Chapter 239: Driving people and cars!
In early May of the seventh year of Jingli, the county officials of Taoyang and Taosha counties, the first counties established in the Yungu system, were confirmed.The second uncle shamelessly grabbed the opportunity to concurrently serve as the magistrate of Taoyang County. The magistrate of Taosha County was snatched away by Yu Hong of the Han Dynasty.

The second uncle's reason for seizing the post of Taoyang County Magistrate was that no one in Yungu had experience in opening a county, and the county governance of Dazheng could not be completely copied. For this reason, the administrative department needed full guidance and placement.As the head of the administrative department, isn't it unreasonable for him to personally take over the position of Taoyang County Magistrate?

"Xiaohu, you have served in the administrative system for a long time and are responsible for public security. I think your appointment as the head of Huangshui District is a legitimate use.

Huangshui is larger than any other city, but there are only about ten thousand people there, not even a larger town. It is an example of a large land but few people.However, the land of Huangshui is connected to Xifan in the south, Hexi in the west, and Wazhou in the north. It is not only the place of the Four Wars, but also an important place for trade, which is very critical.This place is separated from our Yungu area by a river, so it is a far away place. It must be managed by a trustworthy person. I can rest assured only if I leave it to you.

After taking office, the first priority is agriculture and commerce. Agriculture is the foundation and commerce is the foundation of governance.The key to the management of the Ningxi Acropolis and Haixi Fort is to treat everyone equally, orderly, and fairly, so that the merchants who make a living in the market can be profitable. This is A plan to boost business!
As for farming, from my point of view, roads and water conservancy should be given priority. As long as the roads are repaired and the channels along the river are smoothed, the people will come freely and have no worries about farming!
There are also several large coal mines under your rule. We need coal for iron smelting and other industries, and we also need coal for heating in winter.By making good use of coal mines, Huangshui District will not have to worry about money and can do many things. You need to be careful about this. "

Compared with the seats of the two magistrates, there were not many people vying for the seats of Wuyun Special District and Huangshui Special District, and none of the big bosses of the Council came to compete.Due to the good economic conditions in Wuying, competition is still greater. No one wants to be the district mayor of Huangshui.In the end, Song Yingkui directly appointed Jiang Xiaohu to take the post of Director of Punishment, and then decided on the candidate.

It’s better if no one grabs it, so as to avoid resistance when making arrangements.Although Huangshui is far away and has few people, its importance is not low at all. Song Yingkui wouldn't be worried if he just let someone go there.

"Don't worry, sir. I will live up to my mission and will run the Huangshui District well." Jiang Xiaohu was very happy to accept the appointment as district chief. When he stayed in Taoyang City, he was under the control of his grandfather everywhere. Emperor Gao was far away, and it was difficult for his grandfather to control him even if he wanted to point fingers.

To this day, the relationship between Jiang Xiaohu and Song Yingkui's second uncle is not harmonious.Due to their status as elders, they could only maintain a face-saving relationship.In Jiang Xiaohu's heart, it was difficult for him to treat this heartless grandfather as a family member.

Song Yingkui heard from his grandma that although Jiang Xiaohu's family and his second uncle's family now live in the official family area of ​​​​Taoyang City, the two families rarely have contact with each other.This made grandma secretly go to two families to transfer relatives, lest one of them would complain and cause trouble.

After having a pre-term conversation with Jiang Xiaohu, Song Yingkui had a conversation with Liu Wenbu, who was about to become Wuyun District Chief.

Wuyun District, in terms of economic conditions, is the best under the rule.The annual economic output of Wuying alone is equivalent to about half of the entire Yungu. Most of Yungu's main pillar industries are concentrated in Wuying. It can be said that Wuying is the symbol of the entire Yungu.

But there are also problems here, that is, the economic development is unbalanced. The economy in Wuying is very good, but the economy in Yungu Mountain is very poor.There is no river land in the Yungu mountainous area, there is basically no irrigated land, and there is no way to develop industry. As a result, this place has been under rule for a long time, but its economy is the last among more than a dozen towns. In terms of development potential, Probably at the bottom.

There are limitations to the objective conditions, but we have to find ways to make some efforts and we cannot just let things slide.For the Yungu mountainous area, the most realistic thing is to build more terraced fields to make the fields easier to cultivate and free up more labor force.Fortunately, it is close to the two industrial towns of Taoyang and Wuying, so it is more convenient to go out to work, and people can increase their income by working.


On the streets of Taoyang, Song Yingkui was riding a bicycle and was trying it out.Since last year, Taoyang and Wuying have tried to pave roads with coal tar asphalt. Several miles of asphalt roads have been paved on the main street in Taoyang.The bike with solid wheels feels okay when running on it.

It's just that once the bicycle leaves the oil circuit, the experience is terrible. When Song Yingkui rides on it, it feels like his body is being knocked apart.

In order to absorb shock, a spring shock-absorbing design was specially added to the front and rear tires, but the result is still very average. It seems that it is difficult to solve the shock-absorbing problem without hollow tires.

The problem is that if a bicycle is to be practical, it must adapt to real road conditions, and it is foreseeable that the road conditions in Yungu will not be good for a long time in the future.

The output of coal tar asphalt is not large, and there are not many oil roads that can be paved. It is unrealistic to vigorously develop oil roads.Being able to turn all the main roads in the territory into gravel roads is already the limit of our capabilities.

Bicycles must be driven on mainly sandy and dirt roads, otherwise they will not be popular.But when driving on such a road, the shock absorption must meet the standard.After much thought, this seems to have no solution?
"More than 50 of the currently trial-produced vehicles will be distributed to the Administrative Department and Taoyang County Government. In the future, except for important officials, the people in these two government offices will mainly ride bicycles when doing business in the city. Only mules and horses can be used when going out of the city."

Although the bicycles currently produced are not very practical, everything has been produced. If they are left unused, they will never be practical.In the end, Song Yingkui planned to use coercion to promote it as an official car.Officials from the two main government offices in Taoyang City became the first batch of trial vehicles.

Nothing is easy when you first start promoting, and you have to make sacrifices.After the bicycles were distributed to the Administrative Department and Taoyang County Government Offices, grassroots officials in these two offices suffered greatly.

Within a few days, dozens of accidents occurred. Many young officials came to work with bruises and swollen faces, and several came to work limping.

In Song Yingkui's opinion, cycling with no technical content has become a nightmare for officials.This thing is harder to ride than a horse. Is it something that humans can ride?

In addition to being difficult to ride, this broken bike is also easy to break. The most annoying thing is that riding on it can kill people on dirt roads and gravel roads.

In just a few days, the bicycle had a common nickname and was called a "dangerous bicycle" by young officials.

There was even a scene in Taoyang City, where a group of children followed an official on a bicycle, making up nursery rhymes and jokes as they ran.The first promotion of bicycles in this time and space started like a farce!
(End of this chapter)

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