As soon as the news of setting up an inspection department and conducting inspections county by county, camp by camp, and factory by factory came out, the entire Yungu officialdom suddenly became tense.

As the saying goes, how can there be a cat that doesn't steal sex, and how can there be an official who isn't greedy for money?Officials large and small in the Yungu system are also unlikely to be exceptions.

At the beginning, the stall was small, there were few officials, and there was no way to get any profit. But now, Yungu controls half of the province, and earns millions of taels of silver dollars every year. Among them, the profit and profit are You can imagine how big it is!

Compared with official corruption, Song Yingkui was more worried about government-owned industries and the military.Because the stalls of these two systems are larger than the administrative system, one is the big earner and the other is the big spender. One entry and one exit are the real core and foundation of the Yungu system.

The situation in the military is a little better. The training of management personnel has been tightened and the quality of personnel can be guaranteed.Government-run industries have developed rapidly in recent years, and most managers are promoted on the spot. Their quality varies greatly, and everyone is messed up. The system is relatively chaotic, and there is a lot of room for corruption. It is difficult not to find something fishy.

“This inspection and inspection is related to the long-term peace and stability of our Yungu military government. You must be attentive. We will always pay attention to the progress and do not delay the important events of our military government because of human concerns.

Huanyi, you and I have grown up together since childhood, and they are also the people I trust the most. You can’t live up to my trust this time.We must find out all the bad apples that harm the healthy development of Yungu, and don’t worry.The more we find out, the safer our lives will be in the future!

Think about how difficult it was when we opened the carpentry workshop!We have worked hard for more than ten years to get to where we are today. We must not be ruined by the gangsters!People often say that our family fortune in Yungu belongs to my Song family. This is not true. Our family fortune in Yungu belongs to everyone. It was created by brothers and you. This inheritance is my share and your share is Huanyi’s. You need to understand this in your heart! "

The head of the Inspectorate, Song Yingkui, asked Ding Huanyi to do it.Previously, he was in charge of the intelligence system, and his performance was unsatisfactory and not very satisfactory. It seemed that he was not suitable for this position.After careful consideration, we decided to change his position and let him try out whether the position of Director of the Inspection Department was suitable.

The reason why Ding Huanyi was put in charge of the Supervision Department was that he had a close relationship with him and could be regarded as someone who started his career with him.Another thing is that Ding Huanyi is a relatively shabby person. He has a short temperament inherited from the Ding family. He is not very reserved in the Yungu system, and his relationship with many big bosses is not very good.

Also, after all, he had been in charge of intelligence work, so he was somewhat professional in inquiring about information.

From the beginning, in the Yungu system, the Song family, the Yang family, the Ding family and the Jiang family are the basic teams. Among them, the three families of Song, Yang and Ding came from the same Zhuangzi, and their descendants basically work in each system of Yungu.However, relatively speaking, the development of the children of the Ding family was not very good, and there was no one in charge except Ding Huanyi.

Although the Yang family lost many people in the feudal rebellion, those who survived did well in the army.Yang Shunan and his nephews are now second only to the Song family in influence in the military.Coming from the same village, the development of the Ding family was not only inferior to that of the Song and Yang families, but their sense of existence was even inferior to that of the Jia family, Liu family, Han family and Liu family.Song Yingkui also took this into consideration when he used Ding Huanyi as a whip.

"Brother Kui, I will definitely do a great job for you in inspecting corrupt officials this time. The foundation we have created, how can we allow those bugs to cause trouble? To be honest, I heard a lot of people from my family. By working for our Yungu Army, they have enriched their own pockets and cheated the people. Now that I have been appointed as the director of inspection this time, let’s see if I don’t clean them up. Will they still dare to extend their filth?” Song Yingkui Xiaozhi brainwashed Ding Huanyi with emotion and reason, and Ding Huanyi suddenly became enthusiastic about doing things.

"Huanyi, investigating corruption requires loyalty and skills! Remember, when investigating cases and people, you must tell facts and evidence. If the facts and evidence are unclear, the case will not be confirmed. , the court doesn’t recognize you either, so you have to do your job carefully.

One more thing, take this opportunity to lead the team of the Inspectorate. In the future, the Inspectorate will not only investigate corruption. When the time is right, I plan to make the Inspectorate independent from the Administration Department. No longer subject to the administrative system, the level in the future will be the same as that of the Grand Law Hall.The main work he is responsible for will be similar to that of Dazheng's Yushitai, which not only supervises hundreds of officials but also supervises the enforcement of laws and disciplines. Case litigation matters responsible for the Penal Department will be handed over to the Supervision Department.Therefore, the team must be professional and reliable, and cannot be fake! "

The independence of the three legal powers of investigation, prosecution and trial is the hallmark of the modern judicial system. In fact, ancient China has already begun to explore this aspect at the central level, and there is also a corresponding system construction, but it has not been popularized downwards.Taking advantage of the opportunity of establishing the inspection department, Song Yingkui was ready to start exploring and trying in this area.However, unlike the systems of later generations, Song Yingkui planned to combine the two departments of supervision and prosecution, which would not only save manpower but also increase the authority of this department!
After arranging for Ding Huanyi to set up an inspection department and start the first phase of inspection work, Song Yingkui focused his main energy on this.After all, this job is very important, and Ding Huanyi is a newbie. Many things require the real leader to make ideas and decisions.

Just as the inspection department was starting its work, the administrative office reported a major incident.This year's drought has had a great impact on the Qinzhou and Guanzhong areas. Starting from mid-August, there has been a wave of refugees in Qinzhou and Guanzhong. A large number of refugees flowed out of Qinzhou Pass and poured into Yungu via the Minzhou Mountain Road.

According to statistics from Huichuan Town, hundreds of refugees enter Yungu territory every day, and they are urgently waiting for the administrative department to come up with measures for resettlement.

"Uncle, how many refugees are gathered in Huichuan and Taoyang right now?" As expected, a wave of refugees appeared, and Song Yingkui quickly asked how many people there were.

"Including the refugees coming from the official camp, the total number has exceeded [-]. The plan of the Executive Office is to fill all the people who have come in recently into Wazhou. What does the commander like?"

"How are the preparations going in Wazhou?"

"It's ready. It won't be a problem to resettle [-] to [-] people. The refugees will be given land and housing when they arrive in Wazhou." Since the drought was discovered early, the administrative office had already made preparations. The second uncle answered simply !
"It seems that tens of thousands of civilians are still a bit small. I don't know if more civilians will come in the future. It would be great if there were only twenty or thirty thousand more civilians. By the way, the civilians from the government camp flowed in from Beixiang territory. "Song Yingkui had expected the influx of refugees from Qinzhou, but Beixiang has very strict control over population outflow. I wonder if he can take advantage of this drought to dig into Beixiang too!
(End of this chapter)

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