. business.

When she came to the town office and met the mayor, Hou Zhang heard from the mayor's words that the mayor summoned her in the hope that she could stay in Huichuan Town to take the lead in establishing and running the town's maternal and child health station.

The town attaches great importance to the establishment of maternal and child health care stations. Not only will it provide free space for the station, but it will also provide 20 silver dollars every year to support the normal operation of the maternal and child health care stations.

The reason why the mayor of Huichuan Town attaches so much importance to the maternal and child health station is that the city government issued relevant policies in the first month of the year, including the rate of natural birth of women and the survival rate of children under three years old into the performance evaluation system of township officials.Every year, each township will be ranked on these two indicators. The chief officials of the two bottom towns and four townships will be vetoed by one vote and lose their qualifications for promotion.

I heard rumors that the city government is considering initially restoring county governance recently. The mayor of Huichuan Town also wants to become a county magistrate as soon as possible. He can't be held back by these two indicators, right?
After going to Taoyang City for training, she suddenly became a hot commodity. The principal of the Agricultural Medical School was recruiting her, and the mayor of Huichuan Town was also recruiting her. Mrs. Hou Zhang fell into the trouble of happiness.

She never dreamed that one day, the career of a stable mother would become a popular one. Not only would her income be guaranteed, but there would also be good job opportunities for her to choose from.Which one is better to choose?

Logically speaking, teaching in a maternal and child health school is the most ideal. With the salary of teaching in the school and the annual subsidy of ten silver dollars after being rated as a second-level midwife, you will become a high-income group, supporting two Dolls will not be a problem.But Ms. Hou Zhang was not confident in her abilities. She didn’t think she had the ability to stand in the maternal and child health school. What if she was dismissed from the school?
After returning home, Mrs. Hou Zhang didn't close her eyes all night. She thought about it until dawn and finally made up her mind.It would be safer to stay in Huichuan Town.With my ability to deliver babies, there will be no big problems no matter what.In terms of income, as long as you do well, it may not be less than if you go to Taoyang City.

The midwives' subsidy from the city lord's palace, the town's subsidy to the maternal and child health center, the income from midwifery, and the subsidy for apprenticeships. Taken together, you can earn more than 30 silver dollars a year at least.With this income, it is enough to raise two children.How can a woman think about how much money she wants to earn?
Besides, I am more or less over-mature in Huichuan Town. Not only will I have the care of my neighbors in the future, I will also be able to speak to the officials, and I will be able to live a comfortable life.

(End of this chapter)

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