The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 56 The vermicelli business has to grow slowly!

Chapter 56 The vermicelli business has to grow slowly!
"San Dae, when you went to Guo's house on August [-]th to celebrate the festival, did you hear that there are not many potatoes in their area?" It's no problem that Uncle San wants to have an independent business, not to mention, Song Yingkui is really thinking about developing a new business recently.

"I didn't listen, but on the way I went, I looked at the area around the mouth of the gorge, and there seemed to be a lot of yams planted." Who would ask what crops are grown in that area when he is free to visit his father-in-law?Of course, Song Xueliang didn't know exactly how many potato farmers there were in which area.

"Do you think there can be a few hundred acres?" Song Yingkui has never seen any other potato farmers in Wuying Town. If there are too few plants at Xingyue Gorge, he will not be able to do the business he wants.

"How can there be! The Guo family probably grows a lot. They have a lot of land and they raise a lot of pigs. I heard from your third aunt who hasn't passed the family yet. Pigs love to grow fat when they eat potatoes. They also asked our family to grow more and raise a few more pigs."

What is a third aunt who has never been through the door?You little boy, you haven't even formally engaged with anyone yet.Song Yingkui complained about his third uncle for a while, and then said, "You can do whatever you want! These few days, I will make a small water wheel for making potato flour, and I will teach you how to make potato flour. First, you will use what you grow at home to practice. After you learn it, you can go to Guo's mill to make one, and then this winter you will gather potatoes there and grind them into flour, and bring them home."

"What is potato flour?" Song Xueliang had no idea what Song Yingkui said!
"It was the kind of powder that came out of the pot when I was trying to fry potato dishes a few days ago. What did I use to make us a bowl of dough? Did you forget? After smashing the potatoes, you can get a lot of that kind of powder." It seems that I told the third uncle which thing is potato powder?He did not remember!
"Oh! Does the potato produce a lot of flour? You mean to let me do the noodle business in the future?" Song Xueliang finally came to his senses, thinking that his nephew was asking him to collect the potato and make it into flour and sell it.

"If you don't produce much flour, why do you like to get fat when raising pigs? You feed white flour to pigs every day, and you also like to get fat. The business I want is not to resell the noodles in the future, but to sell the potato flour into vermicelli like dried noodles. After drying, it can be stored for a long time like our bean curd sticks. Another point is that it is easy to learn how to make potato flour. There is a way to make vermicelli, which most people can't figure out."

The easiest way to make vermicelli is to add alum, which will make the vermicelli smoother, easier to coagulate, and more chewy.Vermicelli made without adding alum has a poor taste and is easily broken.Of course, because this thing contains aluminum, the vermicelli made from it is not very healthy.But as long as the quantity is well controlled, there is no problem, and people in this era will not eat vermicelli every day.Alum is sold in traditional Chinese medicine shops, and it is not difficult to get it.As long as you pay attention when making vermicelli, and don't let anyone know the secret of adding alum, the Song family can only make vermicelli within three to five years.It is enough for a small gadget to have an independent operation period of three to five years.

This is what Song Yingkui thought of for his third uncle. This year, he first went to Guo's house to collect potatoes and beat them into flour, then took them home to make vermicelli, and slowly sold them in shops.With this year's driving effect, next year there will be people growing potatoes in Wuying Town, and in three to five years, this industry will be able to develop.

"Will anyone buy vermicelli? Will this business be the same as the bean curd stick business at home?" Song Xueliang quickly became concerned about the specific future when his nephew stated the direction of business without even thinking about it.

"This business is not as fast as the yuba business. First of all, yuba is a kind of tofu after all. People have always eaten tofu before eating yuba. It is easier to accept. There are also yams. There are few people growing them here. We haven't planted them here yet, and the raw materials are not easy to harvest. But, this business can be done by our family within a few years. It is not as easy to figure out as yuba. Another potato has a large output. If you think about it, if the yield of artichokes is large, it can save the famine, it can raise pigs, and it can be sold for money, it will be cost-effective to grow them, and people will definitely love to grow them!"

Now that potatoes have been spread to Dazheng, it means that some people still see the value of its production. The factor that hinders its further promotion is mainly commercialization.Potatoes have a limited storage time, and if they cannot be exchanged for money and taxes, farmers will have no incentive to grow them on a large scale.It is not difficult to achieve large-scale planting as long as it is provided with a way to monetize.

In addition to extracting starch, potatoes can actually make wine, which is also a way to realize industrialization.However, brewing wine in Dazheng is a government franchise. You need to buy distiller's yeast and obtain a license to brew wine. Ordinary ordinary people are not qualified to participate in this matter.For the time being, I can't focus on the brewing business, let's talk about it later.In any case, it should be a good thing for Song Yingkui to let potatoes be planted on a large scale in and around Wuying Town.The output of other traditional crops is really too low. In normal years, it is fine. When there is a disaster year, what do the people in this place use to survive the famine?

"How many years? It's okay! Anyway, our family doesn't expect me to make money now. As long as I have a serious job to do, I can survive for a few years. I believe in Kuiwa's vision of business. From now on, I will make a living as vermicelli." Song Xueliang now lacks a career, not a livelihood to support his family.The Song family now has several businesses running, and there is no shortage of small money.There is no shortage of small money in the Guo family, and they didn't think about being rich at all when they asked him to be their aunt.

Listening to Uncle San's tone, why does Song Yingkui feel a bit like a rich second generation who is not in a hurry to make money and only wants to make a career?No one was born into a rich second generation, but he became a rich second generation when he looked like this.

The simple machinery for making potato flour is actually very simple. It is just a crusher, a scum centrifuge, and a few vats for making flour.

After taking Ding Huanyi to get out the simple machinery to be used, he pulled several carts of potatoes from home and smashed them. After filtering out the scum, he changed the water several times, and the potato noodles were made.After putting it in a clean place to dry, Song Yingkui went to the street and bought a few taels of alum from a traditional Chinese medicine shop, and then tried making vermicelli directly in the shop.

The freshly made hot vermicelli, mixed with some vinegar, sprinkled with salt, and some seasonings such as pepper and garlic, the few people in the shop ate it heartily, saying that they had eaten delicious food in the world.It is that there is no chili noodles in this era, otherwise, the taste would be good, and it would make people want to eat it.

"Kuiwa, this food is so delicious. If nothing else, we can open a restaurant on the street that specializes in selling this food." After eating hot mixed vermicelli, the third uncle actually thought of opening a spicy noodle shop. The delicious food really inspires people.

(End of this chapter)

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