Chapter 249 Forming a Lancer Battalion!
"Uncle, your visit to Liangzhou has to be advanced. Looking at this situation, Beixiang is likely to take action against the Guining Army in the next few months. In addition, the Xifan side has attacked the Guining Army on the Suzhou and Ganzhou lines. The pressure is not low, they are trying to pick weak targets. We must give the Guining Army the necessary support and help them stabilize the situation."

After being trained by Song Yingkui, Ding Huanyi finally became somewhat efficient.After basically understanding the military trends of Beixiang and Xifan, not only the Beixiang people did not stop, but the Xifan people also did not stop. They all moved their attention from the Lintao area to the Hexi area.

The Hexi area has a large population and fertile farmland. It does look like fat meat, and it is difficult not to attract the prying eyes of hungry wolves.In the past few years, because the Yungu Army was too outstanding, the geographical location of this area was more critical than that of Hexi. Several forces ignored the existence of the Guining Army in Hexi and gave them room for development.

At this moment, after realizing that the Yungu Army was a tough opponent, Hexi became the next target of Beixiang and Xifan.

From a strategic point of view, the existence of the Guining Army was of great significance to the Yungu Army. Song Yingkui quickly called his second uncle to discuss a plan to help them.

"How should our army support the Guining army? Please make it clear to the city lord." Since we were going to Liangzhou to discuss military assistance, we had to figure out the policy direction of the assistance. After hearing this, the second uncle quickly asked what specific promises he could make after he went there. .

"There is no shortage of food over there in Hexi. It is not appropriate for our army to go to the Guining Army to assist in the battle, and the journey is too far. The assistance that can be given is mainly weapons and equipment. After meeting with General Gao, my uncle can declare that our army can give them One hundred muskets, twenty cannons for easy transportation, and some ammunition. In addition, they can be given three hundred to five hundred cavalry crossbows for the Yungu Army, and some armor to help them defend against the enemy.

In addition to direct military assistance, the Yungu Army will also inform the Xifan and Xiang people not to use weapons without permission in the northwest border. The Yungu Army will not take any action that undermines the stability and balance of the regional situation.

A message to General Gao: If necessary, our army will gather troops out of Huizhou and flank Xiang's army on the Pingchuan line to prevent them from advancing westward.As for the Western Fan armies in Suzhou and Ganzhou, they are too far away from our army and it is difficult to find effective ways to contain them. They can only rely on the Guining army to defend themselves against the enemy. "

Assistance to the Ning Army comes from two aspects. On the one hand, it is assistance with weapons and equipment, and on the other hand, it is direct military action.Beixiang also had firearms, and Song Yingkui was afraid that the Guining army would not be able to withstand the situation without firearms.They had to make an exception and provide some firearms to the Guining Army.However, the quantity and quality will definitely be greatly reduced.

The quantity will be strictly controlled. In terms of quality, the gunpowder will use the most original black powder formula. The guns will also be old models that have been eliminated by the Yungu Army.Friends want to help, but they cannot help without scruples, otherwise they will only cause trouble for themselves.Now the Yungu and Guining armies have a community of interests, and the day they fail to protect themselves, the two armies will become hostile forces.

If these military aids provided are not effective, then the Yungu Army will have no choice but to personally come to the rescue to reverse the situation.Pingchuan Prefecture is the rear base for Beixiang's invasion of Hexi. As long as the troops reach Pingchuan Prefecture, Beixiang's offensive into Hexi will naturally be interrupted.


On September [-]th of the seventh year of Jingli, Jiang Yunjin and his envoy hurried to Liangzhou to discuss the marriage between the two families and military assistance.At present, if the two families can get married as soon as possible, it can also play a role in easing the situation.Once the news of the marriage is released, the situation of the two alliances will become clearer, and Beixiang and Xifan must take into account the attitude of the Yungu Army.In any case, the influence of the Yungu Army in the current region is still here.No matter who they are, they can't help but take Yun Gujun's attitude seriously.

While his second uncle was going to Hexi, he also made corresponding military preparations. Song Yingkui decided to formally form a fully-organized Lancer Battalion!
Since last year, the development project of breech-loading guns has been established. Small-scale trial production began at the beginning of this year. Nearly [-] guns have been produced so far. During this period, the production has been accelerated, and another hundred or so guns can be produced in a month or two. .These breech-loading rifles are enough to arm a battalion.

In Song Yingkui's view, breech-loading guns with primers and pre-loaded ammunition are truly guns. The previous flintlock guns and matchlock guns can only be regarded as firecrackers.

With breech-loading guns, the Beixiang and Xifan tribes were all just local chickens and dogs. With a battalion of breech-loading lancers, Song Yingkui was confident that he could sweep through thousands of Beixiang troops and other indigenous armed forces.Although the current breech-loading guns are still very crude, the bullets are not produced in advance.

The factory only produces universal cartridge cases. Before official combat, soldiers have to fill the cartridge cases with gunpowder and bullets themselves, then press the primer into the cartridge case and seal it tightly with lard to prevent the powder from being exposed.The current standard is for each soldier to be pre-loaded with twenty rounds of ammunition for use on the battlefield.

It is very inconvenient for cavalry to use breech-loading guns. Unless the soldiers are of high quality when moving at high speed, they still cannot achieve continuous shooting.It is said that a cavalry battalion was formed, but in fact it was a mounted rifle battalion. Infantry tactics were used on the battlefield, and the horses were mainly used for marching.

A cavalry infantry battalion equipped with breech-loading guns is already enough to be invincible on the battlefield of this era. Is there any higher requirement for its use?
If he really wanted to intervene in the war between the Beixiang and Guining armies, Song Yingkui wanted to avoid sending too many troops.Relying on a battalion of lancers, a traditional cavalry battalion, and a light artillery brigade, the problem will be solved.At most, we can get a logistics support team of five to six hundred mules and horses.

The line between Pingchuan and the mouth of Gulang Gorge is three to four hundred miles away from Guanying and Wuying.For the Yungu Army, with such a long combat distance and too many troops, the pressure on logistics support will be too great. Controllable costs must be used to help the Hexi Army!

As you lead troops for a long time, you gain experience.Song Yingkui discovered that for the current Yungu Army, the most suitable combat radius is within two hundred miles from the main logistics base.Within two hundred miles, the soldiers of the Yungu Army can attack across the board without any problem and can unleash their maximum combat power.

Beyond the two hundred-mile range, every additional hundred miles will more than double the difficulty of the battle, and the number of troops that can be put into the battlefield will also decrease sharply.

Firearms are the biggest reliance of the Yungu Army, but they are also the biggest constraint. The more advanced the army is in firearms, the more serious it relies on logistics.When other armies fight, they only need to provide food and grass to continue fighting.When the Yungu Army is fighting, in addition to food and grass, they must also consider the supply of ammunition.Without ammunition, Zhang can't fight.

Short legs will be the biggest weakness and shortcoming of the Yungu Army for a long time to come, but the main opponents they have to face are all long-legged cavalry, so this problem is a bit tricky.The only way Song Yingkui can think of is to mature the bicycle as soon as possible. The rear-mounted gun and bicycle are the standard equipment for the Yungu Army to sweep the world!
(End of this chapter)

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