Chapter 46 Fox Tail and Snake Scale

After reminiscing about the old days with her eldest and second brothers, Xiao Xue informed the two of her plan to move to the imperial capital.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, I hope you guys will start selling off your assets in Stone Desert City."

"Take the ones that are convenient to carry, and those that are not convenient, replace them with medicinal materials, and give them to me to refine them into pills."

"After the assets are almost settled, you will leave here with the mercenaries who are willing to continue to follow us, and go to the imperial capital to join the family."

After learning about the family situation, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li readily agreed to the relocation.

After talking about the business, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li set up a big banquet to welcome Xiao Xue.

At the banquet, Xiao Xue held a wine glass and drank with Xiao Ding and Xiao Li.

In Xiao's house, before her coming-of-age ceremony, Xiao Zhan didn't let her drink alcohol.

But after the coming-of-age ceremony, there are not too many restrictions on this aspect.

Xiao Xue, who used to be a teetotaler, had a good time drinking with her two elder brothers today.

In fact, in the previous life, Xiao Xue, as a woman, didn't like tea, but preferred drinking.

She drinks, even a little bit, but not because she enjoys the feeling of being tipsy or hungover.

Some people like to drink because of the atmosphere when drinking.

That kind of pushing cups and changing cups, talking loudly, is very addictive.

Of course, there is also the ambiguity between men and women after drinking.

However, Xiao Xue was not interested in these.

She is just pure, like the taste of wine.

"Little sister is really amazing." After drinking for three rounds, Xiao Li said a little drunk.

Xiao Ding also nodded slightly stupefied, after drinking for so long, he was also a little drunk.

After drinking, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li got a little better.

Both of them are still fighting masters, and their cultivation bases are far from Xiao Xue's.

Moreover, Xiao Xue also has the ability to control water that neither of them possesses.

Xiao Xue can drink a thousand cups without getting drunk, but they can't.

In fact, it stands to reason that as long as Xiao Xue operates the [Power of Water], it can really have the effect of cheating on Duan Yu and Qiao Feng in "Dragon and Ba Bu" when they are drinking.

As long as the [Power of Water] doesn't stop, let alone a few tanks of wine, she can directly transform into Kuafu and drink a long river!
At least, it was easy for Xiao Ding and Xiao Li to drink together.

【My Kuafu only takes a sip of JPG.】

When night fell, the drunk Xiao Ding and Xiao Li walked out of the hall together with the sober Xiao Xue.

Before parting, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li, whose consciousness was somewhat unclear, waved their hands at Xiao Xue and said with a smile: "Little sister, good night."

Xiao Xue nodded, watching her eldest brother and second brother being helped down by a few big men, and then returned to the small courtyard they arranged for her.

Then, she sat cross-legged on the bed, sank into her body, and began to practice.

Naturally, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li's assets in Stone Desert City cannot be dealt with in a day or two.

And before that, the drop of blood that Ari gave her, she hadn't fully refined it yet.

After reaching the peak of Dou Shi, she sealed up the excess energy.

With this time, it is appropriate to completely refine the blood essence of the sky fox that has not been fully refined.

When the matter in Stone Desert City is resolved, she should also be able to completely refine the Sky Fox's blood essence and reach the peak of the Great Fighter.

If the little fairy doctor worked harder and broke through a few more stars when refining the branding poison, she might be able to use the experience value fed back from the "teacher-student function" to directly break through the fighting spirit.

For 15-year-old Dou Ling, if she can achieve it, this result can be ranked in the upper middle level in Zhongzhou.

Xiao Xue took a deep breath, forced out the remaining smell of alcohol, and then untied the seal of essence and blood, and began to practice.

With the energy supplement of blood essence, she actually doesn't need sleep very much.

After all, it was the first time for her to refine blood essence, but she spent half a month without sleep, without feeling any tiredness.

In the morning of the next day, Xiao Xue finished her cultivation, let out a breath of foul air, and slowly opened her eyes.

In one night, with the help of blood essence, her cultivation had been promoted to a three-star master, but she forced her back to the two-star peak.


Not long after Xiao Xue opened her eyes, the door was suddenly gently pushed open, and a delicate figure walked in quietly.

However, when she saw Xiao Xue who was sitting on the bed, she was slightly startled, and hurriedly saluted Xiao Xue, and said in a timid voice: "Miss Xiao Xue, are you awake?"

That girl didn't seem to be very old, she seemed to be a little younger than Xiao Xue, probably around twelve or thirteen years old.

She was wearing a light green and elegant attire. Although her body was petite, she was somewhat strange and relatively mature.

A lovely delicate oval face, like a beautiful porcelain doll, but it looks a little green.

Her timid appearance, like a frightened little rabbit, makes people feel a little pity.

Seeing the girl in green on the first day of junior high school, Xiao Xue was also taken aback for a moment, and then nodded kindly at her.

Then, she threw a [Detection] at the girl without any trace:
Name: Qinglin

Race: Terran (human-snake hybrid)

Gender: Female
Level: 7

Health: 700/700
Fighting value: 700/700
Soul Force: Early Mortal Realms

Qualification: 8
Chance: 8
Charisma: 8
Summary of the character panel:
[A small vase with great potential]

Xiao Xue: "..."

"Miss Xiao Xue, I...can I help you wash?" Qing Lin put the basin in her hand on the wooden frame outside the bed, stood nervously beside the bed, and said in a low voice.

"Hehe, no need, I'll do it myself." Xiao Xue shook her head with a smile, got down from the bed, then came to the wooden frame, and washed it casually.

She turned her head, looked at Qing Lin's tense appearance, and couldn't help laughing: "Don't be nervous, what's your name?"

"Ah?" Hearing this, Qinglin was stunned for a moment, then said hesitantly, " name is Qinglin."

"Oh." Xiao Xue nodded slightly, then looked at Qinglin with a purpose, and soon discovered the abnormality of Qinglin's eyes——

Her pupils are slightly strange, and there are three small dots hidden in the depths.

Perhaps because of its too weak strength, Qinglin's Jade Snake Three-Hua Tong has not yet fully awakened.

At the age of twelve or thirteen years old, reaching the seventh stage of Dou Qi, this kind of talent can already be regarded as an upper-middle level in the Dergama Empire.

Moreover, this is because Qinglin had neglected her cultivation in the past few years.

If she could have been properly trained at the beginning, I am afraid that she would already be a fighter by now.

This is the unique advantage of the Jade Snake Three-Hua Tong.

In the original book, Qing Lin even controlled a fourth-order snake monster comparable to Dou Ling with the strength of a Dou Zhe, which is enough to prove the extraordinaryness of the Green Snake Three-Hua Tong.

This thing, like the Enan poisonous body, is a BUG level existence.

However, Qing Lin, who possesses both human and snake-human bloodlines, also bears the discrimination and disgust from both the snake-human race and humans when he acquired this talent.

After all, she was just an innocent girl.

"Cultivate well, you don't need to do the work of serving people."

"I'll go and talk to my elder brother and second brother. From now on, you will follow me."


"Good, just be obedient."

"Miss Xiao Xue, I..."

Qing Lin anxiously wanted to explain something, but didn't know how to speak.

In her timid voice, there was actually a little anxious crying.

Looking at Qing Lin's timid and sensitive appearance, Xiao Xue sighed softly in her heart.

She stretched out a finger, touched Qing Lin's lips, and interrupted her.


Xiao Xue squatted down slowly, gently stroking Qinglin's head with her palm.

Then, under Qinglin's terrified expression, Xiao Xue held her arm, and carefully opened the sleeve, revealing the blue snake scale on her wrist.

At the same time, three fluffy tails emerged from behind her.

Qinglin subconsciously wanted to withdraw her arm, but when she saw the tail behind Xiao Xue, she was slightly taken aback, and actually forgot to move.

One of the tails was slowly wrapping around Qinglin's arm, and the soft touch made her unable to help pinching it with her hands.

Xiao Xue looked at Qinglin with a smile, and said softly, "Qinglin, don't pay too much attention to other people's eyes."

"Just remember, you don't live for others, you live for yourself!"

Listening to Xiao Xue's words, Qing Lin froze in place, and after a long time, some inexplicable splendor appeared on her cute little face.

In her pair of green pupils, three extremely small green dots flashed past.

"Thank you, Miss Xiao Xue..."

"You still call me Miss?" Xiao Xue tapped Qing Lin's forehead lightly, "You will practice with me from now on, what should you call me?"

"Thank... Thank you teacher." Qinglin hesitated for a moment, then said with a slightly red face.

Xiao Xue retracted her tail and nodded in satisfaction.

Well, children can be taught.

She stretched out her hand again, pinched Qinglin's little face, and issued a fierce "warning", "What you saw today, don't tell it, do you understand?"

"Let's go, let's go out to eat." Saying that, without waiting for Qinglin's answer, Xiao Xue got up and walked out.

Walking to the door, Xiao Xue stopped suddenly, leaned against the door frame, and looked back, "Little apprentice, don't you want to go?"

Qing Lin was taken aback for a moment, then a heartfelt smile appeared on her small face, and she trotted after her.

(End of this chapter)

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