Chapter 458 Fighting Saint Crisis

Wild ancient territory.

Time passed quietly, and after an unknown amount of time, Xiao Yan, who was sitting cross-legged under the bodhi tree, finally made some movement.

Everyone who was full of vigilance also noticed this fluctuation and looked in the direction of Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan was "repulsed" by the ancient Bodhi tree. Then he opened his eyes and glanced at everyone.

In the pair of dark eyes, a faint gleam of fire flashed away.

Everyone suddenly discovered that Xiao Yan had disappeared from their perception - only the naked eye could capture Xiao Yan's figure, but his soul perception could not detect him at all.


Everyone couldn't help but gasp, which showed that Xiao Yan's soul realm was far above them.

Is this the middle stage of heaven? Late stage of heaven? Or...the Dzogchen of Heaven?

But Xiao Yan naturally had no interest in explaining to them. He just patted the branches of the ancient Bodhi tree and said softly:

"Brother Gushu, I'm leaving now - I'll come back to you when I break through Dou Emperor, and then I'll take you to see something nice."


The ancient Bodhi tree shook happily, and emerald green light spots flew out from it, suspended in the space.

Looking around, there are thirty-six bodhi seeds here.

Seeing these Bodhisattvas, everyone's breathing became heavier, but no one dared to take action.

All members of the Soul Clan were "missing", and Xiao Yan had a close relationship with the Ancient Bodhi Tree. Everyone present basically knew what was going on.

In addition, their hard power is probably not as good as Xiao Yan, so no one dares to ask Xiao Yan for help.

In fact, the people of the Medicine Clan huddled in the corner, not even daring to fart, for fear of following in the footsteps of the Soul Clan.

Of course, there is an exception for a certain group of people——

"Cousin Xiao Yan." Gu Xun'er stood up and looked at Xiao Yan with a smile.

Xiao Yan reached out and made a move, and twelve Bodhi seeds floated towards Gu Xun'er, while he put away all the remaining Bodhi seeds.

After hundreds of reincarnations, Xiao Yan gained great benefits. His soul power was directly raised to the peak of the middle stage of the Heaven Realm, which was only a sliver away from the late stage.

However, his fighting spirit cultivation level has not broken through the Dou Saint level. At this time, he is only an intermediate semi-saint.

After all, to attain enlightenment under the bodhi tree, one must practice physical practice for hundreds of years, and the soul will be reincarnated for hundreds of lives. The soul is the most critical part of enlightenment.

In these hundred lives, Xiao Yancao created a ninth-grade elixir recipe. The main ingredients required eight bodhi seeds. These twenty-four were enough for three portions of medicinal materials.

And when he broke through to the Dou Sheng, with the help of the increase in soul power that came with the breakthrough, plus the power of the elixir, he could easily break through to the later stages of the Heaven Realm. Maybe he could try to directly hit the Great Perfection of the Heaven Realm.

What Xiao Yan gave Gu Xun'er was not too little - twelve Bodhi seeds, which was quite a lot.

She is now also at the beginning of the semi-saint peak. With Bodhisattva, she should be able to quickly break through to the semi-saint peak.

For the divine bloodline, there is no bottleneck in breaking through the Dou Sheng. At most, it only takes a little more time.

When Xiao Yan and Gu Xun'er put away the Bodhi Seed, the space immediately began to vibrate, and cracks appeared one after another.

Then, green light flashed, and everyone was thrown out of this space one by one by the ancient Bodhi tree.

When the last person was thrown out, the ancient Bodhi Village trembled violently, and then, a circle of green light spread from the roots of the ancient Bodhi tree.

Wherever the aperture touched, the land turned into liquid, and the huge body of the ancient Bodhi tree directly penetrated into the liquid, diving into the center of the earth and continuing to accumulate strength. After the ancient Bodhi tree disappeared, Xiao Yan, Gu Xun'er and others were planning to leave directly through the space jade tube.

As a result, before they could make any move, a terrifying pressure instantly descended.

"Jie, Jie, Jie, it's finally out, I really enjoyed the wait!"

The ear-piercing evil laughter reached everyone's ears. This sound had no intention of attacking, but it still shocked some Dou Zun to the point of vomiting blood.

On the periphery of the Wild Ancient Territory, some less powerful monsters were even directly shocked to death.

The expressions of the other tribes changed drastically because they discovered that the space jade tube had failed!

And in this situation, the only ones who could still remain calm were Xiao Yan and Gu Xun'er.

Xiao Yan tilted his mouth, and three powerful auras appeared instantly.

The loud roar of the dragon resounded throughout the ancient wilderness, suppressing all the alarmed demon saints and magical beasts in the ancient domain.

The three dragon kings lurking in the void appeared instantly when Xiao Yan and Gu Xun'er were in danger.

However, the elder of the ancient clan who was responsible for secret protection did not show up - this time the one who came was a bit awesome and he couldn't beat him.

Therefore, he would not go out to die, but would choose to call someone stronger.

After all, to the ancient tribe, every fighting saint is very important. If they "send death" because of being too reckless, it would be bad to reduce the number of members.

"The soul destroys the life..." Gu Xun'er couldn't help but frown slightly. She heard who the owner of this voice was.

This time the ancient Bodhi tree appeared, although Xiao Xue did not come, the divine bloodline and Xiao Yan of the ancient clan came, so the soul clan is likely to cause trouble.

Of course, there is a high probability that because the Pure Lotus Demon Fire will be activated soon, the Soul Clan will not start a war with the Ancient Clan at this important juncture and consume high-level combat power.

Gu Xun'er did not expect that the Soul Clan did not give up, but directly gathered people, and the Master of the Soul Palace personally took action.

Thoughts continued in her heart, but Gu Xun'er did not call Gu Yuan directly.

There is an unwritten agreement among ancient races: those who are five-star fighting saints and above will not participate in the battles in Dou Qi Continent.

Otherwise, they would send Fighting Saints over for everything, and the last few houses would just have a few Fighting Saints left to fight around.

Now that the Gu and Xiao clans have united, there is a faint tendency to become the target of public criticism. They cannot take the initiative to break the rules, at least they cannot be caught.

What's more, although the master of the Soul Palace is a four-star Dou Sage (five-star after adding the Void Swallowing Flame Son Fire), it is not impossible to win if the three three-star Dou Sage Dragon Kings join forces.

There is also another four-star fighting saint elder from the ancient tribe who is about to arrive on the battlefield. He cannot lose against the master of the Soul Palace.

However, the development of things once again exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Jie Jie Jie, divine blood is rare in the world. Being able to kill such a genius really makes me excited!"

Another fierce laughter came, and the Soul Clan actually directly dispatched a Seven-Star Fighting Saint!

Gu Xun'er's expression changed, and she no longer ignored the so-called agreement. She took out a space jade slip and crushed it directly.

Xiao Yan also suddenly felt palpitations in his heart. He frowned deeply, wondering why the Soul Clan was so crazy.

The divine bloodline does have the potential to reach the peak of Dou Sheng, but a genius who has not grown up is just like that, and is not enough to go to war like this.

So what are the Soul Clan... trying to do?

(End of this chapter)

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