Chapter 237 tit for tat
Medusa wanted to escape, but she couldn't.

Opposite her now were Qing Lin and the little medical fairy who were eyeing each other like wolves...and Zi Yan who was keen on eating melons.

It's not that she can't escape. If she wants to leave, even the Little Medical Fairy and Qinglin can't stop her.

But you can hide from the first day of junior high school, but you can't hide from the fifteenth day.

Now that everything has been exposed, sooner or later, she will have to confront Xiao Xue's disciples.

Moreover, if she runs away now, it will be equivalent to confirming that she has a problem, and it will be even more difficult to "turn over" in the future.

Therefore, Medusa had no choice but to bite the bullet.

In fact, if we really want to talk about the main force, there is only one little medical fairy - Qinglin, as a human-snake hybrid, is still a little afraid of Medusa, the leader of the snake people.

Although Qinglin also wanted to know what was going on, basically, the little medical fairy was responsible for the charge, and she was supporting and listening.

As for Zi Yan, she just came here to eat.

But even so, Medusa still felt that Alexander - in this game, at least psychologically, she was at the disadvantage from the beginning.

This feeling of being suppressed made Medusa very unhappy.

"Who else knows about this besides you?"

Medusa was not given much buffering time. After a few people took their seats, the little medical fairy was the first to ask.

If only a few of their disciples were kept in the dark in the end, then they would be pure clowns.

"...Xiao Yan, the senior from the Dan Pagoda, and Xiao Yan's master - the old... gentleman you have met, there is no others."

Medusa paused, feeling something was wrong, and continued to add, "They only found out about it a few days ago."

The little medical fairy and Qing Lin looked at each other and nodded secretly - judging from their understanding of Xiao Xue and the Xiao family, Medusa should not have lied.

Otherwise, there is no airtight wall in the world, and they should have gotten the news long ago.

Then, Medusa glanced at the three of them, or to be precise, she looked at Zi Yan who was happy on the side, "Xiao Xue doesn't want too many people to know about this, so..."

"You don't need to teach me."

Why, you don’t want too many people to know, so you don’t even tell your disciples and just let you take care of it by yourself?
Although it is understandable why Xiao Xue did this - if too many people knew about it, it would definitely have a lot of negative effects.

No matter how this kind of thing is said, it won't sound good if it gets out.

If outsiders hear it, they will not care about the specific reason, and will only think about things in the direction they like.

Therefore, it is completely understandable for Xiao Xue to want to solve this inexplicable accident quietly.

But being able to understand does not mean that you can accept it - especially now that Medusa is still quite suspicious.

The little medical fairy was already a little angry, so naturally she wouldn't give Medusa a good look at this time, so she just yelled back.

While quarreling with Medusa, she reached out a hand and touched Zi Yan's little head.

Therefore, since the teacher didn't want people to know, she naturally had to do it.

The only person here who might let the news leak is Zi Yan.

The little medical fairy gave Zi Yan a meaningful look, full of threats.

Zi Yan: "..."

How presumptuous, my family, you suddenly feel guilty after eating something.

However, she can still tell the difference in this kind of thing - if she goes out and talks nonsense, she may lose her long-term meal ticket.

After reaching the sixth level, Zi Yan needs to absorb more energy if she wants to grow.

Compared with swallowing the medicinal materials directly, naturally the medicinal materials will be more effective after refining them - both in terms of effect and taste.

Even if it is not refined into an elixir, her absorption rate of the medicinal power will increase after just refining it.

Moreover, once the sea was too difficult for water.

Zi Yan has been eating and drinking with Xiao Xue for so long, and she, who is still a child at heart, cannot accept it if she goes back to eating raw medicinal materials.

Although Zi Yan has now broken through the sixth level, she still belongs to the category of a child.

The little dragon emperor who can be controlled by Luo still has more loli attributes now.

——Taixu Ancient Dragon is considered an adult only when he reaches the eighth level.

Therefore, the little medical fairy took care of Zi Yan who was still a child very easily - she also wanted to be able to take pills in the future and don't say anything that shouldn't be said.

After seeing Zi Yan nodding to express her understanding, the little medical fairy nodded with satisfaction, then took out two fifth-grade elixirs from the ring and stuffed them into Zi Yan's hand. "Zi Yan, you can eat these snacks and go out to play first. I will talk to you, Senior Sister Qinglin, and Aunt Medusa about something."


Auntie, I am your master's wife, and I am over 300 years old this year, so in terms of seniority, I am your ancestor.

However, she didn't want to argue with the Little Medical Fairy about this. After all, it was not only pointless but also a loss of status.

After Zi Yan tore open the space barrier and left, the Little Medical Fairy and Qing Lin looked at Medusa again.

The little medical fairy tapped her fingers on the armrest of the chair unhurriedly, looking at Medusa, and Medusa looked at her without any sign of weakness.

"My Lady Queen." After a short silence, the little medical fairy spoke again, "Leave my teacher."

Medusa frowned and asked calmly, "Why?"

"My Lady Queen, I am not discussing with you, but informing you." The little medical fairy replied. "It's not safe for you to continue to be around teachers."

"As for the rest, I don't need you to worry about it - we will take care of the teacher's daily life."

Medusa was naturally aware of the hostility towards her from the Little Medical Fairy and Qing Lin - to be honest, this hostility made her a little irritated.

Originally, dealing with Xiao Yan and Xiao Xue in the past few days was enough for her.

Medusa's style has always been that of a person who solves problems and raises them if she can't solve them. This has been the case for hundreds of years.

Forced by the situation in the past few days, she had already suppressed a lot of anger.

Therefore, if the other person sits down and has a good chat, she doesn’t mind having a good chat with the other person;

But as soon as she came up, if she was asked to leave Xiao Xue and the unborn child, she would not give him a good look.

She had put in so much effort to get this opportunity to stay. How could she give up just because of a word from this little girl?

"I can understand that you are ordering me?" Medusa leaned back on the chair and changed into a comfortable position.

The unique aura of a superior person radiated from her body.

Although they were the ones who were "forced into the palace", the momentum of the Little Medical Fairy and Qing Lin was actually a bit underwhelming in front of Medusa.

"It's a pity that with your current strength, you don't seem to be qualified to command me."

"Only if Xiao Xue tells me to leave, can I leave. As for you,"

Medusa looked at the little medical fairy and said, "Little girl, you're not even close."

"Besides, it's not your disciple's turn to take care of your teacher's affairs."

The little medical fairy laughed angrily, "It's not my disciple's turn to speak, so who do you think you are, just pointing fingers?"

"Don't you think that you, an outsider, have a higher status in the teacher's mind than us?"

In fact, when she said these words, the little medical fairy was still beating her heart - after all, Medusa had been with the teacher for two years, and how long had it been since she and the teacher had met each other.

Therefore, she really didn't know whether the teacher had "changed his mind" and had become so affectionate with Medusa that he forgot about her.

But losers don't lose. At this time, you must not show weakness in front of Medusa.

After hearing what the little medical fairy said, Medusa did not refute.

Because now, she actually doesn’t know what position she has in Xiao Xue’s heart - there’s no way she’s not here, right? !

Of course, whether Xiao Xue regards her as a useful subordinate or something else, Medusa is really unsure now.

Without waiting for Medusa to respond, the little medical fairy threw out another "chip", trying to make Medusa retreat:

"Also, although I can't beat you now, can your Snake Tribe stop a Dou Zong-level Poison Body of Disaster and a Dou King-level Green Snake Three Flower Eyes?"

The meaning of the Little Medical Fairy is very simple - although we can't defeat you yet, we, the two senior sisters, want to defeat the snake people easily.

After all, the Little Medical Fairy and Qinglin were both orphans and had no worries, and with Xiao Xue here, Medusa would never dare to do anything to them.

Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. If the Little Medical Fairy and Qinglin really want to cause trouble, no matter how powerful Medusa is now, Medusa will still suffer.

Qinglin didn't say anything, but obviously fully supported her senior sister.

But Medusa has been unable to read it back, so the little medical fairy took her as her acquiescence.

"I hope Her Majesty the Queen will carefully consider our conditions - leaving the teacher will be good for everyone."

After the little medical fairy finished speaking, he waved to Qinglin and stood up to leave, leaving the silent Medusa in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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