Dou Po: I am playing with water in the Dou Qi Continent to become an emperor

Chapter 442: Take some snow water to quench your thirst

Chapter 442: Take some snow water to quench your thirst

"...Medusa, calm down..."

It seemed that due to the fact that he had just completed the evolution with the strange fire, Xiao Xue only felt that a certain snake was now too hot.

Although the nine-color sky-swallowing python is an ancient beast with fire attributes, its body surface temperature is usually normal or even low.

But now, Medusa's body temperature is obviously much higher, and she needs to be unloaded at a glance.

Looking at this posture, even a fool knows what he is going to do next.

Although she has many ways to get out of the current predicament, but... this is Donglong Island after all.

If she takes some other means to help herself "get out of trouble", she will inevitably be embarrassed and thrown out.

But being in this space, and being sealed, Xiao Xue didn't think she had much chance of winning compared to the Nine-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python of the Two-Star Fighting Saint.

Although Xiao Xiao is so old, and to be honest, she has no objection to that kind of thing.

But she always felt that if Medusa was allowed to mess around, her painting style in the future would probably be very strange.

Therefore, one must not be too accommodating to Medusa.

——I can give it, but you can’t take it.

In other words, you can do it if you want, but you can't buy or sell by force.

In fact, the way Medusa and Xiao Xue get along is very strange.

At the beginning, Xiao Xue just wanted to help Medusa evolve and receive work from her subordinates, but the boss went directly to take maternity leave;

In the beginning, the relationship between the two was actually not very good, even a bit stiff.

But that incident was an accident after all, and with the appearance of Xiao Xiao and the problem solved, a wonderful balance was formed between the two, and they got along well.

However, compared with ordinary couples, their relationship is a bit awkward, more like a business marriage.

In fact, Xiao Xue has already accepted Medusa. After all, she has seen Medusa's attitude and dedication.

Therefore, even if she had any unpleasantness, she could forgive Medusa.

Otherwise, she would have sent Medusa away long ago, how could she still bother to improve her bloodline.

But because there were too many important things, Gu Xun'er's little doctor Xian Ziyan and the others also had a lot of problems.

Especially her two rebels, who stabbed her in the back every now and then, making it impossible to guard against them.

Therefore, Xiao Xue, who was busy dealing with many affairs, had somewhat neglected Medusa in other aspects, and had not communicated with Medusa much.

Although Xiao Xue's move was not unintentional, and there was also a "buffer" for Xiao Xiao.

But long-term "neglect" is always uncomfortable for Medusa.

Medusa has always wanted to deepen her relationship with someone, but she has never found the opportunity before.

But now, with the right time, right place and right people, Medusa chose to take action without hesitation.

After all, this kind of independent space with no one to disturb is the most suitable for two people to talk to each other.


"...Medusa, calm down..."

"I'm very calm." Medusa said as she transformed into a snake-man form, stalking her prey quietly like an excellent predator.

"It's you, why are you so nervous?"

"Take it easy or you'll get scratched easily."

Xiao Xue: "......"

Quan Shui is about to be pushed, do you think I'm nervous or not?

"Why, when I was evolving, you used pills and strange fire to provoke me to the point where I couldn't bear it, and now you act innocent?"

Medusa leaned down and came close to Xiao Xue's face, and the scent of her body spread to her nose.

Xiao Xue: "???" No, what are you saying that I can't understand?

A certain alchemist who had no idea about the side effects of elixirs refined with strange water fell into confusion.

Medusa also saw Xiao Xue's confusion and guessed that she might not have done it on purpose.

But knowing is knowing, understanding is understanding, and the rest must be calculated separately.

And...after so long, she still doesn't know what kind of character someone is?

Although the first time was an accident, after Xiao Xiao was born, when someone was not as strong as her, they often came to her to discuss.

As the first one, Medusa has long concluded from experience that someone is extremely face-saving.

Even if someone wants to spar, they will not take the initiative, but hope that the other party will initiate a challenge.

Moreover, she also...failed and fought again and again, becoming more and more courageous the more frustrated she became.

Medusa is also well-informed and understands this situation, and she just likes winning, which complements someone perfectly.

Even now, Medusa remembers the feeling when her strength far surpassed Xiao Xue's.

Moreover, as the empress of the Snake Empire, Medusa really likes the feeling of being in control of everything.

For Medusa, who is a little bit strong, it is quite depressing to be unable to match someone's strength.

In particular, with the talent Xiao Xue has shown, once her cultivation falls behind, it is almost impossible to overtake her.

And she doesn't like to be the one who is suppressed. In addition, someone is usually very busy, so it is difficult to find opportunities.

Therefore, Medusa cherishes this opportunity even more.

After all, some people only have a tough mouth.

Moreover, if someone really doesn't want to, then it can't be the current attitude.

So, she just needs to talk less and do more.

"Okay, let's not talk about anything else. Are you thirsty?" Medusa suddenly asked.

"Huh?" Xiao Xue was stunned.

For Dou Sheng, the question of whether he is thirsty or hungry seems a bit ridiculous.

"It seems like I'm not thirsty, but I'm a little thirsty."

"Medusa, you..."

Then, Xiao Xue's brain turned eighteen times and finally caught up with the speed of the car.

However, at this time, Medusa, who had just evolved with the strange fire and was hot and thirsty, had already found the outlet of the strange water.

The alien water cultivated by [Water Element Affinity 9] does not require any treatment. Drinking it directly can prolong your life.


Due to the refining of strange water, which has a strong connection with the water source, Xiao Xue was also affected.

The reason why the Sky-Swallowing Python can be called the Sky-Swallowing Python is not because of its reputation, but because it has real abilities.

The nine-color sky-swallowing python at the fighting saint level is the top existence among the sky-swallowing pythons, and I am afraid that it is not far behind Kuafu.

Fortunately, Medusa also knows how to stop when she sees a good opportunity. She has no intention of fishing all the way, but only has a taste of it.

However, it is difficult for the irritated water to return to calmness, and even water leakage occurs.

It is definitely not a problem to let the strange water flood. Untying the bell ring requires the person who tied the bell, so Medusa can only find a way to block it.

"Beautiful...Medusa, you..."

Medusa carried out a sneak attack without practicing martial arts, catching someone off guard.

Why don't you follow the routine? How could anyone take action before he finished speaking?

"Raise it higher, we are controlling the water, please cooperate..."

(End of this chapter)

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