Year-end summary and New Year’s greetings

Before you know it, it’s the last day of 2023. Let’s make a brief summary here.

On January 1st of this year (really January 1st), I created a novel with a female protagonist, "Douluo: Awakening of the Dragon Bloodline", and successfully signed a contract with it. This is also the first book I have successfully signed.

Then in March, half a month after the book was put on the shelves, because I was ignorant, I decided to write it in the summer and wrote about the secret room of the protagonists Su Yan and Qian Renxue and sent it to my mother, causing the book to go into a dark room.

In order for everyone to enjoy reading it, I published four 4,000-word chapters in one go. Including others, the total word count is close to 20,000 words.

The result was that because it was too difficult to modify and the content was too... (anyone who has watched the extra will understand), there was no hope of appeal and the post was permanently banned.

Because everyone needs to know one thing, that is, Chapter V cannot be deleted, and the number of words after modification must be within the range of the original number of words plus or minus one thousand.

Moreover, the marginal chapters that were "no problem" when it was published before have become problematic content after the book entered the dark room, and they also need to be revised...

Therefore, I looked at the red mark and had no idea what to do. I couldn't change it at all, and I couldn't save it even if I wanted to. (sad)

And I estimate that by the time I revise chapter by chapter, fight with the reviewers, waste a lot of brain cells, and wait for the complete overhaul of the book to be released, I don’t know when, and the readers will have already ran out, so it’s better to open another book.

Of course, this has become a pain that Gemen can't let go this year. [The Secret Room] also reminds me all the time that I can drive a small car, and it doesn't matter how many small cars I drive, but never pull a big car.

Then, I created another Douluo fanfic in April and signed a contract for 10,000 words. When the book was about 40,000 words, it was suddenly and mysteriously removed from the shelves.

To be honest, Gemen almost gave up writing the book, but after some enlightenment from the book friends of "Douluo: Dragon Clan" in the group at that time, Gemen finally published this book again in May.

Then it has been all the way to now. As of yesterday, the book club has grown from 300 people for "Douluo: Dragon Clan" to more than 1,200 people now. The cumulative collection has exceeded 20,000, and the total subscription of a single chapter has exceeded 300,000.

Each chapter is calculated as 2,000 words, 300,000 × 2,000, which is a reading volume of 600 million words, not counting some large chapters and free chapters.

The first subscription (subscriptions within 24 hours of the release of the first V chapter) is 470, and the average subscription... In the first month of release, the library rose to more than , and then the growth gradually slowed down, and now it is stable at an average of .

To be honest, this result is already quite good for a young author like Pigeon.

Pigeon can now proudly say that we are also a small writer with an average average of 1,000, and we are not a veteran who can’t even achieve an average of 500…ahem.

Moreover, although the platform is very divided into components, it is not a big problem to improve your life by relying on royalties (haha).

Then, after a limited promotion was launched in October, the subscriptions that had been increasing slowly and steadily began to drop, which made me feel distressed.

I don’t know why people say that limited-time and free promotions only contain money in sacks, but when it comes to my place, all the readers run away, and no one says a word when they run away (fog)

Of course, Gemen received another "bad news" a few days ago. On January 7th, there will be a limited exemption promotion...

Well... I can only say good luck to Pigeon Men. To be honest, after experiencing the "Waterloo" in October, we are really a little bit PTSD.

If there is another huge drop in subscriptions due to the one-month limit, then no one will probably read it.


So here I am shamelessly asking for a subscription. After all, if you don’t make money writing novels, how can you dress up in women’s clothing for your friends?

Moreover, Gemen’s books are really not expensive. You can read 100,000 words for five yuan... Of course, as long as one person subscribes, the book will definitely be written to the end, and there is no need to worry about unfinished products and eunuchs.

I have sent several books, which can be regarded as an explanation for myself and a happy ending for the protagonist in my novel.

Pigeons will persist, but those book friends who once said, "If you update quickly, you must order all of them", are you still there? (Ha ha)

Finally, I wish you all a Happy New Year in advance.

I hope the girls who read this book will find beautiful girlfriends, and the boys who read this book will find powerful boyfriends.

As for New Year's gifts or breaking news...well, Shu Gemen can't do it, after all, his final week of college is coming soon.

Gemen is currently preparing for professional courses and coding at the same time. It is no longer easy to maintain 4,000 words a day. Please forgive me.

As for extra updates and extras... we can have them during this winter vacation.

As for women's clothing or other things, it depends on your ability.

I wish you all a Happy New Year again and ask for your big votes.

Whether it’s a monthly ticket or a recommended ticket, stuff it into Ge Ge’s small works! This is the last chance in 2023!


Of course, what follows is a little "spoiler", so don't read if you mind.


In the text tomorrow, I can write about the process of how the human dragon and phoenix competed with the dragon phoenix and were suppressed by Zi Mao. There should be some small details.

After the problem of Donglong Island is solved, then it is time to go to the ancient world, the ancient tribe's coming-of-age ceremony, and the beloved Shura field.

After all, Xun'er will definitely "raise the blame" after discovering the problem, and a certain "scumbag" will definitely not escape unscathed.

Next, enter the Heavenly Tomb. After a few chapters, Gu Xun'er should also get on the bus...

Of course, Gu Xun'er hasn't broken through to Dou Sheng yet, so she can't "suffer a loss" yet. In other words, this time, the eldest lady of the ancient clan is simply collecting interest.

Gu Xun'er's highlight moment as the heroine was later when Xiao Xue was refining the demonic purifying lotus water.

Well...that's all for "spoilers". Anyway, everyone knows that it will be fun next time.

Gu Gu Gu~

(End of this chapter)

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