Chapter 473: Working together to refine

The origin of the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire is a milky white lotus flower with pink veins.

This milky white lotus flower with pink veins floated in the air so quietly, as pure as a newborn baby, without any reaction to Xiao Xue and Gu Xun'er who were observing it.

The origin of the demon fire is not as violent as the alien fire, as if all the violence is divided along with the soul.

However, no one would doubt the terrifying energy contained in this lotus flower, which was definitely at the peak level of the Five-Star Fighting Saint.

Even though Gu Xun'er and Xiao Xue are both five-star fighting saints, the power of the demonic fire source still puts a lot of pressure on them.

Just being close to this lotus flower and the pure fire energy around it made Gu Xun'er's fighting spirit more active.

Of course, since Xiao Xue had refined three water-attributed strange fires when she was weak, her fighting spirit could still be regarded as a "water-fire" attribute.

Although the origin of the demonic fire also suppressed her, with the dragon-phoenix bloodline and strange water, it was not a big problem.

"If it were not suppressed by the Ancient Formation of Refining Heaven, this Pure Lotus Demon Fire would probably not be weaker than the Soul Clan's Void Swallowing Flame." Gu Xun'er said with emotion.

"Yes," Xiao Xue nodded, but did not refute Gu Xun'er's point of view.

"It can backfire the Pure Lotus Demon Saint to the point of death. Even if the Pure Lotus Demon Saint is old and frail, at the peak of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, he will at least be a Nine-Star Fighting Saint, otherwise there will be no chance at all."

"Xun'er, do you want to practice for a while longer?" Xiao Xue looked at Gu Xun'er.

"...No matter how hard you practice, you won't be able to break through in a short time. It's better to fight quickly!"

Gu Xun'er looked at the origin of the demon fire, hesitated for a moment and then said.

Although she can first refine part of the demon fire energy in the ancient formation to improve the "affinity", and then attack the origin of the demon fire.

However, the Pure Lotus Demon Fire is not comparable to other strange fires.

If she wanted to be effective, she would have to practice in the Ancient Heaven Refining Formation for at least a few years, so the effect of doing so wasn't really that big.

Xiao Xue nodded, "Okay, I'll help you protect the law."

Although it was Gu Xun'er who refined the Pure Lotus Demon Fire and she refined the Pure Lotus Demon Water, Xiao Xue's affairs still came after Gu Xun'er.

After all, when Gu Xun'er refined the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, he needed someone to protect him.

Moreover, the Pure Lotus Demonic Water is not easy to obtain. It requires Gu Xun'er's help after refining the demonic fire.

You must know that the Pure Lotus Demon Fire and the Pure Lotus Demon Water were originally produced from an ancient holy lotus when the world was first born.

The pure lotus demon fire is transformed from the lotus of the holy lotus, and the pure lotus demon water is transformed from its root system.

(There is an introduction to it when you first enter the Tomb of Heaven. You can also use Baidu on your own, so I won’t lose count of the words)

The Pure Lotus Demon Saint only regained the Pure Lotus Demon Fire back then and didn't care about the strange water in the mountains at all.

Before his death, he just opened up a space and sealed the demon fire.

In other words, the Pure Lotus Demon Fire and the Pure Lotus Demon Water are not in the same space -

The Pure Lotus Demon Fire was first taken away by the Demon Saint and then put into confinement, while the Pure Lotus Demon Water is probably still in the mountain range where it was born.

However, after all, the two were once one body, and even because they were transformed from the same holy lotus, they would not restrain each other, but would attract each other.

Therefore, after refining the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, Gu Xun'er should be able to rely on vague induction to find its "root system", which is the Pure Lotus Demon Water.

At that time, it was time for Xiao Xue to cheat.

In fact, for Xiao Xue, it doesn't matter whether she has the Pure Lotus Demonic Water or not. Anyway, she is invincible at the same level as the acquired Dragon Phoenix, and with a cheat, she can push through the Nine-Star Fighting Saint.

Therefore, it is naturally better to have the Pure Lotus Demonic Water, but it doesn't matter if there is not.

Now the business is whether Gu Xun'er can refine the Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

Of course, Xiao Xue's current strength, combined with the ninth-grade treasure pill, is more than enough to help Gu Xun'er refine the Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

Gu Xun'er took a deep breath, took out a ninth-grade treasure pill, and swallowed it.

This elixir has earth and cold attributes, and can form a protective layer as thick as the earth on the meridians.

Although it may not be useful against Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

Xiao Xue also summoned Three Thousand Sealing Star Water and Ten Thousands of Withered Bone Streams, which suppressed the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire to a certain extent. At the same time, the star power of the Three Thousand Sealing Star Water could also help Gu Xun'er.

After the power of the elixir spread, Gu Xun'er met Xiao Xue's concerned gaze, took a deep breath, raised her hand and patted the lotus into her chest.

As soon as the Pure Lotus demon fire entered the body, its ferocious fangs were revealed.

In less than a breath, the protective layer formed by the elixir was broken by the milky white flames. No matter how it recovered, it could not keep up with the destruction speed of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire. Shocking scars instantly appeared on Gu Xun'er's body.

She quickly took another ninth-grade treasure pill, Shengsheng Good Fortune Pill, which had a certain relief effect.

However, the pain of the refining process cannot be avoided, so there is still a possibility of failure.

In this blazing milky white fire, there is a faint hint of pink.

That is the original color of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, and it is also a symbol of the extreme richness of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

From Xiao Xue's perspective, Gu Xun'er immediately burst into tears, then showed a bitter look on her face, and then even her hair and eyebrows were almost on fire.

At this time, Gu Xun'er's body was filled with powerful Pure Lotus Demon Fire, so much so that her snow-white skin exuded a faint pink glow.

Xiao Xue on the side couldn't help but sigh, this Pure Lotus Demon Fire is so pink and white... Bah, this Pure Lotus Demon Fire is so fierce.

It is indeed the third ranked strange fire, it is really terrifying.

Without any hesitation, Xiao Xue immediately took out a ninth-grade treasure pill for body protection and swallowed it.

Then, Xiao Xue rushed forward, and the strange water spurted out, injected into Gu Xun'er's body, and began to suppress the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, assisting Gu Xun'er to refine it.

Because she had the body of a dragon and phoenix, and the origin of the demonic fire was swallowed by Gu Xun'er, Xiao Xue did not turn pink, but just felt a little hot.

However, even with Xiao Xue's strong help, Gu Xun'er's situation is still not very optimistic.

Sensing the origin of the demon fire that was about to be suppressed, Gu Xun'er immediately said: "Sister Xue'er..."

Xiao Xue received the signal and swallowed the Pure Lotus Demon Fire from Gu Xun'er's mouth.

Then, she used the power of her soul, strange water, and blood to forcibly suppress the Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

The demon fire origin that Gu Xun'er assigned to Xiao Xue for "keeping" was actually close to two-thirds of the total amount.

With such a large amount of demonic fire origin entering the body, Xiao Xue, who is a water attribute, also found it difficult to withstand it.

But fortunately, Longhuang's physique is extremely strong, so it is still within the tolerable range.

After dividing 60% to 70% of the demonic fire source, Gu Xun'er's pressure dropped sharply.

She was running her skills crazily, and her majestic fighting spirit continued to refine the remaining power of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

Not long after, Gu Xun'er recovered as before, and Xiao Xue did not hesitate to divide the Pure Lotus Demon Fire into two waves and return them to Gu Xun'er in batches.

Gu Xun'er stimulated the fighting spirit and drove it into the meridians.

After refining part of the origin, and after a period of running-in, Gu Xun'er has initially adapted to the impact of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

A stream of heat slowly flowed into the limbs and bones. After refining the source in batches, the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire finally became Xun'er's original fire.

Next, all that's left is to drive the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire into the Naling Spirit, and you're done.

However, this step is equally difficult - if the alien fire resists violently, then most of the previous refining effect will be lost, and the body will still withstand the burning of the alien fire.

Gu Xun'er took a deep breath, then closed her eyes and concentrated. The soul power between her brows surged slowly, constantly guiding the Pure Lotus Demon Fire in a relatively gentle way.

The milky white lotus flower with pink veins is also quite close to Xun'er now.

Without much resistance, it gradually approached the Naling that was emitting gray-blue light, and then got directly into it.

Seeing this scene with soul power, even Xiao Xue couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Perhaps the Pure Lotus Demon Saint took Gu Xun'er as his inheritor and secretly gave Gu Xun'er some kind of buff?

Otherwise, even if it loses its spiritual intelligence, the demon fire origin still has a high level of spirituality, and it should be very resistant to entering the Naling Spirit.

But no matter what, the pure lotus demon fire was finally refined.

Gu Xun'er's aura surged again, breaking through to the early stage of the Six-Star Dou Sheng without absorbing space energy.

Xiao Xue's three types of strange fires also gained part of the ability of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, and her fighting spirit cultivation level also improved a bit.

Xiao Xue breathed a long sigh of relief and lay down in the void. This trip made her very tired.

"Xun'er... you take a rest first, and then start using the Ancient Heaven Refining Formation... Hmm..."

"Sister Xue'er, just leave it to Xun'er..."

(End of this chapter)

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