Dou Po: I am playing with water in the Dou Qi Continent to become an emperor

Chapter 165 Woman, I want you to teach me how to make medicine

Chapter 165 Woman, I want you to teach me how to make medicine
Canaan College, in the dormitory of Xun'er and Xiao Xue.

Xun'er sat cross-legged on the bed, while Xiao Xue sat aside holding the Bingling Pill, ready to deal with any emergencies.

"Sister Xue'er, I'm ready." Xun'er said.

"Then let's start." Xiao Xue said.

Xun'er nodded, took out the green transformation fire from the jade bottle, and swallowed it in one gulp.

The flames catalyzed by the ground fire lotus seeds were powerless against the fourth-ranked Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan.

After Xun'er swallowed the transformed fire, the tiny green flame shivered under the golden fire, as if it would go out at any time.

With the body protection of Jindi Fentianyan, the temperature attached to the metamorphic fire is completely unable to cause harm to Xun'er.

Then, Xun'er urged the crumbling blue flame to run a circle along the exercise route in the veins.

After that, the golden flames swarmed up and wiped out the weak and helpless Huashenghuo.

Due to the huge difference in strength between the two, the fusion process was extremely easy and completed in an instant.

With the completion of the fusion, strands of evil fire invisible to the naked eye also appeared.

Then, before Huo Du could react, Xiao Xue directly stuffed the Bing Ling Pill into Xun'er's mouth, strangling it in the cradle.

Xun'er just felt her head heat up and wanted to shiver, and then something was stuffed into her mouth.

The next moment, the Ice Spirit Pill melted in the mouth, and then quickly took effect, allowing Xun'er to enter the sage mode.

... This feeling is like a sneeze that you want to sneeze, but you don't sneeze, it's really uncomfortable.

Xun'er's body trembled slightly, expressing her protest.

"Xun'er, how do you feel?" Xiao Xue looked at Xun'er and asked nervously.

It is only a theory to use Zihuo, which is born from wood, to add a touch of wood attribute to fire attribute practitioners.

Therefore, whether it will be successful or not, Xiao Xue actually has no idea.

But come to think of it, even if she couldn't get any benefits, it wouldn't have any negative impact on Xun'er.

Xun'er let out a long breath, looked inside, then turned to look at Xiao Xue, and smiled, "Sister Xue'er, I'm fine."

It is not difficult for a sixth-grade pill to deal with a wisp of evil fire.

"Also, I feel like my flame is different."

The next moment, Xun'er summoned the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan.

Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan is ranked fourth, and if it erupts in full force, its power can be compared to that of a five-star Dou Sheng.

Although now, the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan in Xun'er's body has been sealed by Gu Yuan with many means, and the power that can be exerted is not one in a hundred.

However, no matter what, it is also a strange fire second only to the Jinglian demon fire.

Therefore, after devouring the transformed fire, the flame is still golden and cannot see any other colors.

However, as the owner of Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan, Xun'er can naturally sense that some subtle changes have taken place in it.

In the pure golden fire, there is a trace of wood attribute.

Since the lotus seeds catalyzed by the earth fire are also flames, they have a certain commonality.

Therefore, this trace of wood attribute can be integrated into the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan and preserved.

Otherwise, even if it is refining the bodhi seed, I am afraid that it will not be able to permanently add a wisp of wood attribute to the flame.

"Sister Xue'er, I can also become a pharmacist!"

Xun'er took back Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan, and happily gave Xiao Xue a hug, and a faint fragrance floated into Xiao Xue's nose.

Her first feeling was that she underestimated this girl.

——You want to grow bigger quietly and then surprise everyone.

As expected of a heroine, in some respects, Xun'er has made considerable progress over the years.

Medusa is a very vicious person, and she and Xun'er back then were a [-]A-level scenic spot.

After having the blood of Tianhu, she just became 2B.

I don't know how Xun'er grows, although she usually doesn't look like a mountain or dew.

But as soon as he got in touch, Xiao Xue knew that he was definitely inferior to others.She couldn't help but let out a low sigh, feeling a little melancholy in her heart.

After all, who doesn't like a big secret?
In this regard, most people's aesthetics should be the same, and Xiao Xue is no exception.

It's just that things like height and model all depend on talent and genes, and she can't force it.

As for spending a lot of experience's not impossible, but it's not necessary.

It's like your height is only 1.7 meters. If you insist on pulling it to more than 1.8 meters, it will be very troublesome.

Even in the fantasy world, this kind of thing that changes in size at any time is not a cheap thing that can be seen everywhere.

Otherwise, among those big forces, there would be no mediocre women and men under 1.8 meters.

It is true that there are some fighting skills or elixirs that can make a person's whole body or part of his body bigger.

But those methods are time-limited.

Wanting to get bigger permanently is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

"Forget it, like Medusa, it's not convenient to carry two basketballs every day, but it's fine now."

Xiao Xue comforted herself, anyway, she is still young now, and has the blood of Tianhu, so the future can be expected.

After hugging her for a while, Xun'er reluctantly let go of her hand.

She knew that going too far was too late, if she behaved too far, it would be detrimental to her future development.

"Sister Xue'er, can you teach me how to make medicine?" Xun'er looked into Xiao Xue's eyes and asked.

It's been a couple of months since I got home.

I don't know when it will be until the next time she comes out.

Therefore, Xun'er naturally wants to make the most of it, use the current time to get along for a few more days.

By the way, give Xiao Xue some vaccinations.

Otherwise, if sister Xue'er was abducted by some wild man when she returned to the ancient clan, she would have nowhere to cry.

Although Sister Xueer is so outstanding, there is probably no man in the whole continent who can catch her eyes.

Moreover, Xun'er also felt that with Xiao Xue's personality, she would not be easily tempted by anyone.

However, she still dare not take it lightly.

After all, she knows that feelings are unreasonable.

What Xun'er is most afraid of is the so-called love at first sight.

So—without a man in your heart, draw your sword and be a god of nature!

As long as Sister Xue'er can understand this truth, it will be much simpler.

At that time, she can wait until she is in the ancient clan and has a certain right to speak, and then she will slowly figure it out.

For Xun'er's request, Xiao Xue naturally would not refuse.

Even if Xun'er is good at refining medicine with fire, she can still teach those basic things.

Moreover, unlike the little fairy doctor, Xun'er has the foundation of a doctor.

She just longed for the profession of alchemist, but because she couldn't become an alchemist before, she didn't spend much energy on the way of alchemy.

So now, to put it bluntly, Xun'er doesn't even know all the basic medicinal materials.

Therefore, Xiao Xue found a book from Najie and handed it to Xun'er, "Here, Xun'er, memorize these first."

"After you memorize these things by heart, I will start teaching you how to make medicine."

Xun'er looked at the "Basic Alchemist" that Xiao Xue took out from the ring, like a medical student at a university seeing her own textbook.

How to determine the age of each medicinal material, its pharmacological properties, where it grows, how to pick it, and how to preserve it...

There are so many common medicinal materials, but to become a qualified pharmacist, these basic things must be memorized backwards.

Xun'er suddenly felt that it would be nice not to be a pharmacist.

(End of this chapter)

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