Chapter 114 Big Headed Snake

With the fall of the Iron Guardian, the emergency mission was naturally declared complete.

The restriction set by the iron guardian also dissipated.

As for Dugu Jian, he was also buried in the flames.

His reaction was half a beat slow at the time, and naturally he couldn't escape the explosion range of the fire lotus.

Even the two-star Douzong couldn't handle the explosion, let alone Dugujian, a peak Douhuang?

Even if it was Xiao Xue who saved his life through his understanding of Huo Lian, it was inevitable that he would lose his life.

However, Xiao Xue is at the place where the explosion power is the lowest, and she still has the body protection of the Myriad Beast Spirit Fire.

Therefore, although she suffered some injuries, it was not serious.

After this battle, in Xiao Xue's opinion, there is still a lot of room for improvement in this Buddha's Fury Lotus.

If the explosion of the fire lotus can be made more controllable, it will be safer when facing the enemy in the future.

Moreover, she still has a fire lotus move that can leapfrog battles, but after all, there are only two or three different fires that she can refine.

In the later stage, the three-color fire lotus has no effect.

Therefore, she needs to continue to strengthen the Buddha's Fury Lotus.

For example... adding other substances.

No matter what it is, as long as it can produce a violent reaction and a powerful explosion, isn't it all right?
However, the road is bound to be difficult.

After all, she is still using flames for fusion now, at least they have a commonality.

It's like water, oil, vinegar, and yogurt. At least some common things are mixed together.

Although the taste may be strange, but drinkable.

But if you use Liuding real fire plus Ganges water plus nuclear waste plus ion sparks, who knows what will come out of fusion.

However, there is no rush to study this point now.

And if this idea can be realized in the future, the lotus of Buddha's wrath should not be weaker than the fire lotus in the original book.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in Xiao Xue's ear:

【Ding!Your rating is: S grade! 】

Xiao Xue was not surprised by this.

After all, in this battle, she not only killed Dou Zong Tie Guardian, but also killed two Dou Huang peaks by the way.

The lowest system rating is an F grade, then the well-known EDCBA, and the highest S grade.

The mission objective of the urgent mission [Interception] is to escape from the one-star Dou Zong and kill the one-star Dou Zong, and the ratings are from high to low.

Although she made a mistake in the battle against the Iron Guardian at the beginning, she was trapped in the siege.

This fatal mistake, very likely, will affect the system's rating down.

However, all three of them have fallen now, so this [S-rank] rating is not worth it, and she deserves it.

However, Xiao Xue was not in a hurry to check the rewards.

She turned her head to look to the other side, and couldn't help but curse secretly, "Damn it, it's still too late."

Being held back by two Dou Huang peaks and a soul palace protector, she wasted too much time, and Medusa had already caught up.

Xiao Xue couldn't help feeling a little annoyed, seeing that her opponent was only a one-star Dou Zong this time, she underestimated the opponent, which was really wrong.

If she had just sent a three-color "precision strike" to Tie Guardian from the beginning, and then ran away directly, it probably wouldn't be so much trouble.

Xiao Xue secretly made up her mind that if she encounters an opponent stronger than herself in the future, she should just do her best.

Otherwise, if you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger for a long time, you will inevitably capsize in the gutter.

Can't fight with all your strength?If you can't beat it, just upgrade!

Afraid that the other party will pass back his true strength?Then kill it directly!
After beheading him until there is not even ashes left, and then his mind and soul are completely wiped out, I see how he will report the letter!

The legendary filling up the buff, and then using forbidden spell level magic to beat the mobs on the side of the road, is talking about her in the future.

One day in the future, the Endless Fire Field.

Emperor Yan is writing a book at his desk:

"My sister who travels through time is obviously super brave but too steady"

Of course, these are all for later.

Back to the battlefield here.

A stream of colorful light flashed across the air, and the next moment, Medusa appeared in the air.

She stood in the void, looked around, and couldn't help showing horror.

The fire attribute energy around is extremely astonishing, and apart from these fire attribute energy, the void is as clean as if it has been touched by a rag.

After being hit by two fire lotuses in a row, this area has long been made into a mess by Xiao Xue.

In fact, up to now, Medusa still doesn't know the ins and outs of the matter.

She just realized that Xiao Xue had run away, so she rushed here as fast as she could.

Then on the way, she saw a terrific explosion, that's all.

And below, stood a somewhat embarrassed girl.

She was obviously out of strength, and her fighting spirit was wasted.

It can't be called grudge, after all, Xiao Xue is still under the seal of Medusa.

Her vindictiveness is actually Ahri's.

And Ari wanted to block the aftermath of the explosion, so naturally he wasted a lot of energy.

Xiao Xue's hair was a little messy, with a disheveled feel.

A gust of wind blew by, and a few strands of hair covered her somewhat pale face.

But her pink eyes were shining brightly behind the black hair, staring closely at Medusa who came from the sky.

These eyes are so indifferent and calm.

In this way, she faced Dou Zong with Dou Ling, and dared to speak to Medusa:

"Medusa, come down and beg to die!"

Now she is not the little girl who had nothing and no power to resist.

If Medusa intends to do something against her will, she doesn't mind asking Medusa to eat a three-color fire lotus.

It is true that she was injured, but it was because of the limited space at that time, and she was affected by the aftermath in desperation.

The most important thing in making fire lotus is soul power.

Her soul power is not damaged much!

Even if she doesn't have the ability to use "Precise Strike" right now, the three-color "All Beings Are Equal" is enough for Medusa!
With Ahri's racial talent, it is not difficult to interfere with Medusa in a short period of time and let her get a fire lotus!

She could even throw out the fire lotus at the moment Medusa was hypnotized, and then flee away.

At that time, no matter how powerful the fire lotus is, it will not be able to hurt her.

That way, if two fire lotuses go down, the empress of the snake-human race will have to stay here today!
It's just Dou Zong, it's not like I haven't killed him before!
Still the same sentence, she understands Medusa's approach, but does not accept it.

If she can communicate, that's fine.

If Medusa made a move as soon as she came up, don't blame her for being merciless.

And Medusa also recognized Xiao Xue below.

To say it wasn't shocking would be a lie.

Because on the way, she saw a terrifying explosion.

Medusa chased after discovering the anomaly with the help of a seal.

Due to the time difference, she did not see the first fire lotus.

But the power of the second explosion definitely had a strong impact on Medusa.

Such an attack, Medusa felt that she might not even be able to continue with it!

Facing the current situation, Medusa has one head and two big ones, and she has no idea how to end it.

The two, one high and the other low, confronted each other on the outskirts of the Izumo Imperial Capital.

(End of this chapter)

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