Chapter 180 Refining the Nether Poison Fire
Canaan College, inner courtyard, in the back mountain.

After the little medical fairy swallowed the body-protecting elixir, he summoned the Nether Poison Fire from a ring.

The fire spirit of the Nether Poison Fire has been awakened for a long time.

And if you want to refine a strange fire with intelligence, the difficulty will definitely be higher than refining a strange fire without intelligence.

But equally, if it succeeds, the benefits it can bring to her are self-evident.

So in recent times, the little medical fairy has been keeping him with him to "cultivate feelings".

The fire spirit whose memory has been wiped out has a simple mind.

And after it regained consciousness, the first person it saw was the little medical fairy.

Coupled with the "care" of the Little Medical Fairy these days, the relationship between it and the Little Medical Fairy is quite good.

The little medical fairy took out a poison-control pill and waved it in front of Huo Ling.

The fire cat, which was still sleeping, suddenly "turned on".

It has dark green eyes, staring at the poison-control pill in the little medical fairy's hand, with human desire in its eyes.


The little medical fairy has been feeding the fire spirit with some elixirs these days.

However, the ones used were only first- and second-grade elixirs.

In other words, it is not considered an elixir, it is just condensing the pure energy in the medicinal materials.

But for Yihuo, as long as it has energy, it is a good thing.

Therefore, the sixth-grade poison control pill is extremely attractive to the current fire spirit.

The little medical fairy smiled and fed the poison-control pill to Huo Ling.

Because of the effect of the Poison Control Pill, the toxins on Huo Ling's body were quickly "suppressed".

Of course, this Poison Control Pill only allows Ernan Poison Body to "treat" the Nether Poison Fire as an ordinary flame.

Ordinary people who come into contact with Nether Poison Fire will still be poisoned if they should.

Then, the little medical fairy picked up the confused Huo Ling and swallowed it in one gulp.

It sounds exaggerated, but in fact, the original fire of Netherworld Poison Fire is not large in size.

The little medical fairy swallowed the original fire, and it looked like she swallowed a fire cat in one mouthful.

All she needs to do is to completely refine the Poison Control Pill before its efficacy disappears, and drive it into the spirit.

Otherwise, once the effect of the medicine wears off, Ernan Poison Body will notice that there is toxicity in the Netherworld Poison Fire.

Then, it might spontaneously absorb the poisonous fire.

At that time, Huo Ling would definitely resist subconsciously.

When the time comes, it will be a disaster if the strange fire burns the body.

After the little medical fairy swallowed the Nether Poison Fire into his body, he endured the scorching heat on it and urged it to move forward along the path of the technique.

However, it is quite difficult to make the alien fire without intelligence follow the route of the technique.

If there is a spiritual fire, it will be even more difficult.

After the fire spirit was swallowed into the body by the little medical fairy, its shallow knowledge was not enough for it to understand what was about to happen.

Therefore, after a brief period of confusion, it began to scurry around in the meridians of the Little Medical Fairy.

Curious Cat.jpg
This scurry of it will cause trouble to the little medical fairy.

When the fire spirit was scurrying around in the meridians, the protective energy crystal layer in the meridians was being consumed at an extremely terrifying speed.

During this period, a tiny wisp of green flame actually penetrated the protection of the crystal layer and landed on the meridians of the little medical fairy.

Suddenly, the meridians became tense like a stimulated loach.

A sharp pain that reached deep into his soul made the little medical fairy almost stop tensing up, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

This scene made Xiao Xue and others instantly nervous.

After all, even Yao Lao has never seen anyone refining a strange fire with spiritual intelligence.

Therefore, they would naturally be worried when they discovered that something unexpected happened during the process.

Yao Lao is even more ready to take action casually. Once he finds that the situation is out of control, he will immediately peel off the Nether Poison Fire.

Not only is this harmless, but it can at least save the little medical fairy's life.

Fortunately, the little medical fairy responded in time and used her soul power to forcibly calm the curious fire spirit, so that the situation did not worsen.

Huo Ling and the Little Medical Fairy have been getting along for several months, and they have some tacit understanding between them.

Therefore, after noticing the consciousness of the little medical fairy, Huo Ling stopped his movements in confusion.

However, it still looked around curiously.

The little medical fairy took a deep breath, forced down the discomfort in her body, and tried to let the fire spirit move forward in the meridians according to the route of the technique.

But Huo Ling is not a peaceful person, and it is still difficult to make him completely obedient.

Huo Ling often follows the instructions of the Little Medical Fairy and advances through the meridians for a while. Then if he feels something interesting, he goes there to take a look.

As a result, the refining process is as slow as a turtle crawling.

An hour later, Huo Ling had not completed even half of the exercise route.The protective crystal layer has begun to become weak.

Two poison-control pills have also been used.

If the fire spirit cannot be quickly passed through the meridians and driven into the spirit.

Then this refining can be declared a failure.

Xiao Xue watched from the side, anxious in her heart, but could do nothing.

To refine the strange fire, you can only rely on yourself, at most with the help of elixirs.

No outsider can provide direct help.

Naturally, the little medical fairy also knew her situation. She gritted her teeth and swallowed the last poison-control pill into her body.

But this time, she did not directly let the fire spirit swallow the poison-control pill, but used the energy of the poison-control pill as bait.

The energy of the Poison Control Pill was wrapped in Dou Qi by the little medical fairy, and then injected into his own practice route.

With the "bait" in place, the refining process will naturally be greatly accelerated.

The fire spirit followed the energy of the pill and ate it all the way.

The remaining half of the exercise route was completed in just ten minutes.

Next, all you need to do is drive the fire spirit into the Nailing Spirit, and the refining of the Nether Poison Fire will be completed.

"Tsk, what a clever girl."

Yao Lao also discovered what the little medical fairy did and couldn't help but nod secretly.

Now it seems that the most dangerous part is over.

After all, the fire spirit is already in a refined state.

It can be said that its "closeness" with the Little Medical Fairy has increased several times.

Xiao Xue took out a large bottle of Ice Spirit Cold Spring from the Najie and stuffed it into the hands of the little medical fairy.

At this time, the body-protecting energy crystal layer in the little medical fairy's body had been consumed by seven to eighty-eight percent.

Therefore, the little medical fairy does not write ink, just take over the ice spirit cold spring and do it.

After drinking most of the bottle in one breath, the little medical fairy exhaled a breath of cold air, and her mind sank into her body again.

At this time, the idle fire spirit was wandering around in the little medical fairy's meridians.

Since he has gone through the exercise route once, the damage caused by the poisonous fire of the netherworld to the meridians of the Little Doctor Immortal has been greatly reduced.

Even when it passes by, it will release energy to repair the damaged meridians of the little medical fairy.

And inside the body of the Little Medical Fairy, there was a small gray light point suspended in it.

Within the light spot is the endless deep darkness.

At the end of the darkness, there seems to be another space hidden, which looks extremely mysterious.


After repairing the meridians completely, Huo Ling, who had nothing to do, slowly wandered to the vicinity of Na Ling.

Wandering around Na Ling, Huo Ling seemed to be curious about this thing and wanted to touch it several times.

However, perhaps because of a hint of fear, it acted hesitantly.

The fire spirit, which possesses some intelligence, vaguely knows that if it touches this gray point of light, it will lose its permanent freedom...

Although the guy who gave it the elixir was indeed good, the fire spirit completely lost its freedom, and it didn't have that consciousness yet.

After some thought, Huo Ling gave up on this risky move and turned around to leave.

Losing freedom for a strange toy is not something a cat would do.

However, when Huo Ling was about to turn around and leave, the little medical fairy gave him a gentle push with the power of his soul just in time.

A section of Huo Ling's tail collided with Na Ling, and the light was quickly extinguished among the gray light spots.


The terrifying suction force surged out from the Naling, sucking in the little fire cat that couldn't escape with a cry of instigation...

The little medical fairy exhaled a breath of relief.

It is extremely difficult to get a wild cat to recognize its owner.

Historically, there have been cases where intelligent alien fires have backfired on their owners.

The most famous one among them is undoubtedly the Pure Lotus Demon Saint who was devoured by the Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

However, since the fire spirit regained its intelligence, it has been carried by the little medical fairy.

And now, the Nether Poison Fire has been refined by her.

Therefore, the little medical fairy is confident that she can "tame" this little wild cat in the future and make it obedient.

The next moment, the little medical fairy directly activated the Nether Poison Fire.

Then, her breath began to surge sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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