Dou Po: I am playing with water in the Dou Qi Continent to become an emperor

Chapter 4 I treat you as my sister-in-law, but you want to

Chapter 4 I treat you as my sister-in-law, but you want to...

Xiao Xue had indeed coveted this set of "Fog Sword" for a long time.

No way, who told it that the special effects look good.

Among all fighting skills at the same price, "Fog Sword" is the one with the most special effects.

As long as you get started with this set of fighting skills, you can add cloud and mist special effects to your own attacks. The faint clouds and mist follow the sword energy, making the picture extremely bright!
As for Yujian's flight, with her current strength, it is natural that she cannot float in the air for a long time, but, who cares.

——Shuai is over.

She won't be idle, she flies in the sky every day, the special effects of "Mist Sword" is the key point, Yu Jian's flight is just incidental.

Pretending to be X is not good if the frequency is too high, and it is necessary to maintain enough mystery.

If you really want to fly, you still have to rely on flying fighting skills.

As for this, there is no rush to exchange it now.

Moreover, "Mist Sword" also comes with a set of body fighting skills, combined with her ability to control water, it has a higher degree of development.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk~"

Xiao Xue, who was selecting fighting skills, suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Sister Xue'er, can I come in?" Xiao Xun'er's voice sounded outside the door.

"Xun'er? Come in quickly." Xiao Xue turned off the system, got out of bed to open the door, and saw the girl in Tsing Yi standing at the door.

"Sister Xue'er, have you broken through to Fighter?" After closing the door, Xiao Xun'er asked directly.

"En." Xiao Xue nodded casually, and she didn't intend to hide this matter.

"Sister Xue'er..." Xiao Xun'er hesitated, "Xun'er has something to ask."

If she didn't understand a problem, she might not be able to sleep all night long.

Xiao Xue nodded, "But it's okay to say."

After getting Xiao Xue's consent, Xun'er no longer hesitated, "Sister Xue'er, no one has ever been able to release fighting spirit before the realm of a great fighter, but you did it, why?"

Her eyes were bright, full of curiosity.

Hearing this, Xiao Xue grinned, "Xun'er, you have predecessors' essays you can refer to at will, and you have seniors you can ask for advice, then you are standing on the shoulders of giants."

"Now that you have stood on the shoulders of giants, why not try to see further?"

"History, isn't it meant to be broken?"

Hearing Xiao Xue's words, Xiao Xun'er trembled all over, as if struck by lightning.

The teenagers and girls are exactly the age of the second year of middle school.

The earthy scratching words and the second disease are the easiest to react.

"Sister Xue'er, you've been stuck in the ninth stage of fighting spirit for so many years, but did you do it on purpose?"

Xiao Xun'er felt that she was infinitely close to the truth.

Sister Xue'er must be walking a brand new path, even with her ten-year-old nine-stage Dou Qi talent, it took three years to explore the new path!

With such a heart, I am not as good as her!

Xiao Xue: ...

Xun'er's words are like asking a ten thousand year old single dog, "Why don't you have a date yet, don't you like it?"

Can't take this.

However, Xiao Xue still nodded, acquiescing to her statement.

After the system is unlocked, her strength will only improve faster, so naturally a reasonable explanation is needed.

So-brain supplement is over!

My strength depends entirely on your imagination!
Ah no, I can't even imagine it!
She said this sentence without blushing or heartbeat.

Although her strength, to a certain extent, relies on system upgrades, her experience points are not brought by strong winds.

Before many functions of the system are unlocked, she can only obtain experience points through various special ways that she can think of.

Over the years, she worked diligently and quietly saved up like a laborer, and now she has a relatively rich family background.

Yes, I'm cheating, I'm cheating.

But at least, I'm still a hard worker.

Xun'er at the side felt that she had figured it out, even though Xiao Xue didn't say anything useful.

Sister Xue'er has been in Jiuduan Douzhi for many years, it seems that she has her own plan.

But now, it's just a lot of accumulation!
"Thank you sister for your advice." Xiao Xun'er thanked Xiao Xue.

Xiao Xue waved her hand, "Teaching is not counted, everyone has their own way, as long as they are not ashamed of themselves, it is good."

The two chatted about other things, and as they chatted, the topic turned to Xiao Huohuo.

Mainly, Xiao Xue wanted to know what the current Xiao Xun'er's attitude was towards her cheap brother.

After all, she really regarded Xiao Xun'er as her sister-in-law.

If Xun'er doesn't like her cheap brother, that's okay, anyway, as the leading actor, her cheap brother will never lack a confidante, she will change his sister-in-law at worst.

However, if Xun'er still likes her brother without certain things in the original book, she will do something.

For example, helping my future sister-in-law clear the obstacles, strangling her cheap brother's romantic debts in the cradle.

(Xiao Xun'er:? Do you want to listen to what you are talking about)
(Yun Yun, Medusa, Little Doctor Fairy: Was it for nothing?)

After all, her cheap brother has no other major problems, except that he has too many peach blossoms.

And people are selfish, no one would be willing to share a partner with other people.

So, of course she wanted to clear the way for her good sister-in-law.

Xiao—the warrior of pure love—Xue, online!
In Xiao Yan's novel, the only woman he really wants to marry and love is Xiao Xun'er.

It is no exaggeration to say that Xiao Yan struggled to the top just to be with Xiao Xun'er.

Xiao Yan married Xiao Xun'er because of their relationship, while Medusa conceived her daughter by accident, and when Xiao Yan was fighting outside, she presided over the overall situation of the Yan League, protected the Xiao family members, and was recognized by Xiao Yan's two elder brothers.

Xiao Yan owed Medusa too much, so he had to take the due responsibility and give her a title, otherwise he and Medusa would only be a love affair.

As for Yun Yun, it was even more of an evil relationship.

Even the Little Doctor Fairy didn't get a title from Xiao Yan until the finale, even in terms of feelings and devotion to Xiao Yan, he is not inferior to others.

As for Yun Yun, Medusa and Little Doctor Fairy, Xiao Yan met when he went out to practice because of the "three-year contract".

Therefore, for Xiao Xue who knew the plot, it couldn't be easier to cut off these bad relationships.

Since you like her, treat my little sister Xun'er well, and don't bully other girls.

When Xiao Xue asked what she thought of her elder brother, Xiao Xun'er had a weird expression.

Brother, brother again, sister Xueer, always talking about that guy named Xiao Yan.

No matter when, she can always mention him. not right.

Moreover, sister Xue'er didn't realize that she had stayed beside her for so many years?

In her eyes, only the so-called brother Xiao Yan?

Xiao Xun'er could hardly describe, the anger welled up in her heart in an instant, she replied lightly, "What do you think?"

When Xiao Xue heard that rhetorical question, she was confused and didn't know what the situation was.

However, the woman's sensitive sixth sense radar is beeping, telling her that the current situation is quite wrong.

It was as if someone pressed some button on Xun'er's body, and she could pounce on her and eat her in one bite the next moment.

The next moment, Xiao Xue heard Xiao Xun'er say, "Sister Xue'er, you should stay away from brother Xiao Yan."

"Because I would be unhappy."

Xiao Xue: ...

No, sister-in-law, do you eat all the jealousy from sister-in-law?

"Sister Xun'er, don't worry, after the coming-of-age ceremony, I will apply to go out to practice..."

As for what she said later, Xiao Xun'er didn't listen at all.

All her mind was focused on the fact that the other party planned to go out to practice.

Sister Xueer is leaving.

As long as she was thrown to Xiao Yan, Sister Xue'er wanted to leave her.

In other words, this person never thought of staying with her.

Thinking of this, the chill between Xun'er's brows and eyes became even heavier, as if two ice cubes were thrown into the soda, making the surrounding air sizzling.

Xiao Xue noticed the drop in the air pressure around her, and quickly mobilized her brain cells to reflect on whether there was a mistake in what she said just now.

When she was about to say something more, Xiao Xun'er finally spoke.

She paused every word, and said unhurriedly: "You are indeed, you should go out to practice."

Hearing this, Xiao Xue didn't recognize the other meaning in her words, and was still nodding indiscriminately.

"Sister Xue'er, it's getting late, Xun'er won't bother you, go to bed early." After speaking, Xiao Xun'er said goodbye and left.

"Heh, Sister Xue'er, we have a long time to come."

(End of this chapter)

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