Chapter 198 Countdown to the three-year agreement

After one Kuntian.

Douzong's speed is so fast, Medusa has now reached the Black Angle Domain.

In the Jia Ma Imperial Capital, the Alchemist Conference has also reached the final stage.

Since there is no Izumo Empire to cause trouble, the schedule of the Alchemist Conference is quite boring.

Therefore, although I started writing, I can actually cover several chapters, but the detailed description:


To put it simply:
During the re-examination, the test questions were the same as those in the original book. It was a detailed prescription of a problematic elixir, with an additional medicinal material.

Two chances. If the problem cannot be found the first time, continue to open the second time and send it directly.

Then, after the first trial and error, Xiao Yan and the Little Medical Fairy refined the finished product for the second time.

Those things that failed to be refined for the first time had energy but could not be condensed into elixirs, and were fed to cats by the little medical fairy.

Liu Ling and the little princess also successfully refined the elixir for the second time and advanced to the finals.

The finals became a two-person show between Xiao Yan and the Little Medical Fairy.

The content of the competition is the same as the original work, and you also need to prepare your own medicinal materials and prescriptions.

But this time, the guild announced it and gave it enough time to prepare.

So, to a certain extent, this is fair.

After all, everyone is free to choose and refine the elixir with the greatest confidence.

In this way, the success rate of elixir refining is definitely much higher than using the designated elixir recipe.

But again, the consequence of doing so is that it becomes more volume.

Compared with "the same test paper", refining the same elixir depends on the quality of the finished product.

Everyone has the same set of papers, so no matter how good you are and you are better than the examiner, you can only get a hundred points.

The biggest difference is one hundred.

But now, with the guild in full swing, the stronger the people, the greater the gap between them and others.

You are still studying Newton's laws of motion, while the person next door is already working on nuclear fusion.

Therefore, this final opened the eyes of many people, and also deeply shocked Liu Ling, the little princess and others.

——Xiao Yan and the little medical fairy successfully refined the fifth-grade elixir.

Due to the difficulty of controlling the fused alien fire, it is relatively higher.

Therefore, in the finals, for the sake of stability, Xiao Yan did not use fused alien fire, but used Qinglian Earth Core Fire.

As for the Little Medical Immortal, he naturally uses Netherworld Poison Fire.

One green and one green, two strange fires came out, directly suppressing the flames in the entire audience.

Fortunately for the little medical fairy, she directly asked Meow to appear in the medicine cauldron.

Since she was using the fifth-level medicinal cauldron given to her by Xiao Xuezhen, it had a certain shielding effect.

Therefore, the fire on her side is only a little sluggish.

On Xiao Yan's side, because Qinglian's Earth Core Fire swallowed up a lot of beast fire and merged with the Wind Fury Dragon Flame, it became even more powerful than before.

Therefore, as soon as Qinglian's inner fire came out, the fire in the hands of the alchemists around Xiao Yan was almost extinguished.

This situation was not relieved until he threw the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire into the medicine cauldron.

As for why the initial test and retest did not cause any abnormality.

Don't ask, that's what the original book says.

In the original work, although the strange fire was not used in the first trial, only purple fire was used.

But during the retest, Xiao Yan still used Qinglian's Earth Core Fire.

As for why, only in the finals, there will be a wonderful scene of "strange fire comes out, thousands of fire ministers".

It can only be said that this is the main character’s need.

After the small interlude, everyone quickly started refining elixirs.

In the original work, Xiao Yan was able to refine the third-level Qingling Pill at the peak of the fourth rank at this time.

Although there is a certain amount of "lucky", his alchemy skills are close to the peak of the fourth level.

And the current Xiao Yan is much stronger than the original.

If you are refining a fourth-grade elixir, it means refining it in a crowded place, which is meaningless.

The little medical fairy reached the fourth level very early, and with the help of Meow, he has already touched the threshold of the fifth level alchemist.

Therefore, these two Biyi planned to challenge themselves and try to refine the fifth-grade elixir at the same time.

If they fail to refine it at the same time, the championship reward, a seventh-grade elixir, will be handed over to others.

However, Xiao Yan and the Little Medical Fairy are not ordinary people.

After failing once, the little medical fairy successfully refined a fifth-grade elixir for the second time, reaching the level of a fifth-grade alchemist.Xiao Yan, on the other hand, almost failed due to the explosion of the furnace, but luckily he was rescued in time and also refined a fifth-grade elixir.

Of course, because of the meow, it helps to refine medicinal materials with high efficiency and purity.

The quality of the elixir refined by the little medical fairy was slightly higher than that refined by Xiao Yan, and he won the championship.

Of course, Furukawa was also present at the conference finals.

Seeing this result, he was convinced to lose.

After all, Liu Ling had only refined first- and fourth-grade elixirs, which was far behind the little medical fairy.

After losing the bet, Furukawa was very calm and had obviously looked away.

You know, Xiao Xue is probably now able to refine seventh-grade elixirs.

Furukawa couldn't help but admire her talent and the strength of Xiao Xue's disciple, the Little Medical Immortal.

It seems there is no shame in losing to a genius of this level.

Of course, Furukawa also discovered that what Xiao Yan used was Qinglian Earth Core Fire.

However, just like in the original work, during the three-year appointment, it was discovered that Xiao Yan was probably the man in black who plotted against him;
Furukawa just lamented that he had no chance with the strange fire after all.

Strange fire cannot be forced.

He now has the fire transformed from the earth fire lotus seeds, which is enough for the time being.

At worst, we can just go out and look for it later.

Then, Fa Ma announced the results of the meeting in public.

Moreover, Fa Ma also said that the championship reward will be refined by the alliance leader himself in the Tagor Desert in half a month.

At that time, everyone can go to watch, and there is no admission fee, but they must abide by the order.

After all, if someone runs around and is killed by Dan Lei, the Alchemist Guild will not be responsible.

In fact, it was not that Xiao Xue was not present, but she wore a white robe and watched the whole process in the VIP box with Xiao Zhan and others.

That dry blue water flame is just a sixth-level beast fire. It is not difficult to refine. Two days is more than enough.

During the finals, Xiao Xue, a master, naturally "suspended her retreat" and came out to cheer for her disciple, the Little Medical Fairy.

As for her brother, there is no need. The male protagonist's luck is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

As a result, Xiao Xue was slightly surprised to see that the little medical fairy was slightly better.

It seems that the little medical fairy is also someone who has the template of the protagonist.

Of course, throughout the whole process of watching the game, Xiao Xue kept a low profile and did not attract the attention of outsiders.

She will not officially appear in public until the day when she makes alchemy publicly.

After all, mystery is important.

To give an inappropriate example, why do many people like to watch videos of girls turning their skirts?

Even if you know what's inside and how to turn it, it's still the same thing. No matter how much the corners of your skirt fly, there's a limit.

But those people still enjoy watching it?
Because mystery always arouses yearning.

The more they whet their appetites now, the faster the [Reputation Value] will rise under the stimulation of curiosity.

When she was shedding wool, it became easier.

As for why I chose to make elixirs in the desert, it was only half a month later.

First, the seventh-grade elixir will attract elixirs, so it is safer in the desert.

Secondly, Xiao Xue's goal is to collect as much wool as possible.

As for the Jiama Imperial Capital, it is obvious that too many people from the Yanluo Empire and the Mulan Empire will not be allowed to enter.

In this case, the [Reputation Points] she can obtain will be discounted.

The snake people have basically moved out of the desert now.

There, it’s up to her to create whatever she wants.

As many people as they want can come, and no one will be turned away.

Because it takes a certain amount of time to get from the Jia Ma Imperial Capital to the desert.

Therefore, Xiao Xue set the time for public alchemy in half a month.

Then, the meeting ended and everyone went back to their homes.

And with the end of the Alchemist Conference, the three-year appointment is coming.

During this half month, Xiao Yan can still go to Yunlan Sect.

Yunlan Sect, deep inside the Gate of Life and Death.

A girl wearing a moon-white robe was practicing cross-legged in front of a sword tablet, seemingly comprehending something.

(End of this chapter)

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