Chapter 216
"Lu Yuan, filming of "The Wind" will officially start early next year. Are you sure to star in it?"

The next day, at the beginning of the press conference, a female reporter with an oval face came up and asked a question that made everyone frown.

Among the main creators, Lu Yuan is currently the most talked about. Two hit TV series and a high-grossing movie this year have kept his popularity high.

It can be seen from the seats arranged by the crew that Lu is the center of attention, and many media are rushing to him.

Regarding the filming of Feng Sheng, Huayi has released a small amount of news one after another some time ago.

From the script, investment scale, to the choice of director, he also vaguely mentioned some actors who will participate.

Lu Yuan had already anticipated the reporters' questions before coming, but he still hoped that the media's focus would be more on this drama, and it would not be appropriate to dominate the press conference.

He answered ambiguously: "Whether or not to appear depends on the company's arrangements, and it is not convenient to disclose it at the moment."

"Huayi has officially acquired Zhongqian Longde Entertainment Agency. Stars such as Tian Liang, Lu Yi, Yi Nengjing, etc. have been taken under its wing. Will Lu Yi's joining affect your resources and position in the company?"

Lu Yuan straightened the microphone with a playful look on his face: "Huayi is a big family, and Lu Yi is also a very handsome and excellent actor. We have had dinner together in private and have a good relationship. There is no need to make any malicious speculations."

Ya actually have never met the two of them, they have a fart friendship.

The reporters below were scrambling to ask questions, which reminded him of the scene when Chen Baoguo was surrounded by reporters when he first started filming "Gou Jian, King of Yue".

When he was in his twenties that year, he was still standing like a minion, but now it was finally his turn.

The oval-faced female reporter wanted to ask again. He pointed to the poster behind him and said with a smile: "Today is the press conference of our new play. Let's talk about the play."

"Here, this is Song Siming, the powerful actor Zhang Jiayi"

On December 12, "Snail House" was launched in Shanghai.

After a series of ceremonies, the filming of the first scene of the play officially started.

Except for Li Nian, Lu Yuan had never worked with any of the co-stars on the film crew, and he didn't know much about their professional abilities and expression style.

Therefore, even if there is no play for him, he will rush to the scene to watch it as soon as possible, so he has a good idea.

"The audience is quiet."


With the shout of director Teng Huatao, the filming of the first scene began.

The filming was about Haizao, played by Li Nian, who had just arrived in Jiangzhou to attend college, and the rivalry scene between Haiping, played by Hai Qing, and her brother-in-law Su Chun, played by Hao Ping.

In the dark and cramped rental house, Haizao and Haiping slept on the bed, while Su Chun made the floor alone.

Haizao teased Su Chun that he shouldn't live in the same house without marrying his sister Haiping.

Hao Ping sat up and stammered an explanation: "Your sister and I live together to treat each other as guests, to keep ourselves safe, and to save money to buy a house in the future. When I buy a big house in the future, I will also leave a room for Xiao Haizao."

Haiping leaned against the bedside and smoothed the quilt for her sister with a smile.

Haizao turned over, propped up his arms, and suddenly took out a box of "baby sterilizer" from under the pillow, stretched out his hand and shook it.

"Brother, is this what you guys use to keep yourself safe?"

Haiping snatched it away, hit her, and said angrily: "Hey, you're going to die. The older you get, the less polite you become. You can touch this one."


Lu Yuan sat behind the monitor side by side with director Teng Huatao, producer Ma Ke, and director of photography Cao Dun.

After only watching for a few seconds, I couldn't help but look sideways at Teng Huatao and Ma Ke.

Laymen watch the doorway, and experts watch the excitement.

Hao Ping and Hai Qing graduated from Shanghai Opera and Nortel respectively. In terms of their background, their performances can be rated as outstanding.But for the same performance, Li Nian's lines didn't show the slightest hint of skill. It wasn't that he was skillful and unworked, but that he didn't know how to do it at all and was very stiff.

And from the facial expression, it is obvious that she simply added some thoughts of her own to highlight the innocence of the character, but it seemed a bit artificial.

When talking to Hai Qing, his eyes would wander if he wasn't paying attention, and he could feel that this was really "acting".

"Ka!" Teng Huatao frowned and called out.

"Hai Zao's expression should be as natural as possible. In the early days, Hai Zao was a girl who had just entered society. You can try to act in your true colors. In addition, don't look around."

Because this scene was indoors, there were not many people at the filming site, so two cameras were facing each other.


After one more time, Teng Huatao couldn't hold himself back.

"I told you to pay attention to your eyes. This is an indoor close-up scene. Every movement will be captured by the camera. Let's go here first and let Haiwei adjust himself."

After two consecutive shots, Li Nian still couldn't get into the seaweed state, so Teng Huatao had no choice but to stop.

However, this was the first day of turning on the computer, so he didn't force it and walked out of the room first after calling it quits.

When every movie first starts filming, there are always a lot of problems.

Lu Yuan probably knew what was going on. The new actor seemed very unfamiliar because he was unfamiliar with the set and his co-stars.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Lu Yuan came to the director's room carrying the script and a water glass in one hand.

Perhaps the afternoon shooting was not going well, so Teng Huatao informed that he would lead everyone to gather together to read the script.

Considering that many people meet for the first time and there are communication problems, a period of reading around can also eliminate the sense of strangeness and allow everyone to cooperate better.

In addition, through circle reading, some details and lines can be adjusted and optimized, and the correct performance style can be discussed together so that the actors can fully understand the characters and emotions.

For example, there may be errors in Li Nian's understanding of the character Haiwei.

At this time, other experienced actors can give a better performance style. If it is approved by the main creative staff, it will be adjusted according to the finalized style.

Also consider the efficiency of shooting.

Therefore, not only the director and actors, but also the producers, producers, screenwriters and other main creatives participated, as well as the editors and so on.

After all, when it is time to shoot tomorrow, a large group of people will go out in a big way, and it will be a waste of time to make adjustments at that time.

When we arrived at the scene, the art set was completed, the camera was immediately set up for photography, the lighting was immediately set accurately, and the actors walked through the scene as much as possible to get the actual shot.

The old woman was about to give birth, so Lu Yuan called her to check on her condition. When he arrived, the room was already full of people.

It was Hao Ping who opened the door for him. When he saw him outside, he said with a smile on his face: "Ex-brother-in-law, are you here?"

"Here we come." Lu Yuan smiled and nodded. Hao Ping looked serious, but he actually loved joking.

Hearing his voice, everyone sitting in the room looked over.

There was a long table in the center of the room, with people sitting in two rows, and some snacks placed on the white tablecloth.

He took a look and saw peanuts, tea, and a few plates of Mahua.

"Teacher Lu is here."

PS: Chapter 2 is not finished yet, will be posted later.

(End of this chapter)

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