The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 9 Carpenter Ding puts down the pick of the Liu family

Chapter 9 Carpenter Ding puts down the pick of the Liu family
Seeing that there was no leak in the bucket that had been left overnight, Ding Degui arranged for his son Ding Huanyi to take the bucket to the master's house and hand over the work.

He didn't want to take the job of making the bucket, but since it was already done, it was fine to hand it over to the master, regardless of whether it was money or not, favors could always fall.Speaking of it, Song Yingkui was able to make this pair of buckets, and he promised to pay him three Wen a day's wages, and he made it back.A pair of wooden barrels sold on the street cost sixty to eighty yuan.

The coffin was made in early October, and it was not until mid-November that Liu's coffin was almost finished.

Seeing that the coffin was about to be completed, Liu Sanye, the treasurer of the Liu family, came to the front yard to inquire about the progress.

"He Ding's father, you are doing a good job, it looks like it will be done in three or four days?" Now that we have arrived at the scene, we should exchange some pleasantries.

"It's okay, and I can hand in the work in a few days." Ding Degui recalled what Mr. Liu said while doing the work in hand.

"This time, he has bothered his Ding's father and the two apprentices he brought with him. You are very good at leading apprentices. You are so young, and the barrels you made for my family are very useful."

This time, Ding Degui didn't answer any more, but used a chisel to dig out the mortise of the coffin lid heavily.

"By the way, his Ding's father, I see that there is still some wood left after Shoucai is finished. After you are done, use these woods and add three or four Taishi chairs to my main room. These woods seem to be enough." Liu Sanye didn't just come here to make trouble, he came here to ask Ding Degui to do more work.

Ding Degui, who was digging holes, suddenly put the hammer aside, stood up, and said in a rough voice: "Liu San, you order the craftsmen like this? I, Ding Degui, are not enough in your family? Is it polite for a daughter-in-law? Just come over with a bucket and let me do it. It's okay to be a father-in-law. If you say more work, you can work more?"

"Hey, Ding's father, you can't say that. The extra work is extra money, not for nothing." Seeing that Ding was angry, Mr. Liu hurriedly explained.

"I want to get to the front, if I don't ask today, you, Liu San, are probably pretending not to know? I, Ding Degui, can't do the job in your family. Second child, Song Yingkui, let's clean up the guys. I, Ding Degui, am a craftsman, not a hand."

After finishing speaking, Ding Degui started to pack his things and prepare to leave without saying a word.Mr. Liu, at first he was talking nice things, and as he kept talking, he saw Ding Degui say things that his wife and father-in-law were not sensible.He also got angry and began to scold Ding Degui for his power.

The shopkeeper at home quarreled with others, and the Liu family rushed to join the scolding battle.

In the end, Ding Degui took his son and Song Yingkui without asking for wages, and left Sanye Liu's house directly, and returned home over the mountain.

On the way home, Ding Degui kept cursing, which made Song Yingkui a little annoying.

What about this matter, what Liu Sanye did was a little wrong. He asked people to do extra work, so he had to communicate in advance. It is indeed quite annoying to give people extra work without a name or title.But, Ding Degui suddenly lost his temper and got things out of hand, which was a bit too much.

It's just that if you scold me, I'll be the one who suffers the most, okay?What's wrong with people suffering for more than a month and not getting any money at the end!If you eat a pit and gain your wisdom, you will never be able to work with a narrow-minded and grumpy person like Ding Degui in the future.Grandpa and grandma always say that the Ding family is short-tempered, and it seems that this is true, and it is impossible to do anything with them.

"Kuiwa? Ding Degui gave Liu Sanjia a pick?" When he got home, Song Tianshun saw his grandson coming back and thought it was because he had finished his work. After asking, he found out that there was a quarrel and he left his work halfway and went home.

"Well, I got scolded a lot, and I returned without even asking for wages. I have done nothing for more than a month."

"What's the matter! Ding Degui didn't work and quarrel with others once or twice! The trouble is, our family and the Liu family have aunts, and you went to fight with others. In the end, you made such a mess. Your uncle of the Liu family knew about it. It's hard to say." Song Tianshun didn't care about the fact that his grandson didn't get his wages, and focused on the embarrassment between relatives.

Song Yingkui seemed to have an aunt who married Liu Sanye's in-laws, but judging from how he went to Liu's house, this relative was just that.After staying at Mr. Liu's house for more than a month, there was not a single person from my aunt's house, so where could the relationship be?

Song Yingkui went back to the cave where the three brothers slept, ignoring the worrying grandpa.Tired, let's go to sleep first.If the salary is gone, it will be gone, and there are not many big boys anyway.Get up tomorrow morning, thinking about making tofu is the real thing.If the carpentry skills learned are not counted, it was a waste of more than a month. Thinking about it, it is really a loss.

He fell asleep in a daze, before it was night, Song Yingkui was woken up by his third brother Song Yingquan.

"The uncle of the Liu family brought the son of the third master Liu to our house, and the grandfather called him into the main room to talk." Song Yingquan, the youngest, woke up Song Yingkui and told about the uncle of the Liu family who had never met before bringing the third master Liu's family to his house.

What are they doing at home?Shouldn't the master be Ding Degui?Song Yingkui didn't understand the purpose of the Liu family's coming here.If you don't understand, let's just get up and follow the third child to the main room.

"His uncle from the Liu family, and our Kuiwa just followed someone to work as a carpenter for such a big job as a longevity material. How dare you use him? What I mean is that you ask someone to give Ding Degui a word, or it's better to find a general and finish the job." Song Yingkui had just arrived in the main room when he heard his grandfather talking to the Liu family.

The obedient meaning is that the Liu family is looking for me to do the last job of making the coffin?They think a little too much!
"Third Uncle, Ding Degui's words can't be revealed. And the gossip he spread is a bit too much, so we can't say it anymore! Our Liu family needs a living person here, how can it be possible to be bullied by a carpenter like this?" A middle-aged man sitting facing the door in the main room spoke.This person should be the uncle of the Liu family.

"Ding Degui has a weird temper and is not easy to be subdued. Since you have stopped talking, can you just find a carpenter to do the rest of the work? Are you looking for Kuiwa as a joke?" Song Tianshun knew that Ding Degui had a temper like a donkey, and the Liu family had a good face.These two families are feuding.So he put out his persuasion and asked the Liu family to find another carpenter.As for the fact that the Liu family came to invite their eldest grandson, he didn't think about it at all.After working as a helper for more than a month, can you get the job of making a coffin?The Liu family is also fooling around.

"Uncle Three, Kuiwa is good at your job! He made the two barrels in our house, and they are better than the old carpenter. Ding Degui has almost done the work of the birthday material, and Kuiwa can do it. You also know that the carpenters in front of you are all apprentices of Uncle Ding Degui, and they don't take this kind of half-assed work. You let Kuiwa do the work and do our Liu family a favor." In terms of the relationship of the in-laws, he is called the third uncle of Song Tianshun.

(End of this chapter)

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