Chapter 241 Get used to it
The moment Xiao Xue and others followed Xuan Yi and stepped into the space wormhole, Xiao Xue felt that her vision suddenly went dark.

Her body suddenly felt weightless, but this feeling quickly dissipated after an instant.

Immediately, a strange space passage appeared in the sight of Xiao Xue and others.

What appeared in front of Xiao Xue and others was a space passage with no end in sight.

On both sides of the passage, there are faint silver space barriers, and at the end of the passage, there is a deep darkness.

The upper and lower directions of the passage are also the same kind of black that makes people feel heart-stopping.

Faintly, there are strong spatial fluctuations seeping out from it.

The entire passage was extremely silent, without the slightest sound.

Seeing this kind of space passage for the first time, even with Xiao Yan's determination, he couldn't help but look around curiously.

However, Xiao Xue seemed very plain--isn't this just a more advanced "subway" tunnel?

Space wormholes use the power of space to directly connect two coordinate points, which can be close or far apart.

Because the two points are directly connected, and vehicles such as space ships can be used to advance at high speed in this independent channel.

Therefore, the time required to reach the other side from one coordinate point is naturally greatly shortened.

Xuanyi took out a space ship from Najie, let everyone sit on it, and then took the helm himself.

After all, even Douzong cannot be faster than a space ship, and it is impossible to fly at high speed for a long time.

As Xuan Yi's fighting spirit was activated, the entire hull trembled slightly, and finally, a thrust burst out from the stern of the ship.

With a whoosh, the space ship turned into a silver light, streaking through the space as fast as lightning, heading towards the void darkness.


In the space channel, the speed of the space ship is extremely terrifying, it is almost not an exaggeration to describe it as chasing the moon with the stars.

Xiao Xue and Xiao Yan were sitting on the boat, and they could only see the silver space walls on both sides retreating at a speed that was dizzying.

The distance between Zhongzhou and the Northwest Continent is extremely far, even through the space wormhole, it will take nearly a month.

Fortunately, this space ship is very stable, and it won't spill even if you put a glass of water on the table, so there won't be any "seasickness" or anything like that.

The scenery in this space wormhole is also quite monotonous. Apart from the light silver space barrier, it is only black.

Astronauts will suffer from visual fatigue if they stare at the stars for a long time, not to mention that the surroundings are almost always dark.

This kind of uniformity and deep darkness, if you look at it for a long time, will even make people feel a little irritable in their hearts.

Therefore, while on the road, after experiencing some novelties at first, Xiao Xiao began to become irritable.

However, Xiao Xue was already prepared. She gave Xiao Xiao a seventh-grade elixir, coaxed her to sleep, and then handed Xiao Xiao to Medusa to hold.

During such a long journey, a good sleep may not be a good solution.

When Xiao Xue had to take a plane for more than ten hours before, she would take some sleeping pills and sleep on it, and the effect was excellent.

Although Xiao Xiao is now at the seventh level, it will probably take a long time to refine the seventh-level elixir.

Then, Xiao Xue took out another sixth-grade elixir and gave it to Zi Yan, "Zi Yan, there are not many seventh-grade elixirs. You should take this first to cushion your meal. When you get to the elixir tower, I will give you the whole meal."

Xiao Yan: "???"

Take a sixth-grade elixir to relieve your pain?Is this what a person can say?
Unlike Xiao Yan, Xiao Xue had a lot of medicinal materials left for her by Xun'er.

Most or all of the three richest families in the Black Corner Domain - Black Emperor Sect, Demon Flame Valley and Han Feng - also fell into Xiao Xue's hands.Although she also left some for the alliance and gave part to Xiao Yan, after all, Xiao Yan is only a first- and fifth-level alchemist now.

Therefore, she didn't give much to Xiao Yan - and to say it was for Xiao Yan, it might as well be said that she was giving it to the old man.

Therefore, Xiao Xue is much richer than Xiao Yan now, so giving Zi Yan a sixth-grade elixir as a tooth sacrifice is really nothing.

Zi Yan went down happily after taking the elixir, while Xiao Xue began to practice cross-legged - this was also a way to kill time.

Although her soul power is not weak, the strength of the Three Star Dou Huang is still not enough in Zhongzhou.

So during this time on the road, it’s time to improve your strength.

Moreover, the first level of the Soul Fighting Skill [Heart Sword] has not been successfully cultivated, and the "True Nong Yan Jue" has not been fully studied.

So, there are actually quite a few things that need to be done.

There is nothing outside the space channel, so noisy activities such as breaking through in the space ship and refining high-level elixirs are absolutely prohibited.

But Xiao Xue doesn't have to worry about such problems.

As long as it is not a breakthrough in a major realm, there will be no big movement when using experience points to improve it, and it will not affect the outside world at all.

Although the experience points are sufficient - she has almost collected the [Reputation Points] of the Northwest Continent, and the latest [Hidden Mission] has also brought in a lot of rewards.

Even if Xiao Xue directly reaches the peak level of Dou Huang now and directly breaks through Dou Zong after going out, the experience value will be enough.

But out of overall considerations, Xiao Xue did not directly reach the peak of Dou Huang, but was promoted to Seven Star Dou Huang.

Operations such as upgrading to restore health and full mana are useful in many cases, and can be used for emergencies and life-saving purposes.

Anyway, if she uses the fused liquid alien fire to perform the first transformation of the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire, her combat effectiveness will not be weaker than that of Douzong.

If the soul power is fully activated and the soul strength does not reach the spiritual realm, it will not pose a threat to her.

In other words, at the Dou Zong stage, she really didn't have much to fear. She could even protect herself when encountering a Dou Zong with weak soul power.

Then, it doesn’t hurt to stay in Douhuang for a few more days.

Anyway, when you are near the Dan Pagoda, you don't need to face the Soul Palace directly. It will be more beneficial to improve the basic data before breaking through.

And Xiao Xue broke through four stars in a row and was promoted from three-star Dou Huang to seven stars, which only shocked Xuan Yi.

As for others, they have long been accustomed to it.

"This little girl..." Xuan Yi carefully sensed Xiao Xue's condition while steering the ship.

For a strong person of her level, it is not difficult to do two things at once.

"...So solid?!"

Xuan Yi was a little confused. He broke through four stars in an instant, and his fighting spirit was extremely condensed, and it barely caused any fluctuations?

If it weren't for her strength and soul power, which were far superior to Xiao Xue's, she might not even have realized that Xiao Xue had just made a breakthrough.

"Used to it."

Yao Lao floated out of the ring and looked at Xiao Xue who was in the state of cultivation, with a normal expression on his face.

Xuan Yi: "???"

Are young people nowadays so fierce?
(End of this chapter)

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