Chapter 205 It's Interesting

"Are you going to show your trump card? This girl, Yanran, has been forced to this point..."

On the high platform, a look of surprise appeared on Yun Yun's face and she said softly.

Obviously, Xiao Yan's strength exceeded her expectations.

In Yun Yun's view, with Nalan Yanran's current strength.

Even opponents whose level is one or two stars higher than hers can be defeated.

In the end, she only had a few moves with Xiao Yan before she was forced to reveal her trump card.

Although Xiao Yan's sonic fighting skills have a certain element of "cheating".

However, from the brief battle between the two, it can be seen that Xiao Yan's combat experience is also quite sophisticated.

Therefore, Yun Yun was also very curious about how Xiao Yan would deal with Nalan Yanran who was in high school.

Jia Xingtian and others around him were all slightly surprised and cast their eyes into the field.

In the venue, with black hair flowing down, Nalan Yanran's eyes slowly closed, and after a moment, they suddenly opened.

The black hair on his head suddenly rose up automatically without wind, and his long hair was fluttering.

And as the black hair danced, her body actually slowly floated in the air.

As Nalan Yanran's figure slowly rose into the sky, circles of light cyan substantial energy ripples continued to spread out from her body.

Seeing the crazy energy surge around him, Xiao Yan knew that Nalan Yanran was going to use the Earth Level Fighting Skill.

Jia Xingtian and Hai Bodong also told themselves that the Yunlan Sect had a killing move, the Extreme Wind Sword Move.

This is a veritable earth-level fighting skill, a move that makes all the surrounding empires fearful of the Yunlan Sect.

Thinking about it, what Nalan Yanran will use next is the extreme wind.

However, Xiao Yan was not afraid.

Others are afraid of this move because they don't have earth-level fighting skills, but he does.

Xiao Yan thought for a long time and decided to use Qinglian Earth Core Fire.

Although Nalan Yanran also uses earth-level fighting skills.

But it is estimated that he is not as good as him in terms of proficiency and power of fighting skills.

In other words, Xiao Yan was really worried about hitting Nalan Yanran to death with one foot.

The ranking of Qinglian Earth Core Fire is relatively low.

Although it is compared to the Wind Fury Dragon Flame, it is really only a little lower.

But it does not have wind attributes, and its restraint on Nalan Yanran is relatively small.

Moreover, Xiao Yan's proficiency with Qinglian's Earth Core Fire far exceeds that of Wind Fury Dragon Flame and Fusion Fire.

After making the decision, Xiao Yan raised a green flame in his left hand and touched the Xuanzhong Ruler.

Green fire covered the ruler, and a strangely violent energy fluctuation suddenly rippled across the square.

For a moment, the first people to sense this fluctuation were Yun Yun, Hai Bodong, Jiaxing Tian and Fa Ma.

Then, there were the elders in the spectator seats.

At that moment, their expressions suddenly changed.

Everyone's eyes suddenly turned around at almost the same moment.

Finally, from Nalan Yanran in the air, she transferred to the young man in black robe standing proudly in the field holding a heavy ruler.

The source of that violent energy fluctuation is here!

The elders on the stage looked at each other, and then their throats rolled slightly.

This energy fluctuation is even stronger than Nalan Yanran!

"How many trump cards does this guy have?"

At this moment, even with the strength of the elders, they can't help but feel a bit tricky.

Although Xiao Yan's current strength is only a fighting spirit.

But the elders of the Yunlan Sect present asked themselves, I am afraid that none of them would not feel a headache when faced with Xiao Yan's powerful fighting skills.

As for the ordinary disciples of Yunlan Sect, they were completely shocked.

"Causing energy fluctuations in the world! Is this an earth-level fighting skill?!"

"And this fluctuation seems to be more advanced than the fighting skills displayed by Senior Sister Nalan!"

Ground level!

As soon as these two simple words were spoken, even Jia Xingtian, who was at the peak of Douhuang, had shock and disbelief on his face.

You know, there are two styles of Feng Zhi.

The first form of Sunset Yao can only be said to barely reach the Earth level, and it cannot even be considered as a low-level Earth level.

The second type of killing is the real earth level fighting skill, which is probably a little higher than the lower level of the earth level.

And Yanfen Devouring Wave Ruler is a genuine earth-level fighting skill.

Although the difference between high-level Xuan level and earth level is only one level.

However, the gap between them is as different as heaven and earth.

Most Xuan level fighting skills rely on the strength of the performer to exert their power.

However, earth-level fighting skills can already use the energy of heaven and earth to achieve devastating destructive power.

One person, one heaven and earth, there is almost no comparison between the two!
Moreover, earth-level fighting skills are not only rare, but also extremely difficult to practice.

Even if Nalan Yanran had Yun Yun teach her step by step and master the front-facing sword move Sunset Sun Yao, she would still have a hard time.

You should know that heaven-level fighting skills are generally only available to senior fighting masters and above, who may have the opportunity to use them.

Among the small families in Zhongzhou, their younger generations at the fighting spirit level may not necessarily have earth-level fighting skills.

During the spirit-fighting period, it would be good to have a high-level Xuan-level person.

However, this time, Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan were actually using earth-level fighting skills to fight against each other!

Xiao Yan raised his head and looked at the dazzling light around Nalan Yanran.

Under the light, terrifying energy is frantically gathering.

In the field, the energy fluctuations became more and more violent.

A trace of reddish hot energy that looked like substance suddenly seeped out from the empty space, and finally wrapped around Xiao Yan.

And as the light red energy rotated, a strong wind suddenly emerged and swept out in all directions.Xiao Yan held a heavy ruler in his hand, looked at Nalan Yanran in the air, and laughed loudly:
"Nalan Yanran, as long as you can take this move, I, Xiao Yan, will automatically admit defeat!"

Nalan Yanran did not respond verbally to this man who had spoken to her fiancée, but directly stabbed out:
"Extreme Wind—Sunset Sunshine!"

The screams fell, the terrifying energy fluctuations finally broke out into a riot.

A sharp sword energy shot towards Xiao Yan.

The hard bluestone floor, under the pressure of the fierce sword energy, actually cracked with cracks that spread to the end of the square.

Compared with the original work, with the cultivation level of a great fighting master, what he can perform is only the entry-level Sunset Glory;

Now, Nalan Yanran's cultivation has reached the Dou Ling level, and Luo Riyao has also reached the Xiaocheng level.

Therefore, the power of this blow is undoubtedly more terrifying!
The overwhelming golden rays of light, accompanied by extremely sharp and harsh sonic booms, cut through the space like lightning and hit Xiao Yan directly below.

Wherever the powerful sword energy like the sun passed, the boulders in the entire site suddenly collapsed.

Facing Nalan Yanran's majestic offensive, Xiao Yan just smiled faintly.

Raise your hand, the ruler falls.

A huge green fire-red ruler light shot out from Xuan Zhong Ruler.

In the square that was already like a ruin, a crack half a meter wide spread rapidly under the horrified eyes!
Any offensive attack must dissipate under the Flame Devouring Wave Ruler!
This is a battle about the status of the family in the future, and a battle about the dignity of men.

So, how could it be possible to lose? !

Among the golden and cyan-red rays of light reflected in countless pupils, two extremely terrifying attacks collided like meteorites!
Dazzling bright light fell from the sky, and when the energy of heaven and earth was violent, the colliding energy group suddenly exploded like thunder.

An extremely terrifying storm swept out of the air.

As the storm passed by, the earth shattered, and the entire square seemed to be lifted up.

"Thicken the defensive cover!"

As early as she discovered that the two of them were clashing with each other using earth-level fighting skills, Yun Yun had already made preparations for the aftermath.

Looking at the Yunlan Sect disciples whose faces turned pale with fright under the energy shock wave, Yun Yun immediately responded.

With Yun Yun taking charge, the terrifying energy impact was naturally blocked within the square.

The whole square was filled with thick smoke, and it was impossible to see what was going on inside, and it was impossible to know who was winning and who was losing.

Yun Yun, Xiao Zhan, Nalan Jie and others who were watching the battle said they were not worried about the conditions of Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran, but that was a lie.

After all, the aftermath of the collision of two earth-level fighting skills still poses a considerable threat to Dou Ling.

However, if people are taken away from the field at the beginning, it will undoubtedly interrupt the process of their battle.

Moreover, since the two of them chose to fight like this, they should have a certain degree of confidence.

At least, I won't kill myself.

But if the protective shield is not strengthened, ordinary disciples around will definitely suffer.

Therefore, Yunyun chose the best solution at that time.

——Thicken the protective shield and let Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan carry it themselves.

Soon, the smoke dissipated, and even the energy vortex disappeared.

Then, the figures of Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran were also revealed.

The two people standing together on the field didn't look like they had lost.

Xiao Yan was stuffing pills into his mouth, and Nalan Yanran seemed to be a little... blushing?
For a moment, other spectators on the field looked strange. You looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing what was going on now.

"Yanran, are you okay?"

Yun Yun lifted the protective shield with a wave of her hand, asked with concern, and then glanced at Xiao Yan vaguely.

Hearing this, Nalan Yanran looked at Yun Yun and shook her head: "I'm fine, master."

Just now, when the aftermath was raging, Xiao Yan opened the Ziyun Wing and helped her block it.

In the original work, during the competition in the inner courtyard, Xiao Yan used the Flame Devouring Wave Ruler to clash with Liu Qing's Xuan-level advanced fighting skills, and was knocked unconscious by the aftermath.

And Nalan Yanran, who had consumed a lot of fighting spirit, would probably not be so relaxed about the aftermath of the collision of two earth-level fighting skills.

It can be blocked, but if you want to be unharmed, it is a bit of a fantasy.

Therefore, Xiao Yan just helped his fiancée to block the harm and did nothing else.

Now, Xiao Yan's physical fitness is comparable to that of a fourth-level peak monster.

Coupled with the alien fire body protection, it is naturally easy to resist the aftermath.

After receiving Nalan Yanran's answer, Yun Yun stopped asking the question and instead asked, "Which one of you won?"

"I lost." Nalan Yanran said directly.

"Yan Ran!"

The Great Elder Yun Leng on the side glared at Nalan Yanran, and then raised his hands to the strong men watching the battle around him:
"I believe you have also seen that the two sides in this battle are evenly matched, but the duel venue has been destroyed."

"So, the battle ends here, Yanran has not fallen, and the two sides are fighting in a draw."

Xiao Yan couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

Even Jia Xingtian, Fa Ma and others couldn't help but shake their heads.

Nalan Yanran has already given up, but you referees are still trying to smooth things over.

Moreover, winning or losing this competition is actually not that important.

To put it bluntly, Nalan Yanran was representing herself in this competition, not the Yunlan Sect.

Therefore, Yun Ling's current act of forcibly saluting the Yun Lan Sect seems quite funny.

"Yo, is it so lively?"

A somewhat joking voice suddenly came, and everyone subconsciously looked up.

High in the sky, Xiao Xue and Medusa suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

Xiao Xue stood in the air with blue-white wings of bone and water on her back, looking at Yun Ling who was singing a one-man show with a smile.

"A dog from Yunshan?" Xiao Xue murmured in a low voice that only she could hear.

"It's kind of interesting."

"I wonder what kind of chores the Soul Palace will do for me this time?"

[I’m a little tired. I’m in my early [-] today. I’ll make up for anything I’m missing later]

(End of this chapter)

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