In the direction of Huichuan Town, the strength of the two regiments has been strengthened. According to the combat layout, it is enough to transfer the cavalry regiment and related ancillary troops there.

After an emergency operation, two days later, except for the artillery battalion, all other troops were basically in place.At this time, the two Zheng armies entering Minzhou merged into one, with Yao Dake as the main general and Tao Kedao as the deputy general, and rushed towards Huichuan Town.

The nominal commander of the Zheng army was Qin Gang, but in fact the former enemy commanders were serious generals such as Yao Dake and Tao Kedao.Warlords with civilian backgrounds cannot go into battle and have no frontline command capabilities. All they can do is tactical arrangement and coordination.

Yao Dake and Tao Kedao were old acquaintances of Yun Gujun and Song Yingkui. They had been dealing with each other for more than ten years. Who would have thought that in the end, they would have to show off on the battlefield.

Faced with nearly [-] Zheng Army's main force and about [-] support troops and civilians, Song Yingkui did not feel that Yungu Army, which had only [-] main force, was at a disadvantage.

If we don't have an advantage in this battle, won't the work of improving equipment and the quality of soldiers in the past ten years be in vain?
"Brother Tao, what do you think of this victory?" In the Zheng Army camp, Yao Dake came to Tao Kedao to discuss military affairs secretly with him while drinking strong wine.

"Our troops are a little short. Since we are going to attack Song Yungu, we should prepare more carefully! You and I only have nine thousand soldiers to fight, and I'm afraid it's not enough. In the early years, I fought side by side with Song Yungu, and his military management was extremely good. Rigorous, with hundreds of men and horses in his hands, he was still able to fight back with many times the number of feudal troops.

Now he has been working hard for nearly ten years, has experienced battles large and small, and has sophisticated firearms!It is by no means an empty show as the important ministers in the court have judged.Tens of thousands of troops could not get any advantage in his hands, how could the imperial court despise him? "Tao Kedao took a mouthful of wine and food, looked up at the flickering oil lamp, and expressed his worries.

"The important ministers in the DPRK have never been in battle and do not know military affairs, so they will only take it for granted! They believe that the Xiang thieves have been defeated in recent years, which must be due to the decline in military strength and the decay of the military camp. Otherwise, how could the small Fanbang country that had risen in Mobei continue to do so? There was nothing the troops could do? Regardless of this, the Yungu Army, which had repeatedly taken advantage of Xiang Jun, was not a divine soldier, but just responded to the circumstances.

Everyone who has been through the battle knows that Xiang Jun's combat power has really collapsed in the past two years?I'm afraid not necessarily.The Meng people should not be underestimated, and the Yungu army should not be underestimated either.But I suggested to the Lord Warlord several times to find a way to mobilize more troops, but the Lord Warlord turned a deaf ear!I can only put leaders like you on the fire. "

Taking himself too seriously was Song Yingkui's evaluation of Zheng Jun's arrangement for this military operation.

In fact, the frontline generals of the Zheng Army who had contact with the Yungu Army were not so confident!They were quite cautious in their assessment of the Yungu Army's combat power. At least they did not think that they could defeat the Yungu Army with a main force of about [-].

However, the decision-making power of Zheng Army's military operations was in the hands of civil servants, and their judgment of Yungu Army's combat power had another logic.

After Beixiang became weak, the monarchs and ministers of Dazheng Chaotang actually became the most arrogant beings.I feel like Sun Monkey who regained his freedom after being crushed by Wuzhishan for five hundred years. He feels full of power.

Without the constraints of Beixiang, the long-repressed ambitions of Dazheng's monarchs and ministers finally had space and opportunities to display.

Nowadays, blind optimism is spreading in Dazheng Chaotang, and few sober people can realize that the weakening of Beixiang is due to the strengthening of their opponents, and these opponents do not include Dazheng.On the contrary, they felt that it was because of Dazheng's delay that the Mimeng and Yungu troops had the opportunity to suffer the consequences and weakened Beixiang. It was Dazheng who made the greatest contribution.

Even if some sober courtiers raised different opinions, such voices were ignored and drowned out by the sudden rise of public opinion.Everyone in the government and the public is beginning to dream of the world being unified and becoming the most powerful country. Who can still listen to the words of reason?

"General, what should we do? It's you and me who are at the forefront. If something goes wrong in this battle, we will not end well." As he listened, Tao Kedao realized that Yao Dake should not only call him here today. Drinking and eating meat and chatting, I guess I will tell you my true thoughts. "I think we have to settle on the same topic! Song Yungu has friendship with you and me. We have given him a lot of help over the years. He should be grateful and understand that it is not a good thing for anyone if the two sides are really at odds at this time. !”

"What kind of negotiation are you talking about? We can't force a deal with him despite the military orders of the imperial court, right?" Tao DaDaDao didn't want to fight, but he looked left and right and felt that as a frontline general, there was really no room for bargaining in this matter. How many.

"Let Song Yungu give up the town of Huichuan, and we will maintain the battle line between the two sides between Taoyang City and Huichuan Town. After a long battle, the imperial court is unable to support it, so we ask you and me to withdraw our troops. Wouldn't both sides be happy?"


"These Yao Dake and Tao Kedao really know how to think, who do they think they are? Can they take a big Zheng from Yungu and take it as their record based on their face? It's simply ridiculous! Send the order to the enemy to take command. Ministry, we must start the war within two days, the enemies of Minzhou will not be tolerated!"

Song Yingkui, who rushed to the Huichuan Suppression Formation, couldn't help but want to laugh while holding the documents that Yao Dake asked someone to bring.These two people did not understand their positions.

Do you still think that the current Yungu Army is just a piece of shit that they could control?I want to occupy Huichuan Town for nothing, and then start a tacit war!I really want to eat shit!
This battle is a sword-fight between the Yungu Army and Da Zheng. How can we deal with it carelessly?It would be impossible for both of them not to keep their old capital!
After receiving the military order to start the war, Song Xueliang immediately ordered the frontline soldiers to launch military operations.

In one day, the three Yungu main battle groups pressed into the Zheng Army camp in Minzhou.

As soon as the two armies joined forces, Yungu's army did not stop and immediately pressed forward with the entire army.Within half a day, the Zheng army's camp was defeated. Yao Dake and Tao Kedao panicked and retreated eastward with the main force.

How could the Yungu Army allow them to retreat eastward safely? The cavalry and bicycle infantry regiments were hot on their heels!

Yao Dake was very unlucky to be caught up by the Yungu Army. The soldiers around him fled in all directions, and Yao Dake himself was captured alive!

Tao Kedao was clever and gave full play to his ability to run away. He ran out of the Yungu Army's pursuit range day and night, and retreated to Wudu City with a small number of his troops.

"I've heard General Yao's name for a long time, and it's really fate to meet him today!" In Huichuan Town, Song Yingkui looked at Yao Dake who was being escorted over, and spoke with false politeness.

"The commander is ashamed of Yao! Now that Yao has been captured, he can only leave it to the general's disposal. I hope the commander will spare their lives for the sake of all my soldiers being Xisuerlang." Yao Dake was quite helpless. Speaking of softening his attack in the lobby, he was nominally begging for mercy for the soldiers under his command, but in fact, he was begging for mercy for himself.

"The soldiers under General Yao know the situation and the righteousness better than the general himself! Most of them have laid down their weapons. How can we, the Yungu Army, embarrass them?" (End of Chapter)

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