Chapter 382 Unexpected Waterloo

If there is no Dou Sheng, Xiao Xue will not be afraid of no matter how many elders come.

If she uses all her firepower, she can definitely compete with Jiu Xing Dou Zun.

If there were nine-turn Douzun, the fate of the three old giants such as Xuan Kongzi would be the same.

Coupled with the Yao Lao who is in charge of the Dan Pagoda, as long as the Soul Palace dares to send people to cause trouble, it will definitely be a serious injury.

Xiao Xue is relatively optimistic about whether Soul Palace will send a fighting saint to take action - there is a high probability that it will not.

Because there are only a few Fighting Saints in total now, and some of them are from the [Soul Clan], not from the [Soul Palace].

Danta now has the support of the ancient clan behind him.

If the Soul Palace causes trouble and provokes the Danta, forget it. At most, the Danta will resolve it internally.

But if the Soul Clan's Fighting Saint ended up, the meaning would be completely different. It could be regarded as the Soul Clan's provocation against the Ancient Clan.

With the "stable" character of the Soul Emperor, he should not make such a low-level mistake - Xiao Xue didn't believe it, the Soul Emperor didn't know the relationship between the ancient clan and the Danta.

Therefore, even if the Soul Palace wants to disgust the ancient clan and Danta this time, sending a Dou Zun over is the limit.

Of course, even if there are such "hidden rules", it does not prevent the soul clan from having convulsions.

After all, a certain force has always been famous for outsourcing. If the message is conveyed incorrectly, it will not be surprising what will happen.

Moreover, the "hidden rules" are just hidden rules, just like the ancient racial consensus that "above the five-star fighting saints, do not participate in the struggle for mainland power", it is actually worse than a piece of toilet paper.

Therefore, although the possibility is unlikely, it is still necessary to be prepared.

Even Xiao Yan carries Yao Lao's space jade tube with him. Perhaps Yao Lao has been positioning him.

There is no way, who calls the villain Soul Palace too dedicated.


the other side.

After Xiao Yan entered the Dan Realm, he first used the communication jade card to contact Dan Chen - Xiao Xue asked him to help and take care of his little disciple.

After all, after entering the Dan Realm, there is no use for guards, and you can only rely on your own strength to search for medicinal materials.

And those medicinal materials basically grow in places where monsters gather, or in other words, there are monsters guarding the medicinal materials around them.

Of course, these are all secondary. With the soul power of the Dan Realm, it is not difficult to hypnotize the monsters and take away the medicinal materials quietly.

The most important thing is that Danta will not interfere with what happens in the trial space.

If you die inside, then... death is death.

Therefore, every competitor around you may become a source of danger for you.

And sometimes, the human heart is more terrifying than any monster, especially a genius like Dan Chen, who will be hated and plotted by some villains.

Xiao Xue can feel more at ease by letting Xiao Yan lead her young disciples.

As for Cao Ying of the Cao family... she has a licking dog named Song Qing, and she also has life-saving means given by her teacher Xuan Kongzi.

In addition, if there is any unexpected situation, she should be able to quickly discover it and come to the scene to provide support, so there should be no problem in terms of safety.

More than two days later, many alchemists gradually gathered near the Ten Thousand Medicine Mountain Range.

However, Xiao Yan and Dan Chen were not among them.

These alchemists may be planning to join forces to go up the mountain to deal with a certain monster in the mountain, and grab a wave of medicinal materials to pass the test.

The leader was a clown named Song Qing.

This little Douzong and seventh-grade alchemist introduced himself proudly, and then called on everyone to follow him and fight against the powerful monster together.

Song Qing seemed to have a bit of prestige on weekdays, and many people showed signs of being moved, trusting and willing to accept his leadership.

After a wave of impassioned speeches, everyone began to walk towards the mountains. At this time, Xiao Xue was hiding in the sky outside the Wanyao Mountain Range.

"We are still halfway to the seventh level. The delay in news has killed people - thanks to Xiong Zhan leaving, otherwise I don't know how many of this group would have survived." Xiao Xue lamented.

If you have the chance, go and mention the enchantress from the Cao family. This Song Qing is not a good match...

It seems that in the whole book, there are only a few normal male supporting characters?

"Tsk, here we come."

Xiao Xue suddenly turned her head and looked into the distance.

Xiao Xue did not take the initiative to find people from the Soul Palace at all, but stayed in the Ten Thousand Medicine Mountains because she knew that a large number of alchemists would come here.

There were so many alchemists with low combat effectiveness gathered here, and they were all at least seventh grade. She didn't believe that the Soul Palace could bear it.

The fact did not disappoint her, she didn't even need to look for it, the people from the Soul Palace came to the door themselves.

In Xiao Xue's perception, there are two Samsung Dou Zun, approaching here quickly.

"Are you just sending these two people? Are you planning to just make Danta sick?"

It seems that with the Ancient Clan as their backer, although the Soul Clan still wants to cause trouble, they don't dare to go too far.

In fact, even the Soul Palace has become somewhat restrained.

However, that would be too boring.

Xiao Xue actually felt a little disappointed in her heart.

Speaking of which, the relationship between the Soul Clan and the Ancient Clan is quite abstract.

After the fight between the Soul Clan and the Xiao Clan, they still had weak kidneys and used crutches (soul palace) to fight with the Ancient Clan. The Ancient Clan was quite cooperative, pointing to the crutch every time.

"Forget it, just two, it's better than none."

Xiao Xue casually took out two golden phantom swords in the air.

Blessed by the soul power of the Great Perfection of the Spiritual Realm, this kind of soul phantom sword is enough to cause a fatal blow to Dou Zun.

Just when Xiao Xue was about to take action against the two Soul Palace Fighters, her eyes suddenly condensed.

"Damn, these old guys..."

The phantom sword passed through the void in an instant, and the souls of the two three-star heroes were instantly annihilated, unable to die anymore.

Then, Xiao Xue dodged and disappeared directly.


Myriad Medicine Mountains.

While everyone was moving forward cautiously, several alchemists suddenly broke into the crowd and injured people. Many people had no time to react and died on the spot.

Things developed so fast that even Xiao Xue, who had been "watching the show" in the air, had no time to stop it.

In fact, those people looked exactly the same as ordinary alchemists. No matter how strong Xiao Xue's soul power was, she would never have imagined this.

The next moment, the space was directly blocked, and Xiao Xue directly imprisoned everyone.

Although everyone else was confused, Xiao Xue, as a "spectator", guessed what Soul Palace was thinking this time.

The Soul Palace also knows that Danta will be on guard. Sending Dou Zun to the end may not have any effect, and sending Dou Sage will intensify conflicts.

Therefore, the Dou Zun on the surface this time is not the main force at all. The main force is the "ordinary" alchemist dead soldiers who have blended into the crowd.

Since we can't collect soul bodies anyway, there's no need to send any experts. If we can use a few dead soldiers to replace a few genius alchemists from the Dan Pagoda, the Soul Palace won't suffer.

"Fuck, these old guys are starting to play dirty..."

(End of this chapter)

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