The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 307 The generals advised “advance”

After the Gulong War ended, Song Yingkui sent an order to Taoyang, asking the Administration Department and the Government Property Department to gradually cancel the mobilization of all employees and restore production and living order in an orderly manner.

The Mimeng people's war is a profitable business, but the Yungu army's war is a pure loss-making business. Every extra day of fighting means another day of wasted time in making money.

At present, the two major forces of Yungu and Yunei are at war with each other at the same time, and the impact on industry and commerce is unimaginable. In the short term, a return to previous prosperity may seem impossible.

Fortunately, the population and area under the rule are much larger than before. After the foreign trade is stagnant, we can restore a little vitality by expanding the internal circulation.

The real contradiction is that the newly attached five to six million people do not have much money in their hands. It is difficult to expect them to expand domestic demand. We have to find ways to give them money and purchasing power.

It is naturally not advisable to directly give money to the people. The only way is to release tasks and projects so that people can earn money through labor and then use the money for consumption.

The timing was a bit unlucky. If it had been later, when the weather got warmer and the land thawed, road construction, land reclamation, and water conservancy projects would have allowed the people to make money.

"Send an order to the Executive Office and ask them to allocate enough materials from government property for [-] sets of military uniforms to the Qinzhou area. Qinzhou organized local people to make [-] sets of military uniforms in three months. In addition, give Beixiang The refugees allocate materials for [-] pairs of military shoes so that the refugees in Beixiang can make the military shoes as quickly as possible and transport them to the front line. The labor costs for making shoes and clothing must be paid to every citizen who participates, and there must be no deductions. .

After the war, the commander-in-chief will specially arrange people to conduct reviews. Once problems are discovered, all participants will be punished as war sabotage crimes and will never be tolerated.

The Executive Office has begun the design and renovation project of the official road from Taoyang to Huizhou, and from Huizhou to Weizhou through Pingchuan. The entire project will be completed after the freeze is lifted. Start work on land reclamation and canal construction in Pingchuan, Huizhou and other places, and strive to plant more than [-] acres of summer and autumn grains in these areas this year, and open more than [-] acres of fields, especially the paddy field reclamation in Pingchuan area It should be taken as a key task. "

For the time being, if big projects are not available, we will start small projects on military uniforms and shoes, and then start large-scale projects when the weather gets warmer.

The situation of farmland opening this year is relatively severe. In Huizhou, Gongchang, and Longyou areas, land has been abandoned for too long, making reclamation extremely difficult. On the Pingchuan side, most of the land is newly opened wasteland, and it takes longer to open up wasteland! It is still unknown whether land reclamation can meet the demand for food production.

If you think about it carefully, the fields that were actually available at that time were actually in Yinzhou. The land in Yinzhou will only be left vacant for a year at most. As long as the land is occupied, it can be used to grow food! Therefore, the battle to attack Yinzhou should be carried out sooner rather than later.

In the late first month of the twelfth year of Jingli, all preparations for the attack on Yinzhou were almost in place. Song Yingkui couldn't wait to order the entire army to march north from Weizhou.

At this moment, the main generals of the Yungu Army who had gathered in Weizhou, led by their third uncle, ran to the Chinese army's tent. What are they here for? He actually came to persuade him to come in. The generals said that the Yungu Army had been victorious one after another, expanded countless territories, and had made extraordinary achievements in saving the people in the northwest from the fire. As the commander-in-chief of the Yungu military government and the commander-in-chief of the entire army, Song Yingkui's achievements are great enough to be called the king!
  "Proclaimed king? Why did you raise this issue at this time?" Facing the sudden public opinion, Song Yingkui did not react for a while.

"Great Commander, you are a person who has made great contributions to the world. If you don't call yourself the king now, when will you wait? It's time for our Yungu Army to be reborn. If you call yourself the king, it will be right for us to change our name in the Northern Expedition to Yinzhou. Brothers You will be more motivated to fight!" When the third uncle said this, he felt like sparks were coming out of his eyes, and the general below also looked extremely excited.

What's going on? Do you feel that these guys' desire to persuade themselves to become kings is more important than their own promotion and wealth?
  No, these guys have bad intentions when they come here to persuade me!
  Were they trying to persuade the commander-in-chief of the Song Dynasty to proclaim himself king? They came here in the name of persuading the commander-in-chief to become king, and asked to be promoted to a higher position.

If the commander-in-chief of the Song Dynasty does not claim the title of king, how can he divide the titles among his brothers? Their request is not to be promoted to an official position, their request is to be promoted to a noble title!

Previously, the Yungu Army was just a small local snake, and the generals in the army had no intention of thinking about titles.

But in less than a year, Yungu's army captured the city and defeated powerful enemies one after another. Dazheng and Mi Meng, the strongest men in the world, were both defeated by Yungu's army and fled. At this time, how long will it take to become a small shareholder without seeking shares?
  An official position can only be held for a lifetime at most, but a knighthood is different. With a knighthood, it is equivalent to being able to share dividends from the company Yungu forever!
  Almost instantly, Song Yingkui understood the twists and turns. He even shuddered in his heart. He still underestimated the ambition and desire of his generals.

"The world is in turmoil and the people are suffering terribly. Are you now advising Song to become king? Do you want Song to be ridiculed by the world and become a laughing stock! Don't mention the matter of becoming king again!"

However, it is rare for you to have the desire to make a difference! Let's do this. After the Battle of Yinzhou, this commander will formally establish a government and give rewards to the generals based on their achievements in the Battle of Yinzhou combined with their previous achievements! The day after tomorrow, I set up a platform to worship heaven, and sent the entire army to the Northern Expedition to return Yinzhou to the Central Plains. All officers and soldiers in the army will work together to fight for peace in the world and stability of the people, and strive for a good future for themselves! "

It is impossible to be called a king. You don't even have a province, so you can be called a king of wool. In Song Yingkui's mind, anyone who becomes king prematurely will not end well. We have so many names to use, why do we have to come up with a royal name that will make people angry?
  In the midst of a war, the generals' emotions must also be taken care of, and the cakes that should be painted must still be painted. After the Battle of Yinzhou is over, it is necessary to carefully consider the merit and reward system.

After appeasing the generals' thoughts, he sent them away. Song Yingkui left his third uncle Song Xueliang alone and started to deal with him like crazy.

"Third uncle, what are you thinking about? Why didn't you discuss such a big matter with me in advance or tell me in advance?
  Encourage to come in! You lead some people to persuade this idiot to come in. Do you want to roast me on the fire, or do you want to get yourself a princely title?
  Do you think being crowned king is a joke? With this little place like ours, how can we be called king? After you are crowned king and knighted, who will still have the energy to devote to war? Do you still want to fight in Yinzhou? Do you think that the Yungu Army is invincible?
  Remember, if you want to achieve great things, you must build walls high, accumulate food widely, and be king slowly! If the opportunity is not there and you are blindly arrogant, all the wealth that our Song family has finally built up will be ruined. "

(End of this chapter)

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