Chapter 270: Moral, but not much

Tang Zhen choked. He knew that this transaction would probably involve blood, but he didn't expect that Xiao Xue would actually focus on the inherited fire of their Burning Flame Valley.

In fact, he could understand Xiao Xue's request for strange fire - an eighth-grade alchemist really didn't lack other things.

Not to mention martial arts and fighting skills, elixirs that are valuable to other people are not very valuable in the hands of alchemists.

As for the Kowloon Thunder Gang Fire, it is estimated that there are only one or two in the entire continent, and it is truly marketable and priceless.

Even if Xiao Xue cannot refine it, it would be great to take it back and give it to the geniuses of the Xiao family.

However, the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire is one of the treasures of the Burning Flame Valley, and it is different from the Three Mysterious Transformations of the Sky Fire.

This Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire is a real treasure that suppresses the valley, and is not passed down to Burning Flame Valley by the Xiao Clan.

Moreover, the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire is an inheritance inherited from all the owners of the Burning Flame Valley. Only those who possess the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire are considered the Valley Lords of the Burning Flame Valley.

Therefore, how could Tang Zhen use the Kowloon Thunder Gang Fire to make a deal.

After calming down for a while, Tang Zhen said: "Little friend, the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire is of great significance to me, Fenyan Valley. Can you change the conditions?"

Xiao Xue put down the teacup in her hand and instead of answering Tang Zhen's question directly, she began to enlighten him:

"Valley Master Tang, you see, the Yan Yan Jue can create a fire that is comparable to a strange fire. Although it is difficult, it can be produced in batches after all."

"Three transformation fires that are comparable to strange fires. When activated by the Three Heavenly Fire Mysteries, they should be as good as one Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire and two Beast Fires, or even slightly better, right?"

"What's more, other disciples of the Burning Flame Valley can also use it, which can improve the combat effectiveness of the entire Burning Flame Valley's core layer. Isn't this worse than a Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire?"

"And as far as I know, every generation of Valley Masters in Burning Flame Valley will be more or less injured when passing down the strange fire. But if you use transformation to create fire, you don't need to worry about these problems at all."

Xiao Xue clapped her hands, "So, is it a loss to exchange the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire for the Flame Art? Not only is there no loss, but there is also a profit!"

Tang Zhen fell into deep thought, and there seemed to be some truth to what Xiao Xue said.

Even his father, the previous Valley Master of Burning Flame Valley, has now broken through to Dou Sage, but his old illness has still not been cured.

His daughter was also attacked by the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire because she failed to refine the strange fire.

In comparison, the more controllable transformation fire may be more suitable for Burning Flame Valley.

But just like that, taking out the most important Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire in Fenyan Valley and replacing it with a special fighting skill, Tang Zhen always felt panicked.

"How about this, Valley Master?" Seeing Tang Zhen's hesitation, Xiao Xue spoke again to add fuel to the fire:
"I borrowed this strange fire. In ten years, or at most 20 years, I will definitely return the Kowloon Thunder Gang Fire."

Is it a transaction? Both parties get what they want. It's nothing more than a matter of whether the price can be negotiated.

Xiao Xue's request for the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire was of course of no use. She wanted this strange fire for Xiao Yan.

After all, according to the normal development process, although Xiao Yan's progress is not slow, he is "forced" to show off and slap in the face along the way.

Every time he encountered an enemy, his cultivation level was a little lower than the opponent's.

Even in the finale, Xiao Yan still used the strength of the Seven-Star Fighting Saint to withstand the inheritance of the Fighting Emperor that only the Nine-Star Fighting Saint could accept. He was overwhelmed by the huge energy many times.

This kind of experience feels anti-human even just thinking about it.

In fact, this is also understandable.

After all, if you fight all the way and the opponent is weaker than yourself, then this kind of abuser will not be as good as counterattack and slap in the face. It is better to go next door to watch Long Aotian.

——Although now, Xiao Yan seems to be developing on this path.

But Xiao Xue still feels that the higher the strength of her cheap brother, the better.

Times have changed, and saving people through stuck points is no longer advocated these days.

Since she has traveled through time, she must take advantage of the plot prophet to obtain as many resources as possible in the early stage.

Don't always do the same old thing about the weak defeating the strong. Play with the wind and it will be interesting.

Moreover, this is also good for the Xiao family, the alliance, and even the entire continent - if either she or Xiao Yan can become emperor before the Soul Emperor, then the catastrophe of the Blood Sacrifice Continent will be avoided.

Without the catastrophe, how many fewer people would have died? Hello, I am ok, everyone.

And although now, Xiao Yan's cultivation level is far ahead than before she came here, but who knows whether the plot will have any butterfly effect because of her.

The current Xiao Yan is not bad, but he is still far from the real strong class, and she is the same.

Therefore, it is right to strengthen one's own combat effectiveness as much as possible when conditions permit.

Moreover, Tang Zhen and Fen Yangu really didn't suffer any loss - for Fen Yangu, who possesses the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire, the value of Nong Yan Jue is really no less than that of a strange fire.

Instead of risking life and death to refine a strange fire, leaving behind a lifetime of illnesses, it is better to take a down-to-earth approach and cultivate a more controllable fire.

Furthermore, it’s not like Xiao Xue won’t return it—when Xiao Yan becomes emperor, the property will naturally return to its original owner.

And this time will not take too long.

Xiao Yan's leveling up speed was exaggerated, and with her being someone who knew the plot, there would be absolutely no problem in reaching the Dou Emperor realm in 20 years, not to mention ten years.

When the time comes, the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire will have little effect on Xiao Yan, and it doesn't matter if it is stripped away.

And Tang Huoer, more than ten years later, is still fighting for respect, or even fighting for saints.

At that time, if Tang Huoer goes to refine the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire, he should not be backlashed again.

Hearing that Xiao Xue only wanted to borrow the strange fire for more than ten years, Tang Zhen couldn't help but be curious.

The strange fire can be used as a family heirloom. There are many people who have coveted the Kowloon Thunder Gang Fire in recent years.

But it was the first time for someone like Xiao Xue, who had borrowed the strange fire for more than ten years, to return it later.

"Well... I would like to ask my friend, what do you want to borrow this Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire for?" Tang Zhen couldn't help but ask.

"Oh, I have a friend... I have a brother who needs alien fire."

Xiao Xue didn't hide much from Tang Zhen, telling Tang Zhen that her brother needed to use strange fire to evolve his skills.

Anyway, Tang Zhen and Fen Yangu are not villains, and the two ancestors have a good relationship.

Therefore, it is okay to let him know about Fenjue.

After all, among forces at the level of Zhongzhou, most people would not choose Fen Jue, which requires them to gamble their lives with a few exotic fires to be comparable to the techniques they pull out casually.

"A skill that requires the evolution of alien fire..." Tang Zhen said "I have learned a lot" on his face, but he did not immediately agree to Xiao Xue's conditions.

"Please give me some time, little friend, so I can think about it."

Naturally, Xiao Xue would not refuse this.

Before Tang Zhen left, she asked Tang Zhen if she could go to Yangu again.

However, Xiao Xue hesitated and still did not tell Tang Zhen about Ah Li's discovery.

After all, that is the territory of Burning Flame Valley. In theory, all the things dug out are old things from Burning Flame Valley.

But what was underneath made Ahri feel familiar.

If she told Tang Zhen that there seemed to be something underneath, but Tang Zhen didn't know if that thing was left to them by Patriarch Fentian, she might follow her.

At that time, it is likely to cause some trouble.

Therefore, although it may be a little unethical, I still went to Mimi quietly to save trouble.

Tang Zhen didn't pay attention to Xiao Xue's request and directly gave her a jade token, allowing her to open the space barrier herself when needed.

(End of this chapter)

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