Chapter 77 Famous Fifth Battalion!

Normal cold weapon wars start and end abruptly, and often end abruptly with the brittle defeat of one side.It rarely happens that both sides do not count the casualties and cut hard with their lives.There are very few battles in which this situation occurred in history, and there are only a few battles such as the Battle of Xiangji Temple.

Encountered the special event that the grenade was put into war for the first time, it would be strange if the fans didn't run away with their heads in their hands.


For the first time commanding operations, Song Yingkui and the Huzhuang team achieved unprecedented success. 200 people repelled 500 people, and captured six intact horses and some worthless military supplies.

The capture of six war horses was purely accidental.If the Fanzi didn't get off their horses and fight, it would be impossible for them to have this opportunity.These six horses were the frightened horses that the Zhuang Dings were scrambling all over the mountains and fields, and there were a few scurrying war horses that had disappeared. The Zhuang Dings who were blocking the horses were very annoyed at the few ducks they got.

"Secretary Liu, just find a water hole and bury the dead ones!" In addition to the captured people, there were also dead people. Nearly ten people were killed on the spot, and their companions could no longer care about the dead when they ran away. These dead bodies can only be dealt with by the Zhuang Ding who cleaned up the battlefield.

However, there were no prisoners in this battle, and when the Fanzizhuang Ding who could run were chasing them, they all let them go on purpose.Severely injured people who can't run will be treated the same as dead bodies, but they will have to trouble the Zhuang Ding team to give them another knife.

"Commander, there are three injured horses. It seems that the injuries are difficult to heal. How should we deal with them?" There are no wounded, and the horses are still alive. Liu Hongguang asked Song Yingkui very distressed how to deal with the three injured horses.

After this battle, the old men of Sanzhuang changed their attitude towards Song Yingkui very differently.Before the war, more or less, some people felt a little dissatisfied, thinking that a young man under the age of 20 would be a little unreliable to take on such an important job as the commander of the village protection team.Now all doubts are gone, and all that is left is admiration and admiration.

The logic of war is so simple, no matter what means you use, as long as you win the war, the winner will take all.There is nothing vague and secretive about it.

"Kill it! After killing the horse, cook all the meat, call all the men, women and children of Sanzhuang to the entrance of Qinglong Temple, let everyone eat meat, and celebrate our village guard team's victory in the first battle."

"It's a great thing for young and old to eat meat, but the women in the village can't come to the temple. They will offend the Dragon Lord. Please think twice." It is a stubborn tradition that women cannot enter the temple. When Liu Hongguang heard that Song Yingkui wanted men, women and children to eat horse meat, he couldn't help expressing his insistence on the tradition.

"In a place farther away from the temple entrance, we set up a pot. Except for the offerings to the Dragon King, we eat meat and drink outside the temple, and women can't enter the temple. After finally defeating Fanzi, it's good to let the women and children eat some meat and have fun. These days, men, women and children in Sanzhuang are frightened, and they should eat something good to relax."

Let women enter the temple Song Yingkui felt that he didn't have the qualifications to break the precept for the time being, but there was still a way to arrange for all the women in Sanzhuang to eat horse meat!Only let the men eat meat and drink, and put the women at home together, Song Yingkui couldn't see it.The three horses had a lot of horse meat, no matter what, it was enough for the people of Sanzhuang to let go of their stomachs and eat.

"That's fine! There's still some money left in the public account. I'll arrange for someone to bring some wine. If you eat horse meat, you have to drink. By the way, Master Yang said that the commander will use lime to steam the wine king. The steamed wine king is a good medicine for wounds. In this battle, several young men were injured. I wonder if the commander can arrange to steam some more wine king?" Quickly took the opportunity to ask out.

"As long as you have wine and lime, you can do it. I will arrange Ding Huanyi to do this. By the way, the white sugar I boiled before is also a good medicine for wounds. You ask people to put some white sugar on the wounds of the wounded, which can prevent wounds from sores and inflammation." Although the current conditions are better than hiding in the kiln a few days ago, there are still not many ways to treat wounds. The only methods available at present are sugar and alcohol.

"Commander, how should we divide the good horses captured this time?" The six good horses captured were the biggest harvest of this battle, and Liu Hongguang and others were very concerned about how to divide this profit.

"A good horse deserves a hero. First let Master Yang choose a good horse to be a mount. For the remaining five horses, we will temporarily distribute two horses to the left and right deputy commanders of the sentinel cavalry team, one horse to the commanders of the sword and shield team and the spear and ax team, and one horse to be used by the Chinese army's messengers. Except for the horse that is given to Master Yang, the horses allocated to the others are for temporary use. After the chaos is settled, we will discuss how to deal with these horses."

As the most capable player in the guard team, Yang Shunan is not suitable for always riding a mule on the battlefield.In this battle, the best performer was actually Yang Shun'an, and it was not too much to award him a horse.

"Good, we respect the Commander's Order."

In addition to war horses and wounded horses, the most valuable confiscations were the fan armors and felts collected on the battlefield.There are more than a dozen fan armors, most of which are made of felt and leather.When the Fanzi fled, they left a lot of felt on the battlefield.After cleaning these things, the Zhuangzhuang team can use them.

After such a big victory, the one who gained the least is the iron material.The Fanzi didn't have much iron equipment, and even fewer were left on the battlefield.It took more than 20 kilograms of miscellaneous iron tools to find out, but it was of no great use!
Outside the Qinglong Temple, there was a lot of voices. Today is a big day for the people of Sanzhuang to celebrate the great victory and eat horse meat.All the people who could come from Sanzhuang came to meet on the mountain ridge. They came to eat meat, and they came to feel proud.The big stone that weighed on everyone's hearts after the Fan Chaos began, more than half of it was removed after the Battle of Qinglongling.The village protection team, which has only been established for a short time, is already the invincible pillar in the hearts of the people of Sanzhuang.

They felt that with such a shrewd and combative team protecting Zhuangzi, the Fanzi would no longer dare to burn, kill and loot from their home Zhuangzi.Although the Zhuangzhuang team actually only fought one battle, the Fanzi who were beaten away were just a small team in this riot.But it doesn't matter!The most important thing is the Zhuangzhuang team, which gives everyone a sense of security.

People from Sanzhuang Village are not the only ones who come to Qinglong Temple to eat meat.Almost all Zhuangzi who still existed in Wuying Town heard the letter, and no matter the big Zhuangzi or the small Zhuangzi, they all sent representatives to eat meat with gifts.Naturally, eating meat was not their purpose, but to make friends with Qinglongling Sanzhuang Village Guard Team was their purpose of coming here.

It is a good thing for everyone in the village to watch and help each other, and there is a team of volunteers nearby who can drive away the Fanzi.Song Yingkui, the commander who led the Zhuangzhuang team to victory, is even more close.The Waizhuang representatives who came to eat meat, when they saw Song Yingkui, they immediately praised Song Yingkui. According to them, Song Yingkui seemed to have become a famous general!
Zhen Gushuo can't talk about it today, and this battle has only achieved a small achievement. It can only be said to be famous in the fifth battalion!Song Yingkui was a little humble in his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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