The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 293 If there are Beixiang officials who escape to Yungu, should they be used or not?

Chapter 293 If there are Beixiang officials who escape to Yungu, should they be used or not?

The bitter battle between Beixiang and the Mimeng people had the biggest impact on Yungu territory, which was the influx of refugees.

Since the outbreak of the Yinzhou War, the Beixiang government's ability to control the people has been greatly reduced, and as many as [-] to [-] people have poured into Yungu from the Beixiang area.

These people were different from the refugees who had poured into Yungu before. Most of them were wealthy households in Yinzhou, Jingzhou and Hepingqing Mansion.

In troubled times, the sense of smell of wealthy families is much more sensitive than that of ordinary people. They feel that the country in Beixiang is imminent, and fleeing to the relatively safe Yungu area is the best choice to protect their families.

Of course, if possible, it would be best to escape to Dazheng.It's just that Dazheng did not welcome the refugees from Beixiang. Unlike Yungu, which had policies to calm the people and provide land.Moreover, the military power has been very strong in recent years, which can give people a relative sense of security.

Since there is currently no large area of ​​irrigated land for resettling people, facing the influx of refugees, the administrative department's measures to calm the people can only be allocated to various districts and counties.

Except for Qinzhou, which is temporarily unsuitable for resettling people, other districts and counties have the task of resettling refugees.Of course, most of the refugees are resettled in the abandoned Yuyuanchuan River. This year, [-] refugees have been resettled one after another.

Although there is little stable irrigation water in Yuyuanchuan, the land is relatively flat. In normal years, the agricultural output is still good.

The wealthy families who came to Yungu in exile had different needs for land than ordinary refugees. They were not satisfied with the resettlement measures of allocating land according to population in Yungu, and proposed using money and grain to purchase land to build manors.

Regarding this request, Song Yingkui decided to agree in principle after discussing it with his second uncle.However, the scale must be controlled, and it is also stipulated that all purchased land must be reclaimed and taxed within three years. If it cannot be developed, the military government will forcibly reclaim it.

"Uncle, we have a lot more counties and districts under our jurisdiction now, and it would be a bit confusing to rely on the administrative department to directly manage them. For this reason, I decided to set up state governance on the basis of counties to facilitate administration.

The four counties under the original Qinzhou Prefecture were established as Qinzhou, and the five districts of Minzhou, Taoyang and Yunzhou were combined to form Lintao Prefecture, Taozhou, Hezhou and Taosha County were combined to form Hesha Prefecture, and Wazhou, Huangshui, The three areas of Yuyuan are unified under the rule of Wazhou. In this way, under the rule of the Yungu military government, there are four states and twelve counties and two districts under its jurisdiction! "As the administrative normalization of the Qinzhou area is basically completed, Song Yingkui is preparing to carry out corresponding upgrades to the administrative structure of the military government.

Currently, there are about a dozen counties and districts under the direct jurisdiction of the military government. If there is no additional first-level administrative agency, management will be really troublesome, and the transmission of administrative documents will be a problem.

Originally, these areas currently under the rule were divided into prefectures and prefectures during the Dazheng period. The restoration of prefectural rule now is in line with the situation.

The state-level organizational system is a relatively special one in Dazheng. It is between prefectures and counties. Some states are directly managed by the province, while others are managed by prefecture-level administrative units.For example, Qinzhou Prefecture is actually composed of two parts. One part is the county directly managed by the prefecture, and the other part is the county managed by Wudu Prefecture, while Wudu Prefecture is managed by Qinzhou Prefecture.

"If state governance is established, what is the level of state-level officials?" With the addition of a new level of New Deal agencies, the levels of administrative officials must be re-classified. The second uncle's question was to ask how to make adjustments in this regard? "The original eight-level administrative officer system should be adjusted to nine levels! The administrative department will refer to the previous classification standards to make corresponding adjustments." The adjustment of administrative levels is actually relatively simple. The classification at Dazheng is already very systematic. Yungu's side just changed its name accordingly.

Song Yingkui has also done some research on the official system of Dazheng in recent years. He found that this thing is very different from the official system of later generations in his memory.It's just that the official system of later generations blurred the distinction between genuine products and substandard products.

At first, he was a little confused as to why there was such a big difference between the provincial-level officials of Dazheng and the six ministers.

It was later discovered that the actual duties of the six-department chief officers were the same as those of the provincial-level chief officers, but they also had higher-level honorary titles hanging on their heads.Of course, some provincial officials also have honorary titles on their heads, and their status in the court is no lower than that of the six chief officials.

"Commander, according to the plan, our army will occupy Jingzhou and Jingzhou in this autumn. Correspondingly, Pingchuan Prefecture, Huizhou, Longyou Prefecture, and Gongchang will be brought under the rule of the military government. According to the Dazheng period, After the establishment, the military government will add seven or eight more counties. As a result, the biggest problem we face is the lack of officials. We must have a plan in this regard, otherwise there will be chaos."

The situation in the world is changing drastically, and the expansion of the Yungu military government is inevitable. If the next plan goes well, including the four counties of Qinzhou, the military government is likely to add more than ten counties to its territory this year.

In addition, states must be established above the county level, leaving a huge shortage of officials.My second uncle was very worried about this. There really weren’t that many officials available under the Executive Office.

"Uncle, what are your thoughts in this regard?" After being reminded by his second uncle, Song Yingkui found that the gap in officials was indeed quite large.He wanted to hear if his second uncle had any good ideas in this regard.

"There are only two ways. One is to recruit all graduates from Yungu University and several technical secondary schools as officials, and the other is to select some people from demoted officials and wealthy families in Xinfu area. In my opinion, Xinfu It is best to retain all the officials in the region. Originally, the best way was to select officials from retired soldiers, but there are strong enemies outside, and I am afraid that we cannot arrange for the retired soldiers to retire this year!"

"It is not appropriate to directly recruit school graduates as officials. This is contrary to the established education policy. Let's make a plan for the Executive Office. Except for some urgent positions in the new areas that need to be removed from existing officials, other officials Sources are first selected from people with rank positions in the government property system.

Secondly, they are selected from the teaching staff of each school, and again they are demoted from the demoted positions.Finally, appropriate consideration should be given to using some newly graduated students.

As for grassroots officials, demoted officials in Xinfu areas can be temporarily retained, but they must have a probation period. During the probation period, the administrative department needs to formulate corresponding assessment standards and some people need to be eliminated. Evil officials will harm the country and cannot be used! "

In Song Yingkui's view, allowing newly graduated students to directly serve as officials is not only a waste of talent and educational resources, but also irresponsible to the people.It is best to let these people practice in professional positions for a period of time, and then divide them among them, with some people engaged in administrative work and the other engaged in professional work.

"Demoting officials and demotion? What regulations should be used? Although most of the officials fled to Dazheng when Qinzhou was liberated, there were still some captured officials who refused to serve me in Yungu! But what happened from Beixiang? It is estimated that there are not many officials who want to seize the land who do not want to be used. We still need to make corresponding records. Also, according to my estimation, there are probably many officials from Beixiang who will flee to Yungu. These people Do you need it?"

(End of this chapter)

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