Chapter 389 The grown-up Zi Yan


I don't know how long it took, but the cocoon of purple light that was originally just flashing suddenly burst into bright light.

The strong light is getting stronger and stronger, and there are more and more cracks. Golden brilliance seeps out from the cracks, reflecting the light cocoon beautifully.

A large piece of cocoon shell suddenly fell off, and then it seemed to cause some kind of chain reaction.

The purple-gold light cocoon exploded quickly, and a purple-gold light pillar suddenly erupted on it.

However, the beam of light only erupted for a moment before being taken back into the body by the core figure.

I saw a faint purple-gold light lingering on the figure, as if the entire starry sky was setting off that moving figure, making her look slightly unreal.

A head of slender and smooth purple hair was casually spread down, falling to her perky buttocks before she could stop it.

As the breath rippled slightly, Zi Yan's mature figure was revealed in front of Xiao Xue without any concealment.

Walking out of the broken cocoon, noticing Xiao Xue's appraising gaze, Zi Yan puffed up her chest with pride, "Hey, he's older than you..."

Then, he was slapped away by Xiao Xue through the void.

"Be more serious!"

Damn, this damn girl actually seduced her right after she came out!

A set of purple dresses gradually appeared, covering certain key points, and Zi Yan flew back again.

Then, she hugged one of Xiao Xue's arms, sniffed, and squinted her eyes slightly: "Honey, you smell like Sister Medusa..."

Hearing this, Xiao Xue couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

This is a "wife" and a "sister". It seems that someone has automatically assumed a new identity.

"Oh, don't be too happy too early. I won't help you with Xiao Xiao's 'sister'. You can solve it yourself."

As soon as this was mentioned, someone's momentum immediately withered, "Don't be old..."

"Don't worry," Xiao Xue raised her hand to cover someone's mouth, "You have a 'sister' problem that needs to be dealt with, and I also have a 'sister' problem that needs to be solved."

"Until the problem between these two people is resolved, we'd better keep a distance, otherwise I can't say what will happen - and don't yell when you go out."

"But you don't need to be too nervous. Xiao Xiao is not in the Danta now, so you still have time to prepare."

Who hasn’t had a hard time reciting this sutra? Yimuduo is simply the most loved and hated creature in the world, okay?

Fortunately, Medusa took Xiao Xiao out for training, and Gu Xun'er was also staying in the ancient world, so the master and apprentice... although these two were worried, they didn't have to respond immediately.

Regarding Xiao Xue's "advice", Zi Yan nodded her head. After all, they were both heavyweights.

In addition to Xiao Xiao, with whom she might have separate opinions, she also knew more or less about Gu Xun'er's background.

Although she is a member of Taixu Ancient Dragon, the strongest race in the World of Warcraft, she is just... an "abandoned baby".

And to be honest, she knew nothing about the situation of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, nor did she know what her status was in the Dragon Clan.

Not to mention the Little Medical Fairy Sister, who has no background to rely on other than being an innate poisonous body.

It is not difficult for the two junior sisters to join forces to fight against Medusa, and even suppress Medusa, but with Gu Xun'er...

All I can say is, it's probably not even close.

Why don't you go back to your hometown?

What if, she meant what if, is it possible that she is the lost Little Dragon Emperor of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan?

Although this possibility is small enough to be ignored, it is not completely impossible. After all, although the Taixu Ancient Dragon is powerful, the bloodline strength of the ethnic group is still high or low.

Although as long as it is Taixu Ancient Dragon, even with the most ordinary bloodline, it can suppress the second-ranked Sky Demon Phoenix in the World of Warcraft - this is what the food chain says.

At the same level, Taixu Ancient Dragon is almost the pinnacle of all Warcraft.

But there is a huge gap between the Dragon King bloodline and ordinary dragon descendants.

Although she has not seen other Taixu ancient dragons, she has also seen the dragon seals left by the Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo.

Even if she doesn't understand, how the dragon seal is set up - there are some things that need to be learned, and she can't understand it just by looking at the finished product.

But Zi Yan can be sure of one thing, that is, the dragon that once left the dragon mark is not much different from her in terms of blood.

Moreover, even Sister Medusa, who evolved into the eight-color sky-swallowing python, and Xiao Xiao, who evolved into the seven-color sky-swallowing dragon... the girl did not have any obvious suppression on her in terms of blood.

This shows that her bloodline is definitely not simple. Even if she is not a royal family, she is still a royal family at the end.

So, why not go back to your hometown to take a look and get a feel for it.

If you have a backing and something to inherit, everyone will be happy.

In this confrontation with the eldest lady of the ancient clan, she also has a greater chance of winning.

If he were just an ordinary little dragon, he would have no choice but to play the emotional card, fight for her only "advantage" as her "disciple", and let Xiao Xue speak for him.

Moreover, putting all these aside, she is Taixu Ancient Dragon no matter what.

Regardless of the reason why she was abandoned before, now that she has broken through the eighth level, she must go home and have a look.

Therefore, Zi Yan told Xiao Xue her thoughts - of course, she only said that she wanted to go home and have a look.

As for certain things, everyone who knows them understands them, and those who don’t understand don’t need to explain them.

Xiao Xue thought for a moment, and unlike Zi Yan Benlong who didn't know anything, she knew Zi Yan's details clearly.

And now the Alchemy Meeting has just ended, and it should be a year or two before the relics of the Saint of Creation are born.

In other words, in another year or two, if nothing happens, she will be able to obtain the Dragon and Phoenix Origin Fruit, and then directly give Zi Yan the Dragon and Phoenix bloodline.

But if you want to refine the dragon and phoenix original fruit, you have to be too weak. Zi Yan has just broken through the eighth level, and the speed of improvement in the Dan Pagoda is too slow.

Now it is a good choice to go to Donglong Island to practice, accept the inheritance of the Dragon Clan, and improve your cultivation level.

Moreover, with her current cultivation level, it wouldn't take long to send Zi Yan back to Donglong Island.

After she comes back, the little medical fairy should soon break through the Nine-Star Dou Zun, just in time to break through the Dou Saint.

So, Xiao Xue said hello to everyone and prepared to take Zi Yan home to have a look.

The Xiao family, Yao Lao and others naturally have no objection to this.

Especially powerful people such as Yao Lao, although they don't know Zi Yan's true identity, they can still see the extraordinary nature of her bloodline.

If we can use Zi Yan's relationship to "establish diplomatic relations" with the Taixu Ancient Dragon, the first group in the World of Warcraft, it will definitely be a good thing for the alliance.

And since she was taking Zi Yan back to her hometown to "visit relatives", Xiao Xue didn't take anyone else with her. Apart from Zi Yan, she only took Xiong Zhan with her.

After all, Xiong Zhan is also a vassal group of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, and he is also edible. Instead of staying in the Danta, it is better to throw them on the Dragon Island to raise them.

(End of this chapter)

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