Chapter 450 This copy is poisonous

Wild ancient territory.

A vast white light filled the field of vision, and Xiao Yan stood blankly in this world of white light.

There was no figure around, and for some reason, his memory seemed to be vaguely disordered.

"What happened?"

Xiao Yan frowned, looked around, and suddenly found a circle of light not far away.

Xiao Yan cautiously released his soul power to explore the aperture, trying to sense whether it was dangerous, but it seemed that he had endured the scouring of endless time.

When Xiao Yan came to his senses, he found that he had arrived in a huge grassland.


Without much time to think, earth-shaking roars came from the surroundings, and the overwhelming tide of beasts rushed straight towards Xiao Yan who suddenly appeared.

Looking at this seemingly endless ferocious beast, Xiao Yan frowned, and the bone wings on his back broke out of his body. In a flash, he reached high in the sky.

The soul power of the Great Perfection of the Spiritual Realm exploded directly, instantly covering Xiao Yan's aura.

Logically speaking, these ferocious beasts that have not reached the ninth level should lose his position. After all, their soul power is definitely not as good as Xiao Yan.

But the countless ferocious beasts below seemed to have positioned themselves on Xiao Yan, roaring and hissing in Xiao Yan's direction.

Xiao Yan felt a sense of disobedience, but he didn't know where it came from. He could only examine himself, but he suddenly discovered that at some point, he had broken through to the Dou Sheng realm.

"Huh? What's going on? Did I eat Jin Ke Litter?"

Xiao Yan is still clear about his own background. This kind of breakthrough without CD is still a direct breakthrough to the Dou Sheng realm. I am afraid that even his sister's wall hanging can't do it.

Moreover, the sense of disobedience leaking out everywhere made Xiao Yan have to be vigilant.

Faintly, he seemed to feel that something was wrong, but some chaotic memories in his mind prevented him from completely recalling anything.


The confusion lasted for a while. Just when Xiao Yan was about to study what was going on, a subtle buzzing sound suddenly came from the ring.

A cool breath surged out from the Najie, and finally followed Xiao Yan's arm and penetrated into his brain.

With the influx of this cool breath, Xiao Yan's body suddenly trembled violently, and the chaotic memories and some inexplicable extra things in his mind immediately dissipated.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Yan slowly opened his eyes, "As expected of the ancient Bodhi tree, it can create such a realistic illusion and make it invisible to the people inside it..."

He gently opened his palm, and an emerald-green bead lay quietly in it. It was the bodhi seed that Xiao Xue had given him before.

If it hadn't been for the help of this thing to expel the hidden things in Xiao Yan's mind, he would have been immersed in this living illusion.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel scared.

"I was almost lost in this illusion..."

I'm afraid those semi-holy puppets were immersed in the illusion of the ancient Bodhi tree, thus losing their souls and turning into walking zombies...

The moment Xiao Yan raised the Bodhi Seed, the world also twisted violently, and finally burst open with a bang like a broken mirror.

Xiao Yan's spirit was also in a trance for a while, his eyes blurred again, and the surrounding environment changed again.

Shaking his head, Xiao Yan felt that he had been confused too many times in a short period of time, and he was still a little unconscious at this time.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he was already in a space full of green.

In this space, an ancient tree about ten feet tall stood here as if it had existed forever.

This tree is emerald green all over, as if it were made of extremely fine jade, releasing an astonishing vitality.

It seems that the vitality of the towering ancient tree thousands of feet tall outside comes from this small tree. Looking at the small ancient Bodhi tree in front of him with gloomy eyes, Xiao Yan also knew that the illusion that trapped him before must have been caused by this thing!

Under Xiao Yan's gaze, the ancient tree suddenly trembled slightly, and groups of light flew out from its body, finally floating in front of Xiao Yan.

The light group changes, and various images come out of it.

Xiao Yan glanced at him and his expression suddenly changed drastically.

Those among them were Xun'er, Hunyu, Jiufeng and others who had entered the ancient Bodhi tree together before.

Obviously, at this moment, they are all trapped in their own illusions just like he was just now.

Xiao Yan subconsciously took a step back. The Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire and the Clan Pattern were activated at the same time. His strength was raised to the semi-saint realm, and he took a defensive posture.

At the same time, the space jade tube also appeared in Xiao Yan's hand, and Xiao Yan was ready to shake people at any time.

Although he had received some information about the ancient Bodhi tree from the ancient tribe before.

However, the ancient clan's information did not mention illusions, and at this time, one cannot be too careful.

As for why Xiao Xue didn't give any spoilers...she has never seen or been there, how can she explain it?

Anyway, with Xiao Yan's ability, he will definitely be able to come out completely, and by the way, he will wrap up the Bodhicitta and dozens of Bodhi seeds.

Therefore, she was too lazy to do the spoiler work for Xiao Yan. After all, it would be quite troublesome to round it out in the later stage.

But in Xiao Yan's opinion now, this ancient Bodhi tree behaves too strangely.

Being able to enslave the previous five Half-Saints also shows that ordinary Half-Saints are definitely no match for it.

In front of this ancient tree that has lived for who knows how long, my own strength may not be enough.

Therefore, although Xiao Yan was worried about the safety of Gu Xun'er, Gu Qingyang and others, he did not take the initiative to attack the ancient Bodhi tree immediately.

"What do you want to do?! Let him go, or I'll call him! When the Nine-Star Fighting Saint comes over, you won't be able to forgive him!"

"Of course, you don't have to let go of those soul clan members. If you want to be a puppet, just use them. You're welcome..."

Although the ancient Bodhi tree is powerful, Gu Xun'er's father is also at the peak of the Nine-Star Fighting Saint. If he finds something wrong with Gu Xun'er's situation, maybe he will take action?

Therefore, although facing the "invincible" ancient Bodhi tree, Xiao Yan did not back down, but began to "threaten" it.

Xiao Yan realized that with the wisdom of the ancient Bodhi tree, he would definitely be able to understand what he meant.

Facing Xiao Yan's angry shout, the ancient Bodhi tree shook again, and a light group emerged. Within the light group, there was an ancient Bodhi tree that was ten thousand feet high.

However, Xiao Yan's gaze was not fixed on the ancient tree, but on the position in front of the ancient tree.

In the mid-air there, a figure dressed in black stood in the air.

Although it is just an image, an aura that is like the supreme being of heaven and earth is still like substance, and it slowly spreads out from the human body.

Under this kind of aura, even the huge ancient Bodhi tree looks quite small...

"Fuck... Dou... Dou Di..."

Xiao Yan stared at the black-clothed figure and felt his scalp numb.

Although it was just an image, the aura made his soul feel trembling.

Who else can possess this kind of coercion, besides those powerful Emperor Fighters who only exist in ancient legends?

"Damn, there's something wrong with this dungeon. This isn't the dungeon that Dou Zun should clear..."

(End of this chapter)

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