Chapter 285 [Protagonist Template]

Sifang Pavilion is located in the four directions of Zhongzhou's southeast, northwest, Xingyun Pavilion is in the south domain, and Fenglei Pavilion is in the north domain.

As for Wanjiang Pavilion and Huangquan Pavilion, they are located in the east and west domains respectively.

The Dan Pagoda is located in the middle region of Zhongzhou, so it is more convenient to take the space wormhole to any pavilion from here.

Yao Lao did not follow this Sifang Pavilion meeting because it was not convenient for him to show up outside now.

After all, the Soul Palace may not be interested in Xingyun Pavilion with Venerable Feng sitting in charge, but with Yao Lao, it is different.

Yao Lao is a peak alchemist of the eighth grade, and he is just a step away from the ninth grade.

His appeal is far beyond that of Feng Zun and an ordinary Dou Zun.

Although it sounds a bit exaggerated, it is not that he looks down on Master Feng, but he is just discussing the matter.

When Yao Lao was away, the strongest person in the Sifang Pavilion was the four-star peak Master Feng, but the other three pavilion masters were all two-star and three-star Dou Zun. The difference in strength was not big.

So Sifang Pavilion is Sifang Pavilion.

If Yao Lao doesn't want to establish Xingyun Pavilion, he will leave it to Master Feng to be the hands-off shopkeeper, and he will be responsible for managing it himself.

So, with his appeal as an alchemist, the current Xingyun Pavilion and the other three pavilions combined may not be enough to fight.

Therefore, even if Xiao Xue went to attend the Sifang Pavilion Conference this time and accidentally met someone from the Soul Palace.

Due to the outsourcing system, not many people in the Soul Palace knew about the Xiao family. At most, they regarded Xiao Xue as an ordinary genius.

Moreover, with the fighting power of Master Feng and the [Opportunity 10] of Xiao Yan, under normal circumstances, he can turn disaster into good luck.

But if you take Yao Lao with you, it's hard to say.

People in the Soul Palace may not know Xiao Xue, but there is a high probability that they know Yao Lao.

Although Yao Lao can hide in his ring, it is still not safe.

Once the people in the Soul Palace find out that Yao Lao has come to Zhongzhou, they will definitely take action before Yao Lao regains his strength.

After all, even the Soul Palace cannot ignore a possible ninth-grade alchemist. They will definitely try to strangle Yao Lao to death before he can be resurrected.

As Danta and the others did not dare to attack by force, they would most likely target Yao Lao's Xingyun Pavilion or Yao Lao's former friends to force Yao Lao to show up.

Although Xingyun Pavilion is one of the four major pavilions in Zhongzhou, compared with Soul Palace, a long-established force with a long tradition, the gap is still a mere cloud and mud.

Even if Yao Lao is not resurrected, even if Xuan Yi takes action, he cannot save Xingyun Pavilion—the Soul Palace has no shortage of thugs with ranks eight and nine.

If Xuan Yi dares to help, the Soul Palace will only be happy to gain another eighth-grade peak soul body.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, Yao Lao had better not run out and wander around for the time being, and wait until he has a body and his strength reaches the realm of fighting saint.

Therefore, the only people going to the Sifang Pavilion Conference this time were Feng Zunzhe, Xiao Yan, Xiao Xue, Qing Lin and Zi Yan.

After all, the competition in the Sifang Pavilion Conference is the younger generation, and Qinglin is now the Seven Star Fighting Emperor, and is by no means weak among the younger generation.

Not to mention Zi Yan, the sixth-level Taixu ancient dragon and ordinary human fighting sects are no match for her, and they also have racial suppression on Feng Qing'er.

Feng Qing'er from the Tianyaohuang Clan is basically the ceiling for the younger generation of Sifang Pavilion in Zhongzhou.

Therefore, there is no need for Xiao Xue to take action unless necessary. Her two disciples can already kill the younger generation of Zhongzhou.

As for the Little Medical Fairy, she is currently breaking through to Dou Zun, and it will take a long time. I'm afraid she won't be able to keep up with the excitement this time.

When she breaks through Douzun, you can take her to the Glacier Valley to deal with the acquired disaster poison body;

Xiao Xiao did not bring Xiao Xue with her this time, because she is only over one year old now and should focus on growing up happily.

Even if Xiao Xiao is allowed to increase her knowledge, it should be in an absolutely safe environment such as the Dan Domain. Anyway, there will be plenty of time for her to go out and practice in the future.

A group of five people entered the space wormhole and boarded the space ship, with Master Feng personally at the helm.Although there is a space wormhole, it still takes a long time to get to the vicinity of Wanjiang Pavilion from the Dan Pagoda.

Xiao Yan and Qing Lin both went to practice separately, while Zi Yan went to the back and fell asleep.

As for Xiao Xue, she pulled out a black token from the system space.

On the token, there are only two red words - [Tianzun].

(Who still remembers this pit? It was dug around chapter [-]. If you remember, raise your paw, haha)
"I almost forgot about you." Xiao Xue threw a [Detection] directly at the token, and then selected [View Hidden Message].

Immediately, a huge formation diagram appeared in Xiao Xue's mind.

Looking at the formation diagram carefully, Xiao Xue showed a look of interest on her face.

"Tsk, finally something useful."

For her who understood the plot, the previous messages could not be said to be of any use; they could only be said to be of no use at all.

Like Yunlan Sect, the script has been written, and the hidden message is just like that;
As for why Yao Lao's ring fell into the hands of her and Xiao Yan's mother, the plot is probably quite complicated.

But really speaking, its impact is not great. It is considered a branch line with greater meaning than value. Xiao Xue plans to think about it later when she is free.

But this time the formation map given by [Hidden Message] is quite valuable.

It is better to say that it is a "formation map" than it is a distribution map of the sub-halls of the Soul Palace.

Every branch hall in the entire Zhongzhou is the fulcrum of a huge formation.

With this "map", there is a lot of room for maneuver.

I'm afraid that as long as she operates well, the Soul Clan's millennium plan may be ahead of schedule.

When the time comes, there will be no chance of becoming emperor, and Emperor Hun Tian will not be able to make any waves at all.

Xiao Xue sighed, "I didn't expect that the Soul Clan spent thousands of years hiding the location of the branch hall on the mainland, and they actually obtained it just like this."

"Take Zhongzhou as the cauldron, living creatures as the material, heaven and earth as the fire, and the body as the elixir... Tsk, it's a pity that you were born in the wrong era."

To be honest, Xiao Xue has a pretty good impression of Soul Emperor.

Compared to some old guys who were just waiting to die, Xiao Xue even had a little appreciation for the Soul Emperor.

Soul Clan: Highly centralized, with lofty ideals and ambitions. They never slack off to achieve their goals, are not discouraged by failure, and often laugh.

Ancient Tribe: As the saying goes, just eat and wait to die. The value of life is to prevent others from realizing their dreams. We often only know how to take action after the incident.

The Soul Race has been planning for thousands of years, while the other races have been planning for thousands of years.

The bastard Gu Yuan could win because of Xiao Yan's crazy "lucky".

With the Soul Emperor's scheming and skills, if he hadn't been held back by his group of "Jie Jie Jie", no matter how lucky he was, he wouldn't have been able to turn the tables.

If it were a few years or more later, the standard protagonist template of Emperor Hun Tian would not be much worse than Xiao Yan.

However, in Dou Qi Continent, all Xiao Xue can do is to make the Soul Emperor leave as quickly as possible.

 [Villain] Evolutionary History:

  Wuhundian: Jiejiejie, my Wuhundian is old and bad, we all kill according to the household registration book.

  Soul Palace: Jie Jie Jie, our Soul Palace is the only one who is bad. Let’s kill people according to the mainland.

  Xiaoyao Tianzun: Changsheng, did you hear anything just now?

  Immortal Lord: What nonsense are you talking about? If you don’t absorb the source of life quickly, there are still several ancient life stars to kill!
(End of this chapter)

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