Chapter 234 Long-term and free
"Relax and leave it to me."

Hearing this, Xiao Xue nodded without resisting and allowed Xuan Yi's fighting spirit and soul power to enter her veins and help her guide the dragon energy.

Under the soul power of the Great Perfection of the Xuanyi Spiritual Realm, the dragon energy successfully integrated into Xiao Xiao's body without any accidents.

During this process, Xuan Yi checked Xiao Xue's physical condition by the way - he was in pretty good condition. Although he was only a three-star Dou Huang, he was better than the average Dou Huang at his peak.

As long as you pay attention to it, there will basically be no problems.

Xuan Yi had originally planned to refine an anti-fetus pill for Xiao Xue, but now it seemed that it was unnecessary - according to her perception, that little guy was stronger than Xiao Xue.

Xiao Xiao's soul strength was originally at the seventh level. After gaining sufficient energy development, it is now naturally at the seventh level, and it is even considered top among the seventh levels.

I am afraid that as soon as she is born, she will be able to treat a seventh-level monster with a weak bloodline as a pet, and treat a lion as a cat.

He didn't pay attention when they first met, but when he took a closer look this time, Xuan Yi was immediately shocked.

This was the first time even she had seen such a newborn being so much stronger than its mother.

However, Xiao Xiao is sleeping now, and it seems that his condition is quite stable. It is only a matter of time before he matures.

It seems that there is no need for anti-fetal pills, but we should consider how to let Xiao Xue give birth to the child safely.

After all, if the little guy messes around during childbirth or other processes, it might be able to tear the mother's body directly.

It would be fine if she gave birth in human form, but if she gave birth in snake form, even unconscious movements could cause harm to Xiao Xue.

Xuan Yi was also impressed by Xiao Xue's big heart. After giving Xiao Xue a few words, he left to prepare the medicine - just in case, necessary preparations were still needed.

Xiao Xue didn't know that Xuan Yi had so many things in mind.

Moreover, the relationship between her and Xiao Xiao is not ordinary. Xiao Xiao is also very good and obedient.

Therefore, Xiao Xue is not worried at all that similar problems will occur by then.

Shortly after Xuan Yi left, Xiao Xue received a message from Xiao Yan - Medusa wanted to talk to her about the issue of child custody.

Naturally, he cannot make the decision for Xiao Xue with full authority on this kind of matter, Xiao Xue needs to make his own decision.

Therefore, Xiao Yan sent a message to contact Xiao Xue and asked for her opinion.

At the same time, Xiao Yan also hopes that Xiao Xue can use his true body to meet him so that he can understand the true situation of his sister.

After receiving Xiao Yan's message, Xiao Xue was a little surprised - it seemed that Medusa and her cheap brother were having a good chat.

Or is it because Xiao Yan's anger has dissipated, so he sent her a message?

No matter which one it was, at least Xiao Yan should have passed this level.

As for Medusa, Xiao Xue naturally knew what she wanted to talk about and readily agreed to her request to meet.

Xiao Xue sent a message back to Xiao Yan, asking him to wait in her yard first. After she and Medusa finished talking, she asked Medusa to come over and pick him up.

After all, she is really not suitable to be seen in public as she is now. If she is seen by the Xiao family, she will be in a lot of trouble.

The cheap guy who has been avoiding her is not a problem. You have to face what you have to face.

However, Xiao Xue also asked Xiao Yan not to tell other people in the Xiao family, including her cheap dad, about this matter.

Xiao Yan naturally agreed to this - as long as other Xiao family members knew about it, Xiao Zhan would definitely get the news.

And if Xiao Zhan knew about it, a lot of trouble would inevitably happen.

Dad has worked hard for most of his life, so he might as well enjoy his happiness.

This is something that most people can't understand, so it's better not to make a big fuss so as not to worry Dad.

After sending the message to Xiao Yan, Medusa came in - this place was restricted by the colorful energy she had set up, and no one except Xuan Yi and a few others could enter.

Xiao Xue looked Medusa up and down. Well, her limbs were sound, her fighting spirit was not disordered, she was in good condition, and she didn't seem to have been beaten.

Tsk, a little disappointed.

Medusa sat down next to her, "Xiao Xue..." However, before she could speak, Xiao Xue interrupted her directly, "You can take care of the child."


Her carefully prepared opening statement and other reasons were all in vain.

What happened to the two brothers and sisters today?Don't you all play by the rules?

"However, I have conditions." Xiao Xue continued.

Although Xiao Xue said that Xiao Xiao should be left to raise by herself, it did not mean that Medusa could just stay out of the matter.

She, Medusa, still had to do what she had to do.

Despite the calm situation in the past two years, it was because she took action early and solved the problems in the early stages of the plot in advance.

Yunshan has joined the alliance, and the Soul Palace in Yunlan Sect has been completely demolished. It will be more stable in the next few years.

And this period of time is also the calm before the storm - after going to Zhongzhou, the intensity has increased sharply, and I am afraid that she may not be home for several years.

Therefore, after they go to Zhongzhou, there must be someone to help take care of the children when she is busy.

The Little Medical Fairy, Qing Lin and others all have their own plots and opportunities to leave. When they go to Zhongzhou and they are busy, it is not appropriate to choose anyone to stay behind.

Therefore, there is no more suitable candidate for this choice than Xiao Xiao’s mother, Medusa.

Moreover, Xiao Xiao's body is still the sky-swallowing python. No matter how good her innate conditions are, this is something that cannot be changed.

Therefore, there are many things that it would be much easier for Medusa to teach her than to learn by herself.

For example, the seven-colored energy used by Medusa is the innate ability of the seven-colored sky-swallowing python, which is much more powerful than Dou Qi.

For example, in Dou Wang, Zi Yan can ignore the space barrier of the inner courtyard's medicinal material warehouse and go in to buy it for zero yuan - space is the innate ability of Taixu Ancient Dragon.

For Xiao Xiao, Medusa is obviously more suitable than her for the development and guidance of this kind of talent.

What's more, if children want to grow up healthily, they must have a suitable environment - a single-parent family is not necessary.

Therefore, it is not impossible to let Medusa stay with Xiao Xiao to take care of the child - provided that she does not break the rules.

The calculations in Xiao Xue's heart were rattling.

A "teacher" like Medusa who is absolutely conscientious and professional is not in vain.

Xiao Yan believed that what Medusa wanted was an heir who could completely return to the snake-human race, which conflicted with his sister's wish to keep her child by her side.

That's why he said those words to Medusa, wanting Medusa to give up Xiao Xiao's custody rights.

However, Xiao Xue naturally knew that Medusa did not have such high pursuits——

Forget about letting her raise Xiao Xiao by herself, she would be satisfied if she could stay next to Xiao Xiao.

Therefore, Xiao Xue took advantage of this information gap and asked Xiao Yan to make a fool of herself first.

Then, if she showed her attitude, she would be able to take control of Medusa.

After making an agreement with Medusa for three chapters - actually more than three chapters, Xiao Xue got up to see off the guests and asked her to bring Xiao Yan over.

After Xiao Yan came over, he confirmed Xiao Xue's situation, told her to pay attention to her safety, and left without staying any longer.

After all, he can't help much now. He can only ask Xiao Xue to rest more and drink more hot water.

The next few days were peaceful.

However, it only calmed down for a few days.

——Xiao Xue’s disciples returned from the Black Corner Territory.

(End of this chapter)

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