Chapter 147 Xiao Xue's Disciples
Just when Qinglin and Ziyan were eating happily, the little doctor took out a jade token from the ring.

"Huh? Message from the teacher?"

Hearing this, Qing Lin's eyes lit up, and she took out a jade tablet of the same style from the ring.

"Is the teacher finally coming to the academy?"

However, after checking the information in it, a faint look of disappointment appeared on her face.

"What did your teacher say?" Zi Yan poked her head from the side, with gossip and curiosity shining in her eyes.

Zi Yan has been curious about the "teacher" that Xiaoyixian and Qinglin often mention for a long time.

"The teacher said that she will retreat for about a year, so let us not worry and practice hard."

Qinglin sighed, and took back the jade tablet in her hand, feeling a little depressed.

After all, it has been several months since she and Little Doctor Immortal joined Canaan Academy.

I thought that Xiao Xue would come to Jianan Academy soon to meet them, but who knew that once she opened her mouth, she would be in seclusion for a year or so.

The little fairy doctor came over and patted Qing Lin's head to express comfort.

She also misses the days when she was with the teacher.

"Let's go, Qinglin, since the teacher has told you, we can't stop our cultivation." The little fairy doctor said.

"Before the teacher comes to the inner courtyard, you must be at least in the top fifty, or even the top ten."

"I think if the teacher is here, she will have the same demands on you, even higher."

When Xiao Xue was not around, Xiao Yixian, the senior sister, took care of Qing Lin's daily life and cultivation.

It is said to be caring, but in fact Qinglin is also very self-disciplined and independent, and the two of them are more of mutual promotion and support.

The current Xiaoyixian and Qinglin are both teachers (sisters) and friends.

And for what the little doctor said just now, Qinglin also agrees.

Let the disciple rush to the [Strong List] within one year, and at least the top [-];

For most people, this requirement is a bit overwhelming.

After all, every year, the freshmen in the inner court are the top [-] selected from the tens of thousands of students enrolled in the outer court.

The most indispensable thing here is talent.

As for the veteran students who have been in the inner courtyard for more than a year, they basically crush the freshmen without any suspense.

Wanting to achieve the top [-] rankings in the inner court in the first year is obviously adding unnecessary pressure to people.

Not to mention, competing for the top ten places in the strong list.

But Qinglin still chose to take it as a goal and accepted it.

You know, Qing Lin's upgrade speed is actually not much slower than that of Little Doctor Immortal.

In the original book, when Xiao Yan met Qing Lin in Zhongzhou, he was probably around the two-star Dou Zun.

At that time, Qing Lin had also reached the level of Dou Zun.

But don't forget that when Xiao Yan was refining Fallen Heart Flame, he soared directly from the five-star Dou Ling to the peak Dou Wang.

——In more than a year, it has increased by more than ten levels.

In Sanqianyanyanhuo's place, Xiao Yan also soared directly from the four-star Douzong to the peak of Douzong.

However, Qing Lin and Xiao Yan could reach Dou Zun almost at the same time, which shows that her speed of upgrading in the early stage is very terrifying.

Although Qing Lin had just become a fighter when she joined Canaan Academy a few months ago;
But now Qinglin is already a great fighter.

——This is the horror of the Jade Snake Three-Hua Tong.

Qinglin was able to drive fourth-tier and a small number of fifth-tier snake monsters during the Dou Zhe period, and absorb their fighting energy to feed back to her body.

And even if it is only a small part of the energy of those snake-like monsters, it can be regarded as a "big money" for the current Qinglin.

Therefore, her improvement speed in the early stage is not at all weaker than that of the little doctor who does not have a fully opened Enandu body.

In less than half a year, two major ranks have been raised!
And when you reach Dou Ling, you can try to squeeze into the [Strong List].

Although there is still more than half a year before this year's top ranking competition, the results of previous years can also be used as a reference.

Last year's top list was still Zi Yan.

And the second to seventh are all peak fighting spirits.

Because the students who broke through to the Douwang all graduated from Canaan College.

So apart from Zi Yan, there are currently no Dou Wang level students in the inner courtyard.

As for the reason, it's still the same sentence, because of the anger of falling, it has no effect on Dou Wang.

In the original book, Han Feng was conquered, and Lin Xiuya and others who followed Xiao Yansan to the Yunlanzong had indeed reached the Douwang.

However, they also participated as "students who graduated together from Canaan College".

From No.8 onwards, it is high-level spirit fighting, and so on.

Occasionally there are a few with lower strength but higher rankings.

However, in most cases, the ranking of the [Strong List] is based on strength from high to low.

Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin entered the inner courtyard a few years earlier than Xiao Yan in the original book.

So the top ten are not Lin Xiuya, Liu Qing and others in the original book.

It's just that the little fairy doctor didn't care much about these people.

If she activates the Enandu body, she will be able to break through the Dou Wang within a week and rub them against the ground.

With Little Doctor Immortal's current six-star Dou Ling strength, he can also be ranked in the top [-] in previous years' [Strong List].

And there is still more than half a year before the Inner Court Competition.

Therefore, the goal of Little Doctor Immortal is second or third.

Because she couldn't see through Xiao Xun'er's strength.

And the goal she planned for Qing Lin was to be in the top [-], or even top [-] in the Inner Court Competition.

This requirement is not impossible for Qing Lin, who has the special physique of the Jade Snake Three-Hua Tong and her body forged by the Fallen Heart Fire.

Little Doctor Immortal and Qing Lin are going to practice in the Sky Burning Qi Refining Pagoda, and what they both use is Zi Yan's exclusive training room.

As the number one on the strong list, Zi Yan naturally has some privileges of No.1.

For example, she has the best training room in the Tianfeng Qi Refining Pagoda.

Naturally, there are good and bad training rooms in the Sky Burning Qi Refining Pagoda.

On the first and second basement floors, those ordinary practice rooms are "living for the capable"—

There are often two or several forces that confront each other for a good practice room, and sometimes fight.

Or there are some old students who threaten new students to give up their cultivation places.

Therefore, newcomers who enter the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower are generally warned that it is best to go together.

Otherwise, being robbed of the site is a trivial matter. If you are disturbed during your cultivation and your grudges turn back, then the gain will outweigh the loss.

However, those practice rooms deep underground are different.

The more underground layers there are, the closer it is to the Falling Heart Flame, and the greater the benefits.

Naturally, the fire poison in it becomes stronger.

Therefore, in the depths of the Tianfen Qi Refining Pagoda, one needs to have a certain strength to go down.

Moreover, the daily fire energy consumed in it has also doubled.

Zi Yan, the undisputed number one in the inner courtyard, naturally has the right to use the deepest part, the training room.

However, she basically doesn't use it much.

So, that training room was requisitioned from Zi Yan by Little Doctor Immortal and Qing Lin.

Zi Yan got the usual snacks, Little Doctor Fairy and Qing Lin got a good place to practice, all three are very satisfied.

The little medical fairy can remove fire poison, and Qinglin's physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary great fighting masters.

Therefore, they did not feel any discomfort when practicing in Zi Yan's training room.

On the contrary, they can feel that they are getting stronger every day.

This kind of positive feedback is actually very motivating.

Seeing Immortal Doctor Doctor and Qing Lin preparing to go to the Sky Burning Qi Refining Pagoda to practice, Zi Yan hesitated for a moment, then stood up and followed.

Anyway, she has nothing to do, so she might as well join in the fun in the past.

In fact, Zi Yan has already reached the peak of the Douwang, but if she wants to break through the Douhuang, she needs a huge accumulation of energy.

That's why she steals medicinal herbs when she has nothing to do.

——If she only relies on tempering her fighting spirit, she will not be able to break through.

And to Taixu Gulong, Dou Zun is considered an adult.

The little fairy doctor took two lolis and headed for the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower.

And seeing Zi Yan beside her, many students who wanted to get close to her on the road ran away, faster than rabbits.

(End of this chapter)

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