Chapter 223 Promotion, eighth level soul power!

"It's not very sure, it's only ninety-eight percent."

Xiao Yan: "......???"

Xiao Yan pondered for a moment, and then said to Su Qian, "Great Elder, I'm not sure either. This Fallen Heart Flame may have exceeded the No. 14 category now."

"But it's definitely consuming a lot now. I have no less than a [-]% chance of successfully swallowing it."

"Oh, that's all. The dean also said back then that the Fallen Heart Flame can't be trapped forever. It's gone anyway, so I might as well give it to you."

Su Qian sighed. When the Fallen Heart Flame broke out and its body broke the seal, he knew that the Fallen Heart Flame could no longer be trapped.

"Tell me, how can I cooperate with you?"


Snake Tribe Temple, in the underground chamber.

Xiao Xue naturally didn't know what was going on in Canaan College.

At this moment, she was completely immersed in the rich spiritual energy when she broke through from the mortal realm to the spiritual realm.

More and more green smoke surged in, and Xiao Xue's soul continued to strengthen.

Because there is an absolute qualitative change from the Great Perfection of the mortal realm to the early stage of the spiritual realm.

Therefore, when some alchemists break through the spirit realm soul, they will have symptoms such as headaches because their bodies cannot instantly adapt to the soul that is suddenly several times more powerful.

However, during the breakthrough process, Xiao Xue did not feel any pain.

On the contrary, she felt very comfortable.

The feeling of comfort that reaches deep into the soul is like soaking in a hot spring, making people reluctant to wake up.

And in the center of his eyebrows, because of the huge spiritual energy entering, earth-shaking changes gradually occurred.

Xiao Xue noticed that her soul seemed to be several times stronger than before, and the current soul seemed to have not yet entered the so-called spiritual realm and continued to strengthen.

The soul is generally a relatively ethereal and indescribable thing. It is the root of living beings, and it is extremely mysterious.

Under normal circumstances, even for an alchemist of Xiao Xue's level, the soul between his eyebrows is just a void-like substance.

However, under their control, these soul powers have many functions after leaving the body, and can even be used as weapons.

After the previous changes, the soul power between Xiao Xue's brows is no longer the void state it was in the past, but entangled.

Occasionally, these entrenched soul powers will beat slightly, just like a heart.

Moreover, perhaps because of the aura, the soul between his eyebrows appears more active than before.

When the absorption of spiritual energy reaches a saturation point.

The next moment, Xiao Xue's blue eyes were filled with a faint dark gold color, like the rising tide.

Compared with before, the dark golden color is a bit more intense.

Her soul power naturally broke through to the spiritual realm.

A powerful soul power spread out from Xiao Xue's body, allowing Medusa, who was protecting the law, to directly feel a pressure from the soul level!

If it's an ordinary eighth-grade soul power, that's it.

Medusa, as an ancient beast from the Eight-Star Dou Sect, would be worth a hundred in a fight between life and death.

It is not impossible for Medusa to beat the squishy eighth-grade alchemist to dozens or dozens of times.

After all, if you have not practiced soul fighting skills.

Even an eighth-level alchemist cannot make a high-level Douzong lose his combat effectiveness with just his soul attack. At most, he can only cause some impact on his opponent.

But after practicing [Heart Sword], Xiao Xue's soul power has become extremely solid, and it's no problem to kill enemies across levels!Below the spiritual realm, I am invincible, but above the spiritual realm, I am invincible!

The soul power is the strongest, the physical quality is the second, and the fighting spirit cultivation is the weakest. Xiao Xue is completely the opposite of other cultivators.

Medusa, whose soul power was only at the late stage of the mortal realm and had not yet reached the perfection of the mortal realm, fell to her knees directly under the impact of Xiao Xue's soul.

It's not that he's afraid of his wife, it's just that his legs are weak.

It is not easy for normal people to have soul power that is not weaker than their cultivation level.

Even in the realm of Dou Zun, few people have the soul power to reach the spiritual realm——

Some Dou Zun-level alchemists are still at the seventh level, and this group of alchemists is already the group of humans with strong soul power, which is proof of this.

As a result, Xiao Xue, a Dou King, reached the spiritual realm that not many people have reached.

Although the coercion only leaked out for a moment and was quickly withdrawn by Xiao Xue, Medusa, who was not far away from her, felt that her legs were weak and her eyes were out of focus.

The majestic ancient beast, the colorful sky-swallowing python, the empress of the snake people, has been broken.

Xiao Xue naturally discovered that because she had not been able to restrain herself just now, the overflowing soul power accidentally injured Medusa.

However, she didn't care too much.

Anyway, she knew the force of the impact just now would not kill the snake, it would only give Medusa a headache, which would be gone after a while.

Xiao Xue, who added a little more and raised her soul power to the spiritual realm, was in a good mood and was very satisfied with her overall combat power at the moment.

She glanced at Medusa who had lost her dream, and wondered if she should wait for her to recover, then compete with Medusa and practice her skills?

With five points of elemental affinity, four points of physical fitness, and the fusion of the Three Mysterious Changes of Alien Fire and Sky Fire, the increase can be brought about.

If Xiao Xue had used all her firepower, she would probably be able to break through Medusa's defense now.

This is because Medusa, as a Warcraft, has strong physical fitness.

If she used soul power, Medusa wouldn't have to fight at all.

However, thinking that she was still carrying an egg, Xiao Xue retracted her intention to compete with Medusa.

It won't be too late to "discuss" slowly when the eggs are removed.

Don't tell me, Medusa still feels very good when you play it, and it's a bit addictive.

Xiao Xue's mind sank into her body, she looked around and found that the little sky-swallowing python had now fallen into "sleep".

After confirming the little guy's condition, Xiao Xue withdrew her gaze.

Since the little sky-swallowing python was still in her body when she broke through to the spiritual realm, she naturally gained a lot of benefits.

After being nourished by spiritual energy, her talent will only be higher, and her soul power will be stronger than before.

After finding no problems, Xiao Xue began to slowly activate the power of Tianhun Blood Bone Pill.

As a result, the advanced secret techniques of the snake people naturally cannot be directly activated and absorbed, but require a series of external assistance.

Xiao Xue studied for a long time, but still couldn't figure it out. No matter how she operated, the power of the medicine could not be integrated into the body of the little sky-swallowing python.

In desperation, she could only call Medusa:

"Are you dead? If not, come over and help. How do you absorb this elixir?"

Medusa, who had regained her composure, heard this and hurried to the side of the bath, and then said, "Well... there will be a little bit... don't mind..."

Xiao Xue: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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