The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 41 A prince died in the first month of last year, and the emperor died this year!

Chapter 41 A prince died in the first month of last year, and the emperor died this year!

Almost everyone was colorful, and when they returned to the village with a pile of rags, everyone in the Yangjiabao Shehuo Team was in high spirits.Because they didn't suffer in the fight with the Zuojiazhuang Shehuo Team.

Zuojiazhuang Zhuangzi is not big, but the folk customs are fierce. When several nearby Zhuangzi fought with them, they didn't stick to it.Their Zhuangzi was still a den of bandits, but when the Zhuangzi in front of them encountered bandits, the first thing that came to mind was the Zuojiazhuang.Being able to defeat the bandit den in Zuojiazhuang proves that the people in Yangjiabao are not cowardly, and they will not be bullied in this ten miles and eight villages in the future.

After returning to Zhuangzi, the Shehuo team stayed in their own Zhuangzi for three days to fix things before continuing to send Shehuo to other villages.

In the next few days, there was no more fighting with weapons, otherwise Song Yingkui would have thought that the purpose of playing Shehuo was to fight.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the Shehuo team rested after the Lantern Festival in the village.During the year, the fun time belonging to the mill people is coming to an end, and spring plowing will begin soon.

Under normal circumstances, spring plowing will start a few days after February [-].What do you do during the period between the fifteenth of the first lunar month and the second of February?

Build a house!Building a house at this time will not delay the farming season. At the same time, the soil is slowly warming up, and the soil is not as frozen as it was in the middle of winter.Breaking the ground to lay the foundation, and building walls with mud are not very affected by the severe cold.

The Song family is going to build a house this year, so naturally they have to choose these few days.On the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, the construction of the Song family's house was officially launched.The person in charge of the project is Song Yingkui, a carpenter of the Song family.

Is it reliable to let a 17-year-old doll preside over the building of a house?The people in the village were actually somewhat skeptical, and they had no objection to Song Yingkui's carpenter's job well done.But I always feel that it is a bit light to carry such a big burden for such a young doll.

There's no way, Ding Degui is the only big carpenter in the nearby Zhuangzi. How can the old man be able to please the Song family with his attitude now?Except for Ding Degui, the Song family really didn't know a carpenter who was suitable for building a house.You can't build two mud houses. Go to the county and hire Carpenter Qin, right?Too much talent and little use.

"Kui Wa, don't worry! We've already built a water mill, so we can't pay for our two mud houses?" I don't know if it was to encourage his grandson, or he really had confidence in his ability. When the house was officially built, Song Tianshun rarely ran to Song Yingkui to say cheers.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will definitely build our house beautifully."

The first step in building a house is to dig the foundation and tamp the soil with a pestle. After the tamping is completed, mud bricks are laid according to the regulations of the house.Grandpa and Dad of the mud bricks were laid and dried in the sun last year, and the grass mud was mixed with grass and mud, and they were piled up in circles along the line.

If you are a wealthy family, you must use blue bricks instead of mud bricks to build walls.Song Yingkui also thought about whether to build a small kiln at home and burn green bricks to build a house.After calculating the cost, I found that the family did not have the ability for the time being.For brick walls, the most expensive thing is not the brick but the adhesive.

When King Sukang built his tomb, he used glutinous rice juice and compound clay as the adhesive. How could the Song family afford glutinous rice to build walls?Another way is to get the cement out, but the cost of making the cement is probably higher than buying glutinous rice!

Let's just build the house where the second uncle married his daughter-in-law first, and then build a better house when the conditions are met!Of course, this time the Song family did not use mud bricks to build their house. The key stress points of the house were made of blue bricks.The blue bricks used were bought by Song Yingkui when he arranged for his father and second younger brother to take a trip to the county with a shelf cart in the twenties of the twelfth lunar month.For a small amount of blue bricks, it is not worthwhile to build a brick kiln.Because less bricks are used, there is no need to use glutinous rice adhesive. If there is a mud brick wall wedged with sandstone, it can be done!
This way of building a house is actually a bit of a trick. When a serious carpenter builds a house, the key point of force is the wooden column. The role of the wooden column is equivalent to the reinforced concrete ring beam, and the mud brick is not strong.Therefore, the two houses built by Song Yingkui are still a little innovative, at least a lot of carpentry work has been reduced.

After the wall is built, the biggest thing in building a house is to install the beams.It is very important to build houses in rural areas and put beams on.The carpenters who put up the beams have to wear red and hanging colors, and they have to kill chickens and offer incense. After the ceremony of putting up the beams, they have to entertain the neighbors who came to help build the houses.

Originally, Song Yingkui thought that if he built two side rooms at will, there was no need to be so grand, and it would be enough to invite the helper Mr. Zhuang to have a meal.As a result, Grandpa denied this opinion on the spot, insisting that Song Yingkui should wear red to complete the beam-raising ceremony.

It is difficult to use brick columns, and the difficulty of raising the beams is not as complicated as the wooden column frame structure, nor is it so difficult.Standing on the top of the wall, he commanded the people to hang the beams upright, ride on the beams and inscribe a few copper coins and colored objects underneath, wrapping them in a big red cloth.Throw down the sugar and jujube wrapped in red cloth for the children who came to watch the excitement to snatch it up, and Liang will be successful.

After the beams are installed, the remaining work is to connect the rafters, fill the rafters with ties, fill the gaps with grass, cover with soil, paste the roof with grass mud, and then paste the roof with compound soil.For those who have the conditions, after the sanhe soil is pasted on the roof, tiles are laid.The Song family has not bought tiles for the time being, and the main project of building the house will be completed at this stage.Before time travel, when I was watching a costume drama, I saw some heroes eavesdropping on the roof, and they could see the people in the house by just removing a tile. I don’t know what kind of house building style is that?

Anyway, in the houses in the northwest frontier, it is impossible to see the inside of the house by removing the tiles.If you want to see what's going on in the house, at least you have to lift off the roof!
Waiting for the house to dry for a period of time, usually in May and June, it is necessary to paste the walls with grass mud and fine mud to start the fine decoration of the house.

The two houses built are one large and one small, and the large one is a three-span house. In the future, it will be the main house of the second uncle after he gets married.A small room whose purpose is uncertain.All in all, the amount of work is actually not that big, and the village master came to help about [-] people, and it took less than ten days to build it.

After the house was built, Song Yingkui hurriedly took his third uncle, younger brother and younger sister to the shop at Yanchuan Gorge.If the shop is closed for too long, it will affect the business!
On the first day the blacksmith shop opened, instead of waiting for customers, they heard a bad news!The current emperor of Dazheng died!

To Song Yingkui, this news was irrelevant, and it was not a bad news.But for other ordinary people, it seems that the impact is quite big.Song Yingkui saw that some of the people who came to Jia's house to grind noodles passed out from crying after hearing the news.It's really salty to eat radish and not to worry about it. The emperor who is thousands of miles away is dead.

Dazheng's royal family is also strange, why are they rushing to die in the first month?In the first month of last year, a prince died, and the victim served half a year of corvee service. The emperor died this year. I wonder if it will cause trouble for the common people?
(End of this chapter)

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