Chapter 386 Xiaobie wins the newlyweds

After coming to Danta and knowing the "truth" of this world, Xiao Yan had his own goal——

Establish a heart for heaven and earth, and establish a destiny for living beings.

To carry on the unique learning for the saints;

Create peace for all generations.

Even the Dan Pagoda would never be willing to publish the soul cultivation method passed down from ancient times, as there would be many scruples and considerations.

But Xiao Yan has no such scruples. He just wants to make the entire medicine refining world and this continent a better place.

In a world where the strong are respected, resources and inheritance belong to the strong, which is simply a normal law.

But the inheritance of ancient civilization should not be owned by a few people.

If it is a soul cultivation method, it can be obtained by more people.

Then, high-level alchemists will no longer be as rare as they are now, which will bring huge changes to the entire continent.



Xiao Xue didn't care about the Dan Club at all. Anyway, it was definitely Xiao Yan who won the championship. It didn't matter whether he saw it or not.

But what Xiao Yan did in the end was slightly beyond her expectation.

But anyway, this is a good thing.

Moreover, this can be regarded as an impact on the old order of the mainland.

She asked Medusa, the Little Medical Fairy and others to reform the Tianfu Alliance in order to make the Tianfu Alliance become like the "Martial Soul Palace" next door and gradually become more people-friendly.

By then, the influence of the Tianfu Alliance will spread throughout the entire continent and benefit the entire continent.

Then, after she breaks through Dou Di, it will be easy to establish a new order based on this.

This order will be more easily accepted by the mainland people, thereby changing the dark order of "ants are worse than dogs" in the Dou Qi mainland.

As a result, Xiao Yan's approach coincided with hers, and he directly started a revolution for the alchemist group as the "Champion of the Alchemy Society".

It can be expected that the flames will become stronger, the soul power will become stronger, the alchemy skills will become stronger, and everyone will become stronger.

Then, the eighth-grade alchemist in the future will definitely not be as rare as now, and the price of elixirs will also be slowly reduced.

Moreover, in the short term, the stronger the alchemist group and the higher the cohesion of the alchemists, the more difficult it will be for the Soul Palace to collect soul bodies.

No matter from which aspect, it is beneficial but not harmful.

Therefore, she must choose to support this.

After the Dan meeting, it was a rare two months of stability.

The Soul Palace did not come out to cause trouble, no relics appeared, and the alliance was flourishing.

Zi Yan is still in the process of accumulating energy to break through the eighth level. It is estimated that it will not take too short time, and there is no movement from others.

The three disciples are all busy, and Xiao Xiao is also busy improving his strength. Therefore, Xiao Xue can only go over occasionally to check on Xiao Xiao's homework, which is nothing.

Xiao Xue, who had nothing to do, spent the rest of the time studying and studying the "legacy" of the Xiao clan.

There are not many opportunities in the Dou Zun realm. If you want to improve your one-star strength, you usually have to practice hard for several years. The price/performance ratio is too low, so it is better to use it to practice fighting skills.

As for level, just add more points when the time comes - after Zi Yan breaks through the eighth level, she will receive a large sum of experience points, which is enough for her to advance from the Seven-Star Dou Zun to the peak Dou Zun.

Moreover, the little medical fairy is expected to reach the Dou Sheng realm in one or two years, which is also a huge amount of income, so there is no need to worry about running out of money.

And Xiao Xuan left so many things to her, even if she only picked those heaven-level studies, it would be enough for her to study for a while.

However, he could not bite off more than he could chew, so Xiao Xue only picked one or two formations from them and learned a few heaven-level fighting skills.

As for Xiao Yan... apart from daily practice, he spends time with his fiancée Niwai.

As the saying goes, a little separation is better than a new marriage.

As soon as Nalan Yanran came back from the Alchemy Pagoda, the two of them had a bad time. Then as soon as the conflict was resolved, they were in seclusion and refining alchemy again.

Now that Nalan Yanran is out of seclusion, Xiao Yan has nothing to do for the time being, so he has to have a good exchange of feelings. Although Xiao Yan felt that it was a pity that Nalan Yanran was busy in retreat and could not see the alchemy meeting.

But he also knew that Nalan Yanran was eager to become stronger.

After refining an eighth-grade elixir refined by Yaolao, Nalan Yanran also improved her strength by several stars, reaching the six-star Douzong level.

Moreover, the remaining medicinal power was still lurking in her body, slowly increasing Nalan Yanran's strength.

Although this speed is not slow, compared with Xiao Yan, a two-star Dou Zun, the gap is still huge.

Therefore, he could fully understand Nalan Yanran's approach - no matter what Dan Hui said, it would take ten days and a half.

Nalan Yanran was not an alchemist. She did not practice for ten and a half days and just went to watch the fun and join in the fun. It was a bit of a waste of time.

Of course, it is also possible that Xiao Yan actually broke through Dou Zun because they had not seen each other for several months. Nalan Yanran's competitive mentality was working against her and she did not want to be pulled down too much.

However, because her talent is slightly inferior, it will still take a certain amount of time to reach the peak of Douzong.

Moreover, the hurdle of Dou Zun will probably stop her for a few years.

Although Nalan Yanran's potential has not yet reached its end, Yao Lao and even Xiao Yan, who has reached the eighth level, can use elixirs to forcibly pull her to Dou Zun in a short period of time.

But that would be an attempt to encourage growth, and Xiao Yan would naturally not do such a thing.

Some high-level elixirs can indeed improve physical fitness, but they are only useful when one is weak.

For Nalan Yanran, who was already fighting against the sect, eating those magic pills would not be of much use.

Therefore, Xiao Yan, her brother, the leader of the Tianfu Alliance, also used her privileges and even contacted a certain information dealer in Yingu that she had met before, asking her to help find rare objects from heaven and earth that could improve her physical condition.

It can be said that he is quite doting on his future wife.

Of course, someone still doesn't know what Xiao Yan did.

in the woods.

Xiao Yan was sitting next to Nalan Yanran, chatting with her.

I don’t know if it’s the fragrance of wild flowers in the dense forest or the body fragrance of Nalan Yanran.

In short, Xiao Yan smelled a faint refreshing fragrance.

A gust of breeze blew by, lifting a few strands of Nalan Yanran's soft hair and scattering them on Xiao Yan, silently closing the distance between the two.

Xiao Yan's mind was a little confused, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand to straighten his scattered hair.


Nalan Yanran suddenly stopped, and a faint blush slowly climbed up her cheeks.

She turned slightly to the side, her eyes fixed on Xiao Yan, watching him gently brushing her black hair.

Although Xiao Yan quickly retracted his hand and sat upright again.

But the atmosphere between the two of them was inexplicably... wonderful.

the other side.

After more than two months of seclusion, Medusa finally came out and refined an eighth-grade elixir refined by Xiao Xue. She also made great progress.

Then, she was called away by Xiao Xue.

After obtaining three thousand Star Waters and returning to the Dan Pagoda, Xiao Xue had not yet sparred with Medusa.

To be honest, Xiao Xue is also a little itchy - she wants to regain her place with Medusa, and it will take more than a day or two.

After entering the Heavenly Tomb, he accepted the inheritance of the Xiao Clan, received three thousand Star Waters, and reached the level of Seven-Star Dou Zun in Dou Qi cultivation.

Xiao Xue realized that now she could suppress Medusa and regain her previous position.

In order to completely conquer Medusa, she also learned a fingering technique that fell from the sky in the inheritance of the Xiao clan...


"Tsk, if it works, it will work. If it doesn't work, it won't work. What do you mean by taking a break?"

(End of this chapter)

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