Chapter 232 The rich and bloody drama begins
Hearing Xiao Xue's words, Xiao Yan staggered and almost doubled over.

" long has it been?!"

Hearing Xiao Xue's answer, Xiao Yan was stunned and couldn't speak clearly.

Three...fourteen and a half months? !Is that human being? !

You know, elephants are only 22 to [-] months old!

"Brother, don't get excited," Xiao Xue waved her hand directly, asking Xiao Yan to "calm down" reluctantly.

In other words, it can't be considered calm, just sitting still and listening to her continue talking.

"Hmm...Brother, do you know that some ancient bloodlines are a little different from ordinary people..."

Xiao Xue talked with the Xiao family, and Xiao Yan finally understood what she meant——

There is no such thing as a brother-in-law. His sister's situation this time was because she obtained the bloodline of the Sky-Swallowing Python by chance.

Then, the bloodline of the sky-swallowing python unexpectedly revived, giving birth to a new soul, which was then presented in this form of expression.

So, if I have to say it, his brother-in-law is...Medusa? !
Xiao Yan was completely stunned. What kind of outrageous development was going on? !
Originally, Xiao Yan's blood pressure was already full, and he thought that if he knew who that Hun Dan was, he would use the Green Lotus Dragon Heart Flame to teach him how to behave.

Although he is only at the peak of the Dou Wang, the origin of the Green Lotus Dragon Heart Flame is already comparable to three thousand flames. It is not difficult to burn the Dou King to death in his hands.

As a result, he has been found now, but his "younger brother and sister", the Eight-Star Douzong, may not be able to break through the defense if they ask him to fight while standing.

And under normal circumstances, Medusa doesn't even have that ability, and the resurrection of her bloodline is purely accidental.

——Xiao Xue naturally did not share with Xiao Yan how she obtained the bloodline of Tuntian Mang. She just said "it was just a fluke".

Thanks for the invitation, I'm still proud of you.

Therefore, Xiao Yan, who did not know the whole truth, was not so impulsive as to directly roast Medusa with strange fire.

This was the case. Faced with this outrageous and absurd development, Xiao Yan's mind shut down for a moment.

Not only Xiao Yan was confused, but even Yao Lao and Xuan Yi, who were eavesdropping, stared with big eyes——

Yao Lao cared about Xiao Xue very much, and Xuan Yi was also curious about this junior, so he followed him to "listen".

Anyway, no one can catch them eavesdropping.

"Ahem, I didn't expect this to be the case."

Hearing Xiao Xue's explanation, Yao Lao was slightly relieved - based on his understanding of Xiao Xue, Xiao Xue would not lie about this kind of thing.

It seems that it was just an accident that the Xiao family's cabbage was not taken over, which also made Yao Lao secretly relieved.

As Xiao Yan's godfather who is comparable to his biological father, Yao Lao also attaches great importance to Xiao Xue. If Xiao Xue really messes up, he will definitely come forward to dissuade her.

However, the current situation seems pretty good - if it is just the sequelae of bloodline fusion, it is definitely better than not knowing people clearly and tying one's future into it.

Xuan Yi on the side also didn't know what to say.

No wonder Medusa was so nervous when she appeared next to Xiao Xue.

Now that you understand the situation, everything makes sense - a super strong person suddenly appears and may threaten your wife and children. It's up to you not to panic.

Moreover, Xuan Yi, who was also a woman, still saw something that Yao Lao could not see.

However, she didn't say it.

"...paying this 'price' to fuse the bloodline of a beast like the Sky-Swallowing Python, well..." Xuan Yi didn't know how to evaluate it.

In other words, "It's hard to judge" (Tan Shou).

Having a high-level bloodline will definitely bring more advantages than disadvantages in the early stage, making cultivation more effective with half the effort.

However, in this process, a child was directly given away... Even Yao Lao and Xuan Yi saw this for the first time.

On the Dou Qi Continent, there are really no shortage of surprises.

Xuan Yi and Yao Lao looked at each other in silence for a moment.

On the other side, Xiao Xue (who is hiding) activates the Peach Blossom Mark to let Medusa pass over to "relay", and the clone is ready to moisten.

As for why the little guy was not dealt with directly, Xiao Xue also gave an explanation.

Therefore, after Xiao Yan knew that his sister was not willing to die for some wild boy, he let Xiao Xue go back——

Since my sister didn't lose her mind and risk her own life for "love", it's easy to say.Moreover, it has been 34 and a half months... It is useless to talk about anything else now. If there is any problem, we will talk about it after the child is born.

Of course, if Xiao Xue was really deceived and counted money for others, then there would definitely be a bloody storm today.

However, Xiao Xue is okay for the time being, but he wants to talk to Medusa.

Naturally, Xiao Xue would not refuse Xiao Yan's request and directly shook the snake.

As for whether Medusa would receive a "warm" welcome from her brother-in-law, that was not her concern.

Before Xiao Xue left, Xiao Yan handed her the Yin Yang Xuanlong Pill refined by Xuan Yi, and asked Xiao Xue what she thought about the child.

Xiao Xue expressed that she wanted to keep it for herself——

After spending so much effort to refine the elixir carefully crafted by Youtian Demon Phoenix and Taixu Ancient Dragon, and suffering so many crimes, there was no reason to give it to Medusa in vain.

And to be honest, after so many days, she and Xiao Xiao already have some feelings.

After getting Xiao Xue's answer, Xiao Yan asked Xiao Xue to go back first.

Then, Xiao Xue called Medusa again, but Medusa couldn't read back and stretched to the limit.

Xiao Xue: "If you don't go over, I will tell you everything you did at that time. Then we will see if your snake people can leave a snake egg."


She was afraid. After the super strong man from Danta arrived, Medusa knew that Xiao Xue could really easily destroy the entire snake race.

Using the methods of a peak Dou Zun warrior, if you say you want to annihilate the snake people, then you will really annihilate them, and not even a single snake egg will be left.

Therefore, she could only bite the bullet and go to Xiao Yan, hoping that her brother-in-law would save her some face for Xiao Xue's sake.

At least...don't slap me in the face for a while.

While waiting for Medusa to come over, Xiao Yan thought about many things.

After all, my sister's child can be considered a Medusa bloodline to a certain extent.

If she doesn't want to raise her, she can give it to Medusa.

But really speaking, Medusa didn't give anything except a little blood.

If the younger sister wants to raise this child, there is no problem - the Xiao family is not in a situation where they can't even raise a child.

Therefore, since my sister wants this child, let her stay.

As for the successor of Medusa's worst, Medusa will have another one.

At the same time that Xiao Yan made a decision, Medusa also appeared in the small courtyard, "... deputy leader."

It was inappropriate to call him any other name now. Medusa suddenly thought out of her wits and called Xiao Yan the deputy leader of the alliance - Xiao Yan indeed had this status in the alliance.

Xiao Yan nodded, but for a moment he didn't know what to call him, "...sit down."

Medusa sat obediently opposite Xiao Yan, waiting for her brother-in-law to speak.

Xiao Yan took a sip of tea and then looked at Medusa.

His temperament immediately changed, completely different from his brother when he was talking to Xiao Xue before.

After all, Xiao Yan is a person who has lived two lifetimes, and he still has some acting skills.

In just an instant, he changed from the approachable elder brother to the approachable young master of the Xiao family.

Seeing Xiao Yan's sudden change in temperament, Medusa's heart tightened for no reason.

She now very much doubts whether Xiao Yan will break the cup as a sign of honor, call out a bunch of top Douzong, or even Douzun level experts, and roast her to replenish Xiao Xue's nutrition.

Medusa's hands were clasped together subconsciously. If it weren't for being rude, she would probably run away now.

Now Medusa feels like she has been roasted on the fire.

Then, she heard Xiao Yan say, "Medusa, I roughly understand the situation. My sister will be responsible for raising that child."

"Of course, as compensation, you can mention whatever conditions you have, and I will try my best to meet your requirements."


(End of this chapter)

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