The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 261: There will be 45 people in Wazhou City?Aren’t you talking about nonsense?

Chapter 261: There will be 50 million people in Wazhou City?Aren't you talking nonsense!

"Master Yungu is really a good official. Not only did he give us the land deed, he also gave us the house deed. This is a house in Wazhou City. In the early years, don't talk about our house. Even the gentlemen in Liangzhou City had a hard time. Buy such a property." After making the selection and registration, Han Shibao received the deed of [-] acres of wasteland and a small courtyard that could build seven or eight houses from the Wazhou County Government.After meeting his family with the house deed, he couldn't help but show off.

"My brother! Why do you always compare Wazhou City in the early years with today? The yard we were given must be a ruined house. How many habitable houses can we make out of it? How can such a ruined house still be used? It's not as good as the mud house in our hometown that can withstand the wind." After being taken over by his elder brother, Han Lao Er has been angry. He resents his elder brother who thinks about farming and buying property all day long.

"Don't say such sarcastic words. We'll go out to cultivate the fields tomorrow. While we have free time, we have to clear out the yard and settle down. Don't you love being a hired hand? When the fields are well cultivated, you'll go to the city to help people building yards. , you have a way to make money, let me see how much money you can make back."

The fields in Wazhou City are mature fields that have been abandoned for a few years and can be planted the same year they were opened. Han Shibao has already figured out how to use the land allocated to his family.

Time is tight this year, and there are not many fields that can be planted with wheat. However, we can grow more autumn grains and leave some land to plant winter wheat and have a large yield.Anyway, there is no tax this year. Before August, there will be monthly food supplements, so the whole family will not go hungry.

The Han family has a lot of manpower, and they can still make money by doing part-time jobs during the off-season. After a year, they have taken root in Wazhou.In another three or four years, the Han family's life in Wazhou will definitely not be worse than in Liangzhou.

The fly in the ointment is that such a good life can only be lived for five years. After five years, how to balance the family properties of Wazhou and Liangzhou will be a problem.

However, let’s discuss this matter later. As long as the land deed and house deed are there, you won’t be afraid of everything being lost by then, and you can always think of a way to deal with it!

"The immigrants from Hexi have already arrived one after another, and the reopening of abandoned fields and the operations of government-run farms are almost completed. The reconstruction work in Wazhou has officially begun, and the next key work will be on road construction and water conservancy. These days Nippon Zai made a tour and found that although Wazhou is close to the Yellow River, there is not much irrigated land. Except for a few canals from the upper reaches, it is difficult to water other fields. Water can only be brought by water trucks. Watering the fields is too inefficient.

In view of this, I decided to transfer some carpenters from Wuying and Yungu to build thirty or forty large water trucks on the river that can lift water by themselves, and lift water from the river ashore to water the fields!The carpenters to build the waterwheel were recruited from outside, and the manpower to repair the supporting water canals required the cooperation of local people in Wazhou.Wazhou County Government must organize manpower and strive to repair the irrigation water network of all cultivated fields within two months to ensure that the farmland can use water this year. "

The Yellow River waterway in Wazhou is much lower than the farmland on both sides. It seems to be close to the water source, but in fact the water cannot be used, and the water can only be lifted and irrigated by manpower and stored energy.

To solve this contradiction, Song Yingkui had a plan in his memory. Wouldn't it be enough to just build a large waterwheel on the Yellow River?The technical difficulty of this thing is not high, and the efficiency is high. With dozens of pairs, it can solve all the irrigation problems of the fields cultivated by existing manpower.

"Can the city lord and the water tanker really lift the water to the shore to water the fields without using manpower and energy? If so, the Wazhou River can be turned into a rice grain river!" Tian Li, the new magistrate of Wazhou County Miao didn't know what the Yellow River waterwheel looked like, so she couldn't help but feel a little suspicious. "How can this be false? I am an expert in hydraulic machinery. The reason why we did not build a waterwheel before was because the gap between the Tao River and the Yanchuan River was relatively large, so it would be more appropriate to directly build the diversion canal. But here in Wazhou The situation is different in the Yellow River on the other side. The entire Yellow River waterway in Wazhouchuan is lower than that in Sichuan. If the diversion canal is built, water can only be taken from the upper reaches of Guxi Fort. The project is too big and there is no manpower to do it at present.

By the way, when building irrigation canals, you should consider it in advance. In the future, it will be necessary to build a drainage canal in the main city of Wazhou to introduce the Yellow River water into the city, flow out of the city along the drainage canal, and then merge into the river.The purpose of building this drainage channel is mainly to facilitate the discharge of sewage in the city.In the future, the population of Wazhou will increase. If there are no convenient sewage facilities, the lives of the people in the city will be very difficult, and the environment in the city will be difficult to maintain. "

In this era, it is unrealistic to build sewage treatment facilities. Building a diversion channel that directly discharges sewage will greatly improve the quality of life of urban residents.Wazhou is close to the Yellow River and has the conditions to use the Yellow River to discharge sewage. Song Yingkui thought that when the city was newly built, he would consider and plan this matter in advance to avoid too much resistance.

The quality of a city's living environment has a lot to do with the design concepts and planning when it was first built.If the foundation is not laid well, it will not be easy to make corrections in the future.

In addition to setting aside sewage discharge channels, the construction of major roads and government and private facilities in the city also requires advanced planning and foresight.The roads were initially built narrowly, leaving too little space on both sides of the main road. If the city grows in size in the future, the impact will be disastrous.

The planning of city construction is very important, and the knowledge is also quite large. It seems that it is necessary for the newly established Yungu University to open a department of urban and rural and transportation construction planning to specialize in learning and researching this aspect of knowledge.


"Do the roads in Kuiwa and Wazhou City have to be built so wide? Not only are the roads wide, but there is also so much room on both sides. Isn't this a waste of land?" The Urban and Rural Planning Department of Yungu University has not yet been completed. However, urban construction work has gradually begun, so Song Yingkui had to take action himself and formulate the construction regulations for the city's main roads and side streets.The second uncle who came to Wazhou City to report on work couldn't help but question the road construction standards set by Song Yingkui.

The three planned east-west main roads should be built to be wide enough for eight carriages to run side by side. At the same time, a distance of three feet must be reserved on both sides!Is this too wide?How many carriages can there be in Wazhou City?How much land will be wasted after building three roads?In addition to these three main east-west roads, there are also several north-south roads, which must also use this standard.Moreover, the road width requirements for back streets and alleys in the city are not low. Why build the roads so wide?
"Uncle, the future population of Wazhou City may be 50 or [-]! If the road is built too narrow, it will be difficult to widen it later. When we build the city, we must be forward-looking. Done. Otherwise, it will cause trouble for future expansion of the city."

"There will be 50 million people in Wazhou City? Aren't you talking nonsense! There are only 70 million people in the capital city, and the total population of Luoyang Prefecture is only 300 million. Do you think Wazhou City has [-] million people? Will the state be worthy of the capital one day? It’s simply a fantasy!”

(End of this chapter)

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