Chapter 220 Breakthrough in the secret room

Xiao Xue was dubious about Medusa's words, but with Ahli around, she wasn't worried about Medusa causing trouble.

Therefore, Xiao Xue did not continue to ask, "Tell me what I need to do."

Hearing this, Medusa breathed a sigh of relief and pointed to the bathtub filled with unknown liquid:

"You can just refine the power of the Heavenly Soul Blood and Bone Pill in there, and leave the rest to me."

After hearing Medusa's words, Xiao Xue walked to the bathtub and reached out to touch the red liquid in it.

The color of the liquid was not blood red, but more like red wine.

Taking the liquid in hand, Xiao Xue felt it slightly.

These liquids did not seem to be medicinal liquids. They contained some unknown energy, which should be related to the blood power of the snake people.

Moreover, I don’t feel it when I look at it from the outside.

Now, after her fingers were soaked in this liquid, strands of unknown energy began to gradually penetrate into her fingertips.

Xiao Xue felt a tingling sensation on her fingertips, but it was not very strong.

Moreover, according to her soul perception, being in this bath can indeed make the blood of her sky-swallowing python more active.

In other words, this place is not harmful to her, and it is indeed beneficial to the Medusa bloodline.

Xiao Xue withdrew her fingers, then took out a few medicinal herbs from the Najie, used the spiritual fire of all beasts to refine them into some spiritual liquid that would help with physical training, and then blended them into the bath.

This is a blood pool for her own use, and the energy in it is only supplied to the little sky-swallowing python after she absorbs it.

Therefore, how could Xiao Xue be stingy.

After adding some medicinal materials that would not affect the effects of the red liquid, Xiao Xue took off her clothes and stepped into the bath.

The red liquid slowly enveloped her.

As she soaked in the red liquid, the strange energy in it, as well as the energy of the medicinal materials, began to gradually take effect.

These liquids gave Xiao Xue the same feeling as acupuncture and cupping.

Although it hurt a little, the pain and stimulation were not intense, and instead made her feel somewhat comfortable.

After getting used to the mild stimulation, Xiao Xue took out the Heavenly Soul Blood and Bone Pill from the jade bottle and swallowed it in one gulp.

Suddenly, waves of pure energy spread out within Xiao Xue's body, causing her to feel a burning sensation in her internal organs.

After all, the Heavenly Soul Blood and Bone Pill is a seventh-grade pill, and it is for use by the bloodline of monsters like Medusa.

Although Xiao Xue's physique is comparable to or even stronger than a strong Warcraft warrior of the same level.

But now, after all, she is only at the peak of Dou Wang.

Therefore, the energy of this seventh-grade peak Heavenly Soul Blood Bone Pill was still slightly beyond the standard for her.

However, with the fusion of Bone Spirit Cold Fire and Sea Heart Flame's alien fire body protection, although it was slightly uncomfortable, it was still within Xiao Xue's tolerance.

Xiao Xue gritted her teeth to activate her fighting spirit and began to absorb the essence of the medicine.

She knew that elixirs such as Tianhun Blood and Bone Pill had the best effect if they were first absorbed by the mother's body and then transported by the blood to nourish the newborn.

Endless nutrients circulated in Xiao Xue's body, and were quickly absorbed by her under the influence of the wine-red liquid.

Moreover, the energy contained in the essence and blood of Tianyaohuang and Taixu ancient dragon is too powerful.

Therefore, only after both types of essence and blood energy are partially absorbed by Xiao Xue, can the suppressed medicinal effect of the elixir be gradually manifested.

And just refining the energy from the two types of essence and blood overflowing would take more than two days.

When Xiao Xue refined the elixir, the energy from the blood essence of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix and the Taixu Ancient Dragon briefly exited the cultivation state.

The rewards for the third stage of the main line have also been distributed.

However, the nourishment of secret techniques is inherently a time-consuming task and cannot be accomplished overnight.

The special elixir Tianhun Blood Bone Pill is different from the general seventh-grade elixir. It does not absorb and refine the energy at once after taking it.

After being taken by someone, its energy will be latent in the body of the person who takes it.

Only when stimulated by external forces will the medicine gradually take effect and improve the fetus's talent and physique.

Therefore, even if you quit midway, there will be no problem.Xiao Xue quickly opened the system panel during the "intermission".

Why are you adding more? You're just standing there in a daze!
Who knows how long it takes for secret nourishment, so now, just add what you can to save trouble in the future.

The mission rewards of the third stage of the main line did not disappoint Xiao Xue at all:

[Specify special attribute points: element affinity]*2
[Random special attribute points]*2
[[-]% discount coupon for soul power upgrade] (can only be used at the current level)
[Special Item Copy Voucher] (Intermediate Level)

【EXP: 5】

The four reward items are all more valuable than the same.

In comparison, the 500 million experience points are the ones with the lowest value.

Xiao Xue first took out two [Sudden Special Attribute Points], and then took out a little [Poison Resistance] and a little [Physique].

Xiao Xue did not hesitate, added all four attribute points, and then directly used the [[-]% off coupon for soul power upgrade].

After the discount, it would take less than 500 million to upgrade from the mortal realm to the spiritual realm.

Counting the experience points rewards in the three stages, you can even earn a lot.

After adding points, Xiao Xue's [Elemental Affinity] reached five points, which is currently her highest hidden attribute.

And her [Poison Resistance] and [Physique] have both reached four points.

It is estimated that after she integrates the energy of the essence and blood of the Sky Demon Phoenix and the essence and blood of the Taixu Ancient Dragon, her body will probably be able to go further.

And her soul power has reached the terrifying eighth level, the spiritual realm!
Even if it is the early stage of the spiritual realm, it is still the spiritual realm.

And after transcending the mortal world and entering the spirit world, what it brings to the soul is an absolute qualitative change!
Such a terrifying improvement naturally cannot remain unknown.

Xiao Xue slowly closed her eyes, floating cross-legged in the blood pool, and her skills were running crazily.

The improvement of [Physique] has once again raised her upper limit in the Fighting King stage, and the fighting energy that can be contained in her body has naturally increased.

Therefore, she subconsciously started to run the technique, and with Xiao Xue's movements, the entire bathhouse began to shake.

Xiao Xue's body was like the center of a whirlpool, constantly absorbing the energy within it.

Of course, the energy absorbed by the outside world is just incidental.

If you want to break through from the mortal realm to the spiritual realm, just rely on the liquid in this bath to provide energy, it will be too far off.

Especially when the soul power breaks through the spiritual realm, what is absorbed is not the fighting spirit, but the ethereal "spiritual energy".

(Reiki is also included in the original work. It is something that can only be discovered and absorbed by eighth-grade alchemists and above. It is not the same thing as the spiritual power of the world.)
Fortunately, when using the system to break through, no matter what form of energy it is, it will be supplied by the system.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about failure due to lack of energy and being forced to stop.

Waves of dark green strange energy suddenly surged out of Xiao Xue's body, reaching directly between the eyebrows.

Finally, that strange energy merged with the soul power entrenched here.

As these energies intertwined with the soul, Xiao Xue quickly noticed that a terrifyingly powerful strange energy was rapidly entering the soul.

At the same time, the strength of her soul, as if she had taken some powerful tonic, began to increase suddenly to a degree that even shocked her!

Medusa, who was wondering why Xiao Xue didn't respond for a long time, was immediately stunned.

The sudden energy riot also attracted Medusa's attention.

But this strange flow of spiritual energy seems a bit too ethereal to her now.

Now Medusa could only look at the fluctuating energy around Xiao Xue blankly, but she couldn't feel anything strange at all.

"...I hope everyone is okay."

Medusa could only protect Xiao Xue with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation.

———[A little spoiler]————

As for Xiao Xiao, although she plans to give birth to her and raise her on her own, she will definitely let Xiao Yan know.

If you don't know, you will lose too much fun, and the Shura field is not easy to expand. That's all, I understand everything else.

Also, the secret room is really just a secret room, not that secret room, so please don’t think too much.

(End of this chapter)

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