Dou Po: I am playing with water in the Dou Qi Continent to become an emperor

Chapter 355 The "upper beam" is not straight and the lower beam is crooked

Chapter 355 The "upper beam" is not straight and the lower beam is crooked
Void, different water space.

"Xian'er, when the time comes, I will trouble you to stabilize the space - when I am refining the strange water, I may not be able to be distracted from the outside world."

You know, there are three kinds of strange fire in her body.

Although the three kinds of strange fires all have water attributes, representing ice fire, water fire, and steam fire respectively, they can be used by Xiao Xue as water.

But in the final analysis, their essence is still flame, and they will definitely conflict with the three thousand star water.

Therefore, in addition to refining these three thousand star water, she also needs to reconcile the relationship between the different water and the different fire.

If when refining strange water, it is affected by the external environment and water and fire conflict, it is likely to be severely damaged by backlash.

Therefore, even though she had a high affinity with the water element and was refining strange water for the first time, Xiao Xue still did not dare to be too careless.

"is teacher."

After hearing Xiao Xue's arrangement, the little medical fairy nodded obediently.

However, she hid the rebellion and calculation in her eyes very well.

Xiao Xue did not notice anything unusual about the little medical fairy. On the contrary, she was very satisfied with how obedient and sensible the little medical fairy was.

Then, Xiao Xue looked at Zi Yan, "As for Zi Yan...well, you can stay here if you want, or you can go back to the space ship if you want."

"If you're going to be here, be safe."

To be honest, the little medical fairy was the main force Xiao Xue called to help, and Zi Yan just pulled him out for a walk... ahem, to relax.

In the end, Zi Yan chose to stay. After all, the void outside remained unchanged and she was tired of being in the space ship.

So, it’s better to stay here and wait until you get bored.

After everything was arranged, Xiao Xue finally started refining three thousand star water.

Integrating water directly into the heart is undoubtedly an impulsive move.

If she did this, it was because she was afraid that the strange water wouldn't be able to interact with her strange fire.

Therefore, Xiao Xue plans to move the water source to another place, and after the three thousand star water is completely refined, he will deal with its relationship with the strange fire.

After making the decision, Xiao Xue directly swallowed the water source of three thousand Feng Xingshui.

Then, she sat cross-legged directly in the void and began to use her soul power to drive the movement of the water source.

Following Xiao Xue's pulling, the water source of Three Thousand Fengxing Water gradually moved towards Xiao Xue's lower dantian.


"Have you made up your mind?"

When Xiao Xue started to refine Three Thousand Fengxing Water, the Little Medical Fairy sent a message to Zi Yan.

"Senior sister, isn't this... bad?"

Zi Yan glanced at Xiao Xue, and then looked at the little medical fairy. She changed her usual playful tone and her tone was full of hesitation.

"Can you just watch your teacher being snatched away by others?" the little medical fairy asked in a thoughtful manner.

"First Medusa, then Gu Xun'er, if this continues, where will our place be?"

"Today is your only chance. If you miss today, there will be no possibility in the future - think about it carefully."

As one of the first people who followed Xiao Xue and had already taken a detour (the first one was Gu Xun'er, the second one was the Little Medical Fairy), the Little Medical Fairy was not as well-behaved as Xiao Xue thought. .

Although it is said that a dog that bites does not bark.

Although the little medical fairy is not a dog, but a cat, cats can also "kill their owners".

The probability of being "assassinated" by a cat is not small.

As the saying goes, if the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked.

As Xiao Xue's eldest disciple, the little medical fairy had already opened the door to a new world as early as the first year he met Xiao Xue.

Therefore, Zi Yan, who was also Xiao Xue's disciple, was unknowingly influenced by the Little Medical Fairy and "grew crookedly."

After all, Zi Yan was only at level five at that time, and from the perspective of Taixu Ancient Dragon, she was still just a child.

Even if she has broken through the seventh level now, she is just a "big girl" who is "seventeen or eighteen years old". At this age, it is easy to be influenced by the people around you.

Following a senior sister who was not filial from the beginning, she grew from a violent "problem child" to an adolescent "girl".

At this stage, she has always been subtly influenced by the people around her. There is a problem if Zi Yan can grow straight.

(Don’t ask why Zi Yan is different from the original work and has become more sophisticated. It’s just the little fairy doctor who led her into trouble, haha)

And the rebellious little medical fairy has a lot of bad intentions.

After she understood the situation this time, she planned to use this time to refine the strange water to do something unsafe.

After all, it's Medusa who has Xiao Xiao's assist, and it's Gu Xun'er, the childhood sweetheart who grew up together.

If she doesn't do something, I'm afraid she will really have no chance in the future. This is something the little medical fairy will not allow.

But her power alone is too weak.

Just as a "disciple", she couldn't compete with either Medusa or Gu Xun'er.

Even if Xiao Xue is displeased, it is not impossible for her to be directly "killed for justice".

Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, the little medical fairy fixed her eyes on Zi Yan, who was also a disciple——

One disciple is not enough, but if two disciples unite, it will be different.

After all, Zi Yan is different from a lonely person like her - Zi Yan is Taixu Ancient Dragon.

Taixu Ancient Dragon can completely compete with Medusa, and it is not impossible to even suppress Gu Xun'er for a short time.

Because Gu Xun'er couldn't jump too much now, otherwise she wouldn't be able to bear the consequences if she was exposed.

With both opponents suppressed, they would have room to operate.

Then, there are plenty of opportunities for her to show off - after all, Xiao Xue is not a piece of steel.

Therefore, the little medical fairy planned to make a risky move.

Although Qing Lin is not honest, it seems that he can be roped in to join the gang.

However, her character is too soft and she is unable to do some treacherous things.

Only Zi Yan is barely reliable.

As the little medical fairy who is a senior sister, the little medical fairy also knows that this little junior sister of hers is probably not that innocent - Zi Yan even has a bit of a "mom-love plot".

After all, after growing crooked, it is difficult to feel nothing when faced with a [Charm 10] who feeds you all day long.

Zi Yan is now only "seventeen or eighteen years old".

You know, the dragon nature is silver, Zi Yan is in the prime of the star rain, but she has a thief heart but no courage.

In private, who knows if she has ever sent electricity to her teacher.

Therefore, for the little medical fairy, Zi Yan is completely a helper who can be "win over".

As long as she acts as a promoter, there is a high probability that she can bring Zi Yan to work together.

Although bringing Zi Yan into the group means that one more person will have to share it in the future, it is just one more person to share it with.

This result is better than her going alone to fight Medusa and Gu Xun'er and getting nothing in the end.

Moreover, Zi Yan and she are both disciples, and she also knows something about Zi Yan, which is better than bringing in a helper who doesn't know the details.

Therefore, although the little medical fairy could have come alone and left Zi Yan in the Danta, she still took Zi Yan with her, and had a showdown with Zi Yan by the way, and then shared the "plan".

However, as Xiao Xiao's playmate and Xiao Xue's third disciple, Zi Yan has never been able to make this determination.

Even now, she is still a little hesitant - her conscience is a little hard to bear.

The little medical fairy didn't rush him, and stood quietly by the side waiting.

She knew that Zi Yan, a girl who was not afraid of the sky or the earth, would not let her down.

After another moment, Zi Yan finally made up her mind, "Sister, what should we do?"

(End of this chapter)

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