The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 321 1 army, 1 leader, 1 military order!

Chapter 321 An army, a leader, and a military order!

"This time, tens of thousands of migrant workers were used to build the railway. The construction period lasted for several years and involved numerous fortifications. In order to solve the problem of the need for many professionals in railway construction and the newly recruited people who were unfamiliar with the construction and supervision of the fortifications, we I plan to open a railway college in Taoyang.

The Railway College is mainly responsible for three tasks. The first is to provide professional knowledge training on railway construction for all levels of promotion. The training adopts a rotation system and the training cycle is six months. An assessment will be organized after six months of study, and those who pass will be issued a school diploma. Those who fail will be eligible to retake the exam once, and those who fail the assessment twice will be dismissed!

The second step is to provide advanced training to those who have performed well in the process of building railways. After passing the training, they can become officials. The last function is to recruit primary school graduates and cultivate professional technical and management talents for railway and official road construction, so as to reserve talents for future road construction. "

In Song Yingkui's opinion, railway construction is a technical job, and it is definitely not possible to continue to use grass-roots teams. Taking advantage of this opportunity to overhaul the railway, it is time to cultivate a construction management team with strong professional capabilities. So I asked the chief officials of the Department of Transportation and the Department of Education to join forces to start a transportation college first.

With the expansion of population and geographical area under the rule, the enrollment scale of previously established schools has been difficult to meet the needs of students for further studies. In addition to running a traffic vocational college, Song Yingkui felt that two or three more vocational schools, two or three normal schools, and one university would be enough.

"The work of the Teaching and Medical Department this year is not easy. Before the end of the year, Qinzhou Normal College and Liangzhou Normal College must be established. At the same time, the Agricultural Medical College must be split into two schools to recruit students separately, and preparations must be made for Qinzhou next year. There are plans to open an agricultural college and an engineering college respectively in and Wazhou!

Now it is not enough for us to only have one university under our rule. The government must find ways to expand the teaching staff and prepare another university. The newly established university will be distinguished from Yungu University in terms of majors, mainly focusing on engineering.

Efforts should be intensified to popularize basic education in primary schools. In all Xinfu areas, junior primary schools should cover towns and villages within three to five years, and counties must have complete primary schools. Since there were not enough teachers, scholars from Dazheng were widely recruited and put on the job after short-term training. This can also be regarded as a way to provide the means of making a living for scholars who have lost their livelihood, so that they can make full use of their talents. "

Since the people from the Teaching and Medical Department were around, Song Yingkui explained in one breath what needed to be done in education in the next few years.

After the population exceeds one million, education will have a head start. For serious higher education, Song Yingkui's idea is to go small and excellent, and the scale does not need to be too large. For the current population, one or two thousand college students are recruited every year. That's enough. We need to put more effort into vocational skills education and the training of grassroots professionals.

Within ten years, about one-third of the school-age boys under the rule will receive secondary professional sex education. This is the goal Song Yingkui wants to achieve.

Judging from the current practical conditions, what needs to be promoted for the time being is for each state to have a secondary technical school including a normal college. If we can achieve this step, the Anxi regime will have a truly reliable talent base and political foundation.


"Commander and Brigadier Wei sent fast horses to deliver military reports from the front line. Gao Cunning of Suzhou did not agree with our army's comprehensive takeover of Hexi political affairs and the reorganization of Guining's troops. He meant to occupy the autonomy of Susha and the two prefectures. , listen to the tune but not the announcement. Brigadier Wei asked for instructions, what should our army do next?"

In September of the twelfth year of Jingli, Wei Dadao led the cavalry brigade to capture Gaotai City in Ganzhou, and basically drove the Mi Meng army that had fled into Hexi back to Mobei, and came into contact with Gao Cunning, the deputy general of the Guining army who was still in Suzhou. The head of the General Staff Office took a copy of Wei Dadao's military information request and went to the headquarters to ask Song Yingkui for his opinion.

"Send an order to Brigadier Wei to issue an ultimatum to Gao Cunning in the name of the Anxi Governor's Office. It is urgent for our army to fully take over the military administration of Hexi. If Gao Cunning fully cooperates, the previous conditions will remain unchanged. If he ignores the overall situation, our Anxi army will The bandit army regarded it as such. In order to allow Brigadier Wei to launch a campaign to conquer Suzhou and Shazhou, the staff department transferred two infantry regiments to Liangzhou and Ganzhou to take over the defense of the two states. At the same time, a message was sent to Brigadier Wei. , in order to better achieve the purpose of promoting peace through war, you can launch a war against the small town west of Gaotai City while issuing the ultimatum.

Once Gao Cunning rejects our ultimatum, he will immediately launch a war to fully recover Suzhou and Shazhou. Don't delay. "

Gao Cunning refused to accept the reorganization, which made Song Yingkui very angry. This guy was actually as ignorant as his brother.

Give him another chance. If he is still stubborn, there will be no love left. When did this happen? The Anxi Army must figure out what happened in Hexi as quickly as possible so that it can free up its hands to deal with the Mongol Army with all its strength.

After giving a reply to the staff, Song Yingkui turned back to his mansion in Wazhou and asked Gao Cunzhen to invite Gao Cunhu to his home for dinner.

"My uncle has been looking bad lately? Is he dissatisfied with my arrangements for the Guining Army and Hexi's political affairs?

We are a family, so I will speak openly. To be honest, Song looks down upon what your Gao family is doing in Hexi. For the sake of selfish interests, he withdrew troops from the Ningxi battlefield regardless of the overall situation, causing the overall situation in Xisu to lose control. The whole province of Xisu is in ruins, and the generals of Hexi bear an unshirkable responsibility.

Having occupied the fertile soil in Hexi for nearly ten years, we have found it uneasy for the people internally and difficult to defend against the enemy externally, and have been unkind and unjust to our friendly forces. This is also your fault.

In the current situation, if I sit back and watch you self-governing in Hexi, it will be irresponsible to our Anxi Army and the world. Whether public or private, I have no reason not to accept the land of Hexi. I hope my uncle will understand.

Song is a craftsman, and he likes to be strict and pragmatic when doing things! Nowadays, the world is in a time of great strife. Even behemoths like Dazheng are in danger of annihilation. Hexi is a small, abundant, and lonely place. Isn't it just a child holding a treasure of pearls and jade? Trying to achieve territorial autonomy is nothing more than a daydream. Even if Song can tolerate it, can the Mimeng people and the Xifan people tolerate it?

Cunzhen is the wife of my Ming matchmaker. The relationship between our two families is so close that it cannot be compared with outsiders. The Guining Army has been fully integrated into our Anxi Army system, which will benefit your Gao family. I do need the help of some real relatives so that I can make a difference in this time of great strife.

An army, a leader, and a military order, these are Song's principles for building an army and governing the country. Apart from this principle, the rest is easy to talk about. I hope my uncle can see the situation clearly and think clearly. At the same time, how can I give my second uncle in Suzhou some reason and affection? It is best not to let our two families meet at war. The useless thing. "As soon as the food was on the table, Song Yingkui told Gao Cunhu the purpose of the dinner appointment. Song Yingkui also wanted to make a last-ditch effort against Gao Cunning and the rest of Guining's army.

(End of this chapter)

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