Chapter 255


Hot winds blew from the sky above the Red Fire Mountain Range.

There is no way, because of the geographical environment, there is not even a cool breeze here.

The second and third elders of Fenyan Valley and others raised their eyebrows suddenly when they heard Xiao Xue's answer, and their eyes were as wide as copper bells.

They all began to wonder if they were hallucinating something.

"Are you superior? A little Douhuang junior actually claims to be superior in front of the dignified elder of Fenyan Valley?"

Up and down are two completely different concepts.

"Under" is a modest word that is applicable in most situations; but "up above" is different.

"Shang Shang" means that I have a higher status than you!

The expressions of everyone in Fenyan Valley immediately seemed wrong——

It doesn't matter if you come to ruin the scene, you don't even have to act at all!
Although Xiao Xue's soul power is very strong, the people in Fenyan Valley only rank her importance to the Douzong level.

Although there were Dou Zun-level elders in Fenyan Valley, only two Dou Zong and a group of Dou Emperors came out to "greet" them.

After all, Xiao Xue did not cover up her aura when she released her soul power, and now she is only a seven-star Dou Huang.

Those who can possess this kind of soul power that spans two major levels are definitely not just ordinary people.

Therefore, the junior who calls himself Xiao Xue must be the core disciple of a big force in Zhongzhou, and he is probably here to compete in the gym or something.

Judging from her attributes, she might be from the Glacier Valley, one of the Three Valleys - the "Xiao Clan" that Xiao Xue calls, but they have ignored it.

Because, there is no super power called Xiao Clan in Zhongzhou.

(Only a handful of old guys know about the eight ancient clans, and even fewer people know about the exterminated Xiao clan)
However, although the other party may have bad intentions, he still has to give enough face.

After all, as long as core disciples with this kind of talent don't die midway, they will definitely reach the realm of Dou Zun in the future, or even higher.

Therefore, it is easy for young people with such backgrounds to beat the younger ones to the older ones.

Although the Burning Flame Valley is not afraid of the Ice Valley, it is still troublesome.

So under normal circumstances, these mature elders will not take the initiative to cause trouble.

However, even if you are a core disciple, you are still a disciple.

In terms of seniority, Xiao Xue and their junior disciples in Burning Flame Valley are considered to be at the same level.

And these elders of Burning Flame Valley are definitely higher than a disciple in terms of status.

Theoretically speaking, the status of disciples in all sects is lower than that of the elders.

Of course, even though they are both elders, the status of elders among superpowers is higher.

Even when some direct disciples of super powers go to some small powers, the sect masters have to personally greet them.

However, that is only when the strength gap between the two forces is too large.

Being able to claim to be "above" means that in Xiao Xue's eyes, they are not in the same class at all.

——You, Burning Flame Valley, can’t do it.

Therefore, in the eyes of the immortal elders in Fenyan Valley, Xiao Xue's behavior is no different from bluntly saying "I am your fault".

Although she herself may not have meant this.

This is the first time everyone in Fenyan Valley has encountered this kind of thing.

This is throwing their pride to the ground and crushing it.

How could you possibly slap me in the face after I humbly call myself "old man"?

I'll give you face, but you'll give me a big bag? !
"Young yellow-haired girl."

This sentence suddenly appeared in the mind of the second elder of Fenyan Valley.

Of course, this sentence cannot be said.

He can be rude and his attitude can be arrogant, but before he knows what the other person's background is, it's still not good to completely break up with him.

If the other party was just a direct disciple of Glacier Valley, then even if he was killed, it would not be a big problem.

But with such a talent, he probably wouldn't be a retarded person - the direct disciples of Glacier Valley would not be so stupid that they would run to the door of Burning Flame Valley and taunt them.

Therefore, if the other party really has a background of despising Fenyan Valley, if he says the wrong thing, he will have committed a serious matter - there are still some fighting saint forces in Zhongzhou.

Those transcendent forces are not born, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

Beat up the young people from these forces, and if the old ones come, then they will be sinners.

A weak country has no diplomacy, and a weak sect has no human rights. If you really offend those transcendent forces, you have to kneel straight when they are beaten.

As for other aspects, as long as you don't go too far, it doesn't matter.

Therefore, the second elder suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "May I ask, Your Excellency, why you come to my Burning Flame Valley?"

"Elder of Danta, Xuanyi," Xiao Xue "reported himself to the family" again, "I came here this time to discuss something important with the Valley Master." "I also ask the second elder to tell you on my behalf."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes widened in shock.

This young girl is actually the direct disciple of Danta Elder Xuanyi? !
If this is true, then it is not incomprehensible that her soul power is so powerful.

But the first reaction of everyone in Fenyan Valley was that this was a lie.

After all, the direct descendant of Elder Danta must be an alchemist after all.

But Xiao Xue's fighting spirit is not of the fire attribute - is it possible that the water attribute can also be used to refine medicine?

As a result, before the elders could react, a terrifying momentum suddenly fell from the sky.

The next moment, a red-haired middle-aged man appeared in everyone's sight.

"Valley Master!"*N
Seeing the appearance of the red-haired middle-aged man, everyone below immediately bowed their hands and saluted.

The red-haired middle-aged man nodded in response, then turned to look at Xiao Xue.

"Little friend, you said your surname is Xiao?"

This red-haired middle-aged man is the current Valley Master of the Burning Flame Valley, the Five-Star Dou Zun, Tang Zhen!
Xiao Xue cupped her hands and said politely: "I've heard about the reputation for a long time, Valley Master Tang, Xiao Xuan, the ancestor of our family."


After a brief silence, Tang Zhen looked Xiao Xue up and down, and then said, "Come with me."

Then, he used the power of space to disappear directly with Xiao Xue and Medusa, leaving everyone stunned.


"Little friend Xiao Xue, you came to my Burning Flame Valley this time just for the Three Mysteries of Heavenly Fire, right?"

In a quiet room, Xiao Xue and Tang Zhen sat opposite each other, while Medusa and Xiao Xiao stayed next door.

Now, Tang Zhen is almost sure of something.

After all, there are only a few people on the entire continent who know the name Xiao Xuan.

Even for the Burning Flame Valley, it was only passed down by word of mouth from successive valley masters. Even his daughter does not know the name Xiao Xuan now.

Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to pretend to be Xiao Xuan's descendant.

Xiao Xue smiled slightly, nodded and said: "Since everyone is understanding, let's open the skylight and speak frankly."

"Master Tang Valley, this junior was ordered by our ancestor Xiao Xuan to learn the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire that his old man left in Burning Flame Valley."

"Of course, although this is indeed left by my ancestors, I have no intention of taking it away."

"The clan has passed down the first transformation. I just hope that I can practice the last two transformations of the three profound transformations of sky fire."

"...The ancestor has been passing it down orally. If in the future, when the descendants of the Xiao clan ask for the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire, I will give it to them unconditionally. Come with me."

Hearing this, Tang Zhen also nodded.

After all, this is a secret technique left by the ancestors. It is placed in the Burning Flame Valley for them to use and help watch.

I have been using it in Fenyan Valley for so many years, and now that the rightful owner is back, I have no reason not to give it to others.

Moreover, Xiao Xue did not want to take it away, but just wanted to learn that the Three Mysterious Transformations of Sky Fire and Burning Flame Valley could still be used.

Therefore, Tang Zhen naturally had no difficulty with Xiao Xue's request.

As for Xiao Xue's water attribute, whether it would be useful to learn the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire is not something he needs to care about, as long as the property is returned to its original owner.


Tang Zhen hesitated for a moment, but finally couldn't hold it back, "Little friend, have you refined the strange fire?"

Xiao Xue nodded, and the blue-white fusion fire appeared in her palm.

"...Well, little friend, this strange fire of yours is also like the bone spirit cold fire and the sea heart flame. I don't know why. Can you tell me?"

"Oh, this is Hai Xinyan that I found in the extreme northern ice sea." Xiao Xue said seriously.

Tang Zhen: "..."

Although he knew she was talking nonsense, Tang Zhen couldn't ask further questions.

However, this junior can actually refine the strange fire with water attributes, so the three mysterious transformations of sky fire in her hands may really have a considerable effect.

After all, although the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire require flames to activate, it is not difficult to find animal fire with water attributes. You can use it if you find two more.

Moreover, since she can refine strange fire, it makes sense that she is the disciple of the Danta Elder.

"Little friend, what level of alchemist are you now?"

"How many grades? Just eight grades."


(End of this chapter)

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