The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 73 This year's manpower in the village must be centralized and used!

Chapter 73 This year's manpower in the village must be centralized and used!

Some people are interested in the official position of the Zhuangzhuang Team, and some people are not.This is not an officially recognized position. Not only is there no salary, but money has to be posted in it. For example, Song Yingkui's family donated ten taels of silver to his village guard team.

It is precisely because of the nature of Ziganwu that Song Yingkui's cronyism and personnel arrangements did not attract much criticism.It doesn't matter how you arrange personnel, as long as you can keep everyone safe when the boss comes, there is no real benefit in being a leader.

"Master Liu, when you're done, make a roster for all the members of the village protection team, so that you can catch them when you're doing things." Song Yingkui is very concerned about this grass-roots team, and always wants to make the team as regular as possible.

After discussing the main matters in the morning, in the afternoon it will be about assigning personnel to each team and arranging formations.

The crossbow team and sentry cavalry team have already set the number of personnel, and the two teams have 30 people each. Even if they want to add more to these two teams, there is no condition.

The total number of members of the knife and shield team was 80, and that of the gun and ax team was more than 60.In addition to these two brigades, there were seven or eight people on the logistics side, and another dozen or so people were under Song Yingkui's direct command.The people under Song Yingkui's direct command mainly beat gongs, drums and flags. Their role is actually the command system on the battlefield.

It is difficult for the villagers to take care of the flag orders on the battlefield, and the specific military orders are mainly transmitted by drums and gongs.

It may be because of the foundation of playing Shehuo, the first joint training after being divided into teams was relatively smooth.At least the Sword and Shield team knows how to stand in order and can advance and retreat under the command of the commander.The long spear team is a little more complicated. The final method is to use a small team of ten people. According to the method of palming the dragon, the main attack is in the column, and it is enough to practice the horizontal attack.

The combat skills of the spear team are mainly forward stabs, column stabs, and circle sweeps and protection.The key lies in the leader at the forefront of the team. The leader with the long ax controls the rhythm and method of offense and defense.This method of warfare seems to be very different from the long spear formations in Song Yingkui's memory. The spear formations in the TV dramas in his memory are all fighting in joint stabbing and square formation.

But there is no way, the easiest way for the villagers to get started is playing dragons, which everyone has seen before, and if they practice some others, they will not be able to practice in a short time.

What is the role of Song Xueliang, the commander of the gun team?It is to assign him a deputy with a long flower pole and a deputy with a gun, and overall dispatch the offense and defense of the six spear teams, which is equivalent to the leader of the social fire team.However, this work is done by three people. Normally, Song Xueliang would carry a broadsword and lead two deputies to command the spear team to fight. Another task was to use a musket to spray at critical moments.

At this time, Song Yingkui felt more and more that it was necessary to play Shehuo during the Chinese New Year, and the division of labor between the various teams of the Zhuangzhuang Team was basically based on playing Shehuo.The members of the Sword and Shield Team are basically players who have played drums, and the Long Spear Team is a patchwork of players who have played dragons.Yang Shun'an wanted to join the sentry cavalry team after playing with lions, because they have a stable chassis and flexible hands and feet, and it is easy to practice bow and horse combat skills.The only thing that has nothing to do with Shehuo is the bow and crossbow team. They are selected from among the young and strong in Sanzhuang who have a little knowledge of bow and shooting.

"Third father, I will make a whistle for you tomorrow, so that when you lead the gun team, the orders can be easily separated from the sound of the gongs and drums." On the way back after the formation, Song Yingkui thought of some ways to improve command and transmission of orders based on what he saw today. Assigning a whistle to the commanders of each team was the easiest way he could think of for the time being.

For a team of more than 200 people, especially on the battlefield, it is difficult to achieve effective command only by gongs, drums and people shouting.There are gongs and drums on my own side, as well as those of the barbarians. Once a war starts, the sounds of gongs and drums from the two sides will easily mix together, making it difficult for people on the battlefield to know which side is delivering the order.

In the early morning of the next day, the members of the village protection team gathered at the Qinglong Temple again. They had just been formed, and everyone had to hurry up for joint training and making ordnance.

Today's weather is a bit cloudy. Not long after the team assembled, it began to rain, and it kept getting heavier and heavier. Soon the material field outside couldn't stand people.

As a last resort, Song Yingkui had to send most of the people back first, leaving only about twenty people who could shelter from the rain in the Dragon King Temple to make ordnance under his leadership.

A blacksmith stove was built in the main hall of the Dragon King Temple, and the remaining few houses were used for carpentry. The Qinglong Temple was temporarily converted into a weapon processing workshop.

"Commander Song and Lord Dragon have opened their eyes. We just paid homage to his old man yesterday. It hasn't rained for several months, but it started to rain today. I can't tell if it will last for three to five days. The rain is good. If it rains, this year's autumn grains will be harvested again. With such a big water, the water in Xiaohezi will definitely rise. Once the water in Xiaohezi rises, Fanzi will not be able to get out of Niutougou, unless the water recedes." Liu Hongguang pulled his beard, Looking at the heavy rain outside the Dragon King Hall, he laughed.

"It's raining, we can't get along here, and it's not all a good thing." Song Yingkui poured cold water on Liu Hongguang a little speechlessly. Everything has advantages and disadvantages. Why do you think it's all good things?
"Hey, generally speaking, there are more good things. The rain stopped, and the people on the farm may not be able to come here for two or three days to practice. Although the summer grain growing in the dry land is thin, we can still harvest a few. Taking advantage of the tide, I have to clean up any thin crops in the field."

According to the time of day, this is the time when summer is busy, but due to the drought, the summer busy of people planting dry land this year has become summer leisure, and those who have paddy fields in Yanchuanzi and Liujiaying have guaranteed harvests.When it rained, some farm work started.The main business of the members of the village protection team is farming, and they are not full-time farmers. Most of the members are poor people who plant dry land. It has only been established for two days, and there is a danger of not having enough staff.

"Father of the Liu family, I think this year we have to arrange it this way. All the young and strong people in the villages should be used together. For example, the big guys have to work together to pull the fields and grind the fields, and harvest the grain from house to house. The plowing should also be done according to the village. Use the people and animals that can be used in the most well-equipped way. In this way, you can save the manpower for the farm guards to form formations and make weapons."

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary means. If this year we continue to do farming work in the same way as each family did separately, nothing will be done, and it is easy for the fans to take advantage of the loopholes.

"How to do this? But the number of acres of land planted by each family is different, and the amount of work done for each family is different. I am afraid that everyone will have opinions." Most of Liu Hongguang's homes are paddy fields, and there are manual labor at home, so there is no delay.The key is that people who plant dry land have different conditions, and it is not easy to work together.

"I want to make it clear to everyone that farming and protecting the village are one thing this year. In order to prevent the tyrants, everyone will contribute powerfully to those who have money and food, and those who have livestock to sell livestock. There is no such thing as a loss or taking advantage of it. If you are still so fussy, you will quit the farm and worry about your own affairs. Knowing this, what are you doing in the village?"

(End of this chapter)

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