Chapter 259 Yungu University
"Sister, Song Yungu wants to ask brother to borrow 3000 households. What should we do?" In Liangzhou City, Gao Cunhu took the letter from Yungu and asked his sister Gao Cunzhen's opinion with a subtle expression.

"This is a military matter. Why do you ask me?"

"It's not all a matter of military affairs. In February this year, you will marry Yungu. If I don't agree to someone else's request, it will be hard for you to get married. For your sake, this person has to be borrowed. Ah!" Gao Cunhu pretended to play tricks on his sister and told her a trick.

"Didn't the Song family brother say in the letter that he would pay the borrower's money and food? Doesn't he think this is a good deal?" Gao Cunzhen is not a novice, she knows that her brother has Xiao Jiujiu in his heart!

"It means I have to pay for food, but I'm afraid these people will borrow money and never come back. A household with 3000 people means a population of about [-]. Our people who returned to the Ning Army are not rich either, and we have lost so many people. Ding, the impact is quite big. Another thing, now that our two families have become in-laws, I ask people to collect money and food from the renter Ding, isn’t this embarrassing? "

"Brother, although the two families are married, how can the love between children be extended to military affairs? Brother Song is a reasonable person, how can he care about this matter? Let me tell you, this matter should be based on the agreement. , not for personal expenses." Gao Cunzhen knew that what her brother was waiting for was her words of comfort, so that he could accept the rent fee paid by the Yungu Army with peace of mind, so she got off the donkey and said what she needed to say.

"Yes, the affairs of the military and state cannot last forever. Sister, you can understand my brother's difficulties. I am very grateful to you. My brother is also considering the livelihood of the people in Hexi. Otherwise, these 3000 households will be used as our sister's dowry. My brother didn't even blink.

In order for my sister to have face when she gets married, I will try my best to arrange for as many strong men as possible in the households rented by Yun Gujun this time, and I will never cheat my brother-in-law. "

Gao Cunhu was actually very tempted by the conditions offered by Yungu Army for leasing men.Here in Hexi, there is no shortage of population, so the loss of 2 or 2 people will not have any impact.By leasing out these [-] people, not only can the Yungu Army earn money and food, but it can also free up a lot of cultivated land. If we find people to cultivate these cultivated lands, won't we be able to make another amount of money?What embarrasses him is just a matter of face.


"This Gao family is too stingy! Not only do they charge us renters a lot of money for food, but they also ask for a year's deposit in advance. Are they afraid that our Yungu Army will default on the debt?" Guining received. After receiving the army's reply on the population lease, the second uncle came to Wazhou again. He was speechless at the stingy behavior of the Gao family!

"Let's not talk about this! It's a good thing that the Guining Army can accept the lease of people. Now let's focus on how to make good use of these people! The Executive Office must arrange it as quickly as possible The reception group took the money to Liangzhou to collect people, and all the rented people must be resettled in Wazhou. This spring, there are two main tasks in the reconstruction of Wazhou. One is to restore the fields, and restore as many fields as can be restored. The second is to renovate the houses in the city.

The City Lord's Mansion set up a bank to borrow money in Wazhou City. People in Wazhou City who had household registration and home deeds could use their household registration and home deeds to borrow interest-free money for house repairs to renovate their own houses.

In order to support the reconstruction of Wazhou, the city government will build a brick factory outside the city of Wazhou to supply bricks and stones for repairing houses in the city.In addition, the road from Qiancheng to Wazhou will also be renovated and sanded starting this spring, and all the people used will be hired from Wazhou and Qiancheng.In this way, the people of Wazhou and the people who rented the land can have income from working in addition to farming, and they will have a lot of money.

In addition to the above measures, in order to increase the popularity of Wazhou City, I have decided to move the new university to be established in Yungu to Wazhou City.Starting this fall, Yungu University will officially start teaching in Wazhou. The first batch of planned enrollment is 600 students, and the tentative academic duration is three years. "For Wazhou, which is full of waste and is waiting for development, there are currently no conditions for the development of industry. We can only think of ways to develop agriculture and infrastructure first, and then talk about industrial construction after the population reaches a certain level. However, in terms of industry It cannot be without a plan. The only university in Yungu is located in Wazhou, just to have a talent base and a higher starting point when serious industrial construction is carried out.

"Kuiwa, what is the school charter of Yungu University? How is it different from the schools we set up in Taoyang and Wuying?" The second uncle discovered Hua Dian again and became interested in Yungu University.

"Enrollees at Yungu University need to obtain a diploma from a normal school or other schools before they can apply. It is the highest institution of education under the rule of the Yungu Army. In the future, normal schools, industrial schools and other schools will be renamed secondary vocational schools, and students will After graduating from these schools, you can either directly find a job, or you can choose to apply for college to continue your studies and learn more advanced knowledge.

Since the number of graduates from various technical secondary schools will be insufficient this year and next, the admissions requirements can be relaxed appropriately. Anyone with proof of academic status such as Zheng Xiucai or above can also apply for Yungu University.In order to allow them to adapt to our Yungu academic system, students with academic qualifications will take separate examinations and will not take the same examination as our Yungu technical secondary school students. Half of the enrollment quota for Yungu University will be given to them.Of course, this is just a transition. In two or three years, this hole will be closed.

In addition, with the increase in the number of students enrolled in primary schools, starting from this year, technical secondary schools will only recruit primary school graduates from Yungu.All students who have obtained a primary school diploma can apply for technical secondary schools.

Currently, there are between 4000 and [-] primary school graduates every year, but less than [-] students are admitted to technical secondary schools. In order to give students who are not admitted a head start, each primary school can allow primary school graduates to study in the school for one more year at their discretion. Take the exam again next year. "

With three years of primary school and three years of technical secondary school, Yungu’s current academic system is really too short and can only be regarded as a rapid cultivation of talents.Now that conditions are getting better, the talent training system must of course be better.Establishing a serious university and extending the years of primary school are the next directions for education reform in Yungu.

With a three-to-five-year transition, Song Yingkui’s idea is to extend the primary education period to five to six years, and then connect it to the technical secondary education system.The education period for technical secondary schools will not be extended for the time being. Three years should be enough.

After the technical secondary education is completed, the basic quality education is completed. A selected number of truly talented people can enter universities for further study and provide true elite education. This is Song Yingkui's ideal education system.

"After studying at Yungu University, will I be directly awarded an official position?" When the second uncle heard this, he instinctively jumped to the imperial examination.

"It does not count as a direct appointment. After completing college and obtaining a diploma, you will indeed be qualified, but it does not necessarily lead to employment in the officialdom. The administrative system is only an option for university graduates to find employment, and other errands will also be assigned to them." If you don't get remuneration, no one will be willing to study for a few more years. But if you just follow the old path of studying and then becoming an official, there is no point in running a university.Regarding the employment of college students, Song Yingkui is prepared to give political treatment while also taking into account professionalism.

(End of this chapter)

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